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Private Living with ourselves [Kyra Perl]

Caedyn Arenais

The Silver Jedi Academy
Chasin City, Commenor
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl


Following the Invasion of Yurb, the Jedi Padawan Kyra Perl Kyra Perl and her Master were both taken to the Silver Rest on Kashyyyk in order to have their wounds treated by the Order's Healer's before returning to Commenor. It had only been a couple days, yet having debriefed with the Silver Assembly and reporting his experiences during the battle, Caedyn was now free to confer with his Apprentice and the pair try to move forward from the ordeal.

The experience had been a traumatic ordeal indeed, yet not having yet experienced the chaos and brutality of war, Caedyn felt for his Padawan and could recall just how hard it had been for himself after the devastation wrought upon the very world they now stood, following the occupation of the Sith Empire.

Only their second day back, the Jedi Knight walked with a hitch in his step, one arm cradling his midsection as he gingerly walked the hall towards the medical Dorms. He had of course informed Kyra that he was on his way, unlike the last time he had met with an extremely discomforting situation...Times that shall never be spoken of aloud.

Knocking upon the entrance to her Dormitory, Caedyn called to let her know it was him.
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The halls of healing were riddled with cases worse off than her. Like her sister, who had lost an eye. All Kyra needed now was rest and time. The true work would come when her shattered bones healed around the bolts that binded them, and the physical therapy could begin.

It would have been simpler to remove it, the odds of recovery guaranteed and the length of recuperation reduced significantly. But Kyra was stubborn, so her arm stayed. It was hers, she wasn't going to give it up that easily. The announcement earned the fluttering of her eyelids, the girl pulling from a drug-fueled drift of twilight awareness.

"Master?" Came her voice back, soft and thick with sleep. She raised her good hand, her left one, and tried to open the door with a push of the force. Most concerningly, nothing happened. Her brows furrowed as she stared at the fingers raised before her. Were they someone elses? The concept was lost-- forgotten as the hand fell back to her side and her head lolled to her pillows. Her eyes flickered closed, heavy and tugging.

This was all just a bad dream.

Caedyn Arenais


Caedyn opened the door and quietly stepped into the room, the medical ward for recovering patients was occupied by others who had also been through trauma and required observation from medical staff. Kyra's room was one of many, small and simple, a bed and a couple single-seater's for guests to sit and visit during the appropriate hours. Apparently he, Acaadi Acaadi and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser were among her most frequent visitors according to her registered nurse, although that hadn't surprised Caedyn much.

The sight of his Padawan resting upon the bed barely able to keep her eyes open put a tight knot in his gut, Caedyn's brows furrowing as he found himself hating himself for leading her into the battle over Yurb. Duty to the Order didn't do anything for the guilt that swept over him, knowing that she could have been kept safe on Commenor or Kashyyyk, well clear of the fighting against the Bryn'adul Horde...

"Hey kiddo..." he greeted her softly, moving to stand at her side and placing his left hand to her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze to let her know he was there for her. As if his voice wasn't enough.

"How're they treating you?" he asked, finding himself with a lack of better things to say...

Kark, he hated this.

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Kyra's eyes flickered back open, her disorientation passing as he solidified in front of her. She stared at him, a sense of awareness trickling to as his hand lingered on her shoulder.

"Master," she repeated, stronger this time. She tried to sit up, but the thick binding of her arm to her torso undid her efforts. A spark of fear hit her, the girl feeling trapped under the casts and the drugs. She fell back into the pillows, thrashing in protest. "Where's Nida?"

The fact that she had arrived back and recovered besides Nida in the intensive care unit with her sister yesterday had faded out of her, the past few days feeling like a waking dream of drifting faces. She grabbed onto his hand, her fingers clammy as she clung tight. "They wanna take it away from me," came the fevered murmur, her grip turning painful as a pair of wide set eyes turned crazed.

"You can't let them-- tell them no!"

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn hadn't yet checked in on her Sister, he had been too busy trying to delegate between his own recovery and his responsibilities to the Order, as well as trying to make sense of the situation they'd left behind on Yurb through every holo-net article or piece of information he could get from his fellow Jedi.

"Nida's alright, she's being looked after" he replied, his voice flat. Neutral. He couldn't be certain but it was what he wanted to believe and what he needed Kyra to believe for the time being to heal. "...-And no one's going to take anything away from you" he added, not entirely sure what she was implying but it sounded a little more on the delirious side than anything.

"You're back on Commenor, here with the rest of the Order. Try to relax..." He encouraged her, moving to take his seat nearby the bed; "The most important thing you can do right now is let yourself rest and recover". This was a place Caedyn was finding himself all too familiar with lately. There'd been more than a few nights where he'd been propped up against the chair, trying to stave off sleep for the sake of wanting to be there in case she'd woken up.

He had always known that training a Padawan would be a challenge, and it was a good one at that, yet the difficulty in learning and maintaining professional distance and minding his own emotional attachment was a struggle that seemed to be becoming more and more evident. Caedyn wanted to be able to protect her, yet at the same time he knew that for Jedi, this was part of the life...

"No one's going to hurt you here, Kyra".

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Kyra felt so small on that bed. Tears felt so distant, vague echos of a circumstance she couldn't touch. No one was going to hurt her here, he reassured her. She felt like a husk. You couldn't hurt a husk. It was all husky and stuff... like dead parchment...

She picked at the blankets, relieved to hear Nida was alright, yet uncomfortable as she felt like she had been told that before. Kyra frowned, straining to recall the moments that had brought her here. She could recall none of it, a strange haze over the small nudging of emotions that told her there were memories to be had.


The delirium seemed to fade, awareness replacing it. "We're alive?" She stated, trepidation to her tone as it barely broke a whisper. "We're home. ...There's no more Bryn?" She looked up at him, features pale and fingers shaking.

Caedyn Arenais

"We're alive" Caedyn replied, speaking in a soft yet confident manner; "We're back Home" he added. Commenor was as much a Home for Caedyn as any other planet ever could be, and now it seemed that the same could be said for many within the Order of the Silver Jedi.

"The Bryn'adul can't reach us this far inside Silver Space".

It was a fact that other Nation's couldn't currently bet on for reassurance like they could in that moment, and whatever remained of Yurb was still being assessed beyond his knowledge and awareness.

Those that had fought to defend Yurb had answered the call, and now humanitarian forces were doing what they could while the injured were spent in their recovery.

"A lot of Lervon are alive today because of how hard we all fought" he added, hoping that Kyra Perl Kyra Perl might take some comfort in knowing that much.

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