Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Little Sister of Ashla

Pomsty felt that familiar sting of abandonment from her god, as she drifted farther and farther away from the customary Darkness she knew all of her life. The Light and the Dark happen to be such polar opposites that her utilization of power needs to shift within her focus. Her potions store sat aside inside a little wooden box, and she could feel the intensity of its presence within the room. There is nothing she can do with them, as she felt a growing aversion to them today. These too can be relearned, by one who serves a different god, but she must first come to understand the basics of the power of the goddess who has introduced herself to Pomsty, and to basically renewed her entirely.

A handwritten letter was sent in Galactic Basic:
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Loske. Please come down to the lower levels of Coruscant. Walk the streets of Piya Kage Way westward from the genetic meat market, towards the intersection of Wokiksuye, -strangely Peacian, my native tongue, meaning to Remake and Reflect. Notice the vibrant flowers which are bloomed within a single pot set upon the stone pedistal, remarkably fortified under a ray of direct sunlight. Pluck one bud from its stem and pass under the stone archway just past the display. Will yourself at that moment to meet with me, and I shall receive you.

When such should occur, [member="Loske Matson"] shall witness the lower levels of Coruscant built up from stone and metal abolish from her vision, and the archway alone stands upon a fresh field of wildflowers, where the same potted flowering plant sits upon the pedestal just as it had before passing through into this seldom witnessed mystical place upon Coruscant. A dirt pathway leads to Pomsty's place of residence not far off in the distance, and shall come into view just past a stretch of trees. An ancient structure of volcanic stone, a natural Temple, long ago exposed and chiseled into multi-room accommodations by the generous magick of its host goddess Ashla, to house its Sages during ancient times.

Pomsty has yet to expose her secret to Cedric her most gracious host who invited her to remain upon Coruscant as his guest, but she shall in due time. For now she is still discovering the many aspects of her new home, and could not even hold a proper tour of it until completed! But she preferred Loske meet her here instead of publicly among the known Temples. It is not easy for the Nightsister to request help, and insight, but she stands at the crossroads of a path far different than she can simply deduce without proper guidance.

As Loske plucked the flower, Pomsty felt her presence within this realm, and she rose from the journals she had been gifted. She made her way towards the entrance of the sanctuary and set upon the dirt path to meet her guest.
Loske had never, ever, ever received a hand written letter.

Frank was quite perturbed to be delivering something on a scroll to her, rather than parsing an incoming transmission before his mistress was able to read it.

The contents within were a blend of intrigue and poetry, although once she attributed the penmanship to an author, the invitation made sense. After Tython, Loske and [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] could probably have called each other friends. Or, well, Loske called Pom a friend. She wasn't particularly constricting about who made it onto that list, but the woman had saved Loske's life, and friendship sounded better than anything to do with debtor.

She'd entered the location into her navicomputer on her speeder post haste, and zipped to the directive location, bringing Frank along so he wouldn't feel terribly grouchy about further abandonment. She had hoped not to be returning to the underbelly of Coruscaunt anytime soon. It was a mix of memories, and while the pleasant trumped the terrible, it was still an unpleasant area in contrast to the skyscrapers above. It had no sky. For someone who was born to live amongst the stars, it was a dingy concept.

As Frank and Loske travelled to the location, she couldn't help but catch her breath at the juxtaposition of a location. Where there was no sky, there was still sunlight. A brilliant glow that felt warm on her skin, and not artificial as one would expect. There was flora here too, true to the letter's promise. The light passed through the brilliantly hued petals, making them look luminescent. Loske was wary to disturb them, but she'd been asked to, and...given the interactions on Tython, she knew there was magick behind her hostess' request. Maybe when she picked a flower something incredible would happen.

There was nothing so incredible, but in a coincidental amount of timing, the delicate frame of the raven-haired sorceress emerged in the garden and was making a route to the nascent Padawan. Loske looked from the flower, to the woman in obvious confusion. Was this a doorbell blossom? It seemed the petals themselves had announced her arrival.


"This place is lovely, thank you for inviting me." she started with a wave to the hostess. "How can it exist down here?"
"Another realm, Loske. Ashla lives right here in nature," it is the only logical explanation Pomsty can deduce. "People flock to her planet and she loves them, but this is Coruscant the way she meant for it to be, out of her far distant past which nobody living can possibly remember." The witch smiled at her very first guest. To her this place is utter paradise, and she would do nothing to change it. Seeing the look on [member="Loske Matson"]'s face as she witnessed the buildings literally vanish since stepping under the archway, the Dathomiri saw her own first impression of it all paint upon the expression of another. Magick does that, more often than not; it is one reason she loves it so very much. "Come on Alice," she said referring to an old fable, as her smile broadened.

Pomsty turned around upon her heels as she walked along the dirt path and took in her surroundings again, as she does every day. The sun streaming brightly through the billowing clouds overhead, and no evidence of there ever being an industrialized civilization erected here in sight. Why anyone would want to destroy this land to support a population growth, its sheer evil as far as she can determine! This Dathomiri is all about nature and making it provide for her, but not at the cost of itself ever! She looked down over the herb garden which is flourishing, having no current solid idea what magick potions she would brew with them.

"Everything I need for greatness is right here, Loske," she said looking around her, "and I have asked you here because I need your help to understand where to begin. What you have learned as a Jedi is so very different from my own magick, that I must begin anew." The shade of the trees as she neared them sent down a cooling breeze at about ten degrees difference. The rustling of the leaves overhead soothed her troubled mind. "I do have experience with the Force, but not of the initial Light," she admitted. "I am afraid I steal too much time already from your Master, and he is a very busy man. That is why I have sought you out, we can begin together. Journals are amazing, but there is nothing to substitute for proper guidance."

She pressed her hand lightly upon the crudely fashioned wooden door to her residence and it flew ajar at her mere presence. "Are you game?" she asked. The droid racing past them both through the entryway, while Pomsty held the door open for Loske to enter before her.

Ashla showered them both with her presence.

That seemed to make sense. [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] spoke of Ashla with a similar reverence as Cedric did, respecting her as a powerful deity. Loske still liked that the representation was female. She mmmm'd along in understanding of the explanation, and the supposed intention of Ashla in relationship to all planets. If Coruscaunt hadn't been volleyed over the proverbial governance net so many times, built on, and industrialized it would exist as the keyhole of paradise they were currently standing in. The deeper they dove, the more the conservatory consumed - completely replacing the view of the dungy underground if she were to look over her shoulder. Even Frank seemed to appreciate the medley of flora.

Loske's senses were consumed by the ethereal warmth of this nexus created by the witch, and she was pulled out of the semi-dreamlike-state when Pomsty got her name wrong and called her Alice. She quickly surmised it must be in reference to something she had no clue about and noted that she would have to ask Frank about it later -- he had far more access to the holonet and the fables that raised children than her. She'd had no childhood.

Understand where to begin? Jeeze, that's what Loske was trying to do right now too. She was relieved when the sorceress finally suggested that they'd be starting at a similar point of origin in the discovery. It was true, Cedric was ridiculously busy, and it felt nice to be a way to offload some of that responsibility, although she wasn't sure she was totally qualified. It would have been a different matter entirely if Pom was interested in getting into a cockpit.

She stepped through the threshold with a decisive nod. She was game. A rogue grin spread across her lips and she looked to her hostess "Ready player one."

Fingertips rose up to tap her lips in consideration though "You seem incredibly powerful, what experience with The Force do you already have?"
"Well," Pomsty thought about it. "There is Telepathy for one," she said diving right into [member="Loske Matson"]'s forethought, before speaking aloud again. "Something that is probably bad by its use and intent, but of that I am not certain, Malachia. Do you know it?" The idea to be able to learn anything she can apply spiked her enthusiasm which could easily be deduced in her tone. "And then there is Force Crush to the heart, of course," which she had utilized upon Tython. "Flying...and the Electron Tornado or better called Spontaneous Combustion, I once generated to melt battle droids; but it took alot out of me, so I don't recommend it unless during great duress and nothing else being launched at you," she stated matter of factly.

"Then there is the magick stuff, potions, incantations, each invoking demons which will no longer approach me. Traversing the galaxy and such, but well, I cannot go there as my last god is there ready to have my head." It isn't a pretty state to be in, but Ashla is very strong here and therefore Pomsty has no regrets about her decision to learn. "This thing is happening!" She has no doubts about it, which had you asked her last month about it, she would have had no idea where she would end up. "I am here to stay."

As Pomsty spoke her last statement the room brightened, and the journal she had been reading prior to Loske's arrival, slowly flew through the air towards the two. Pomsty grasped it midair. It's binding read Rammahgon.

"This I just happened to discover here one morning; it's fascinating. I really need help regarding what it feels like to move the Force in your way." Pomsty has always forced her magick into creation, and that simply puts a barricade between her and Ashla, and she has no success with it.
It bothered her how easily people could inject themselves into her mind. She'd have to work on making her mentality a little more inaccessible. She thought of the words Pomsty left impressed on her mind like a physical object, and gave them a mental nudge out.

The list of instances [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] prattled off made Loske apprehensive. They all sounded malicious, and she nigh stopped in her tracks when she mentioned the Malachia. She had heard of it, she'd witnessed it. It had been one of the scariest moments of her little clone life.

It wasn't until her declaration that Loske realized that the witch had been inconclusive about where she tread on the fence between worlds, religions, and general alignment. She seemed enthusiastic with her choice, and it brought a small smile to the kiffar. Pomsty was asking for training that the Padawan learner wasn't sure she could provide, but..she would do what she could. And she could ask questions, and they could work through this together. Instinctively, she stepped back when the book came in their direction, but Pom intervened, bringing the book down from its trajectory to her grip.

Frank hooted with some alarm from another room, coming whirring back from his discoveries and drawing next to the two women once again.

"How do you feel when you're using those techniques? For example, when you were crushing hearts on Tython.." that sentence felt sticky in her mouth "Were you angry?"
Pom took no moment to collect her thoughts. She remembered exactly how she felt. "No," she said abruptly as she shook her head. "I certainly used to; but on Tython there was desperation...and a guiding voice. It's almost as if its my own, but it clearly was not; if that makes sense. It steps in and just declares what should happen next. Like a demand of action, it shouts YES or NO. And I get this urge to listen to it. In this book," Pomsty opened the journal and turned to the pages in reference, "right here, it says its con-sci-ence. Some outside guidance." Her gaze upon Loske is most serious, studying the Jedi's reaction to learn what the girl must be thinking of her right now. "Maybe it was where I stood before, in the chaos, that I never heard of such a thing before I came here. Can you identify with this?" She is begging on the inside that Loske will confirm it. The Sorceress realized she must sound insane if [member="Loske Matson"] could not identify with such a voice. Since her demons left her, and her spirits slept, she has no true reason any voice should remain. And there is one, the same every time, calling out to her day and night.

"Loske I tell you after decades of living amidst the chaos, everything I want to do today, as I used to do it, is stopped by this same whispering voice! If I am off my rocker just impale me now and put me out of my misery before I lose my mind completely to this insanity! Please!" Intuition is one thing, but it's nothing like having a conscience awakened inside your head!

She stopped speaking and felt practically faint during the time she spent waiting, a mere few seconds, before receiving a reply.

What would Cedric say about it all?! Afterall, she spoke of this voice once before with him, and he did not have any clear picture about what she spoke! He did believe he had only an inkling however. Pomsty should have pursued the topic further for clarity! Pom stared ahead like a deer caught in headlights.
She breathed a sigh of relief when Pomsty denied anger being the source of her actions. Instead, a little voice? Her brow quirked as the woman spilled into rationalizing. She looked down, tracing the witches' slender finger to the definition of the word. A small smile formed at her lips and she looked up at [member="Pom Stych Tivé"], her expression soft while she just continued talking. This was exactly how Loske was a majority of the time.

Pomsty was going into drama-mode, and Loske had to laugh lightly to prevent the woman from teetering into hysteria. Her hands gripped the biceps of her friend reassuringly, as if physically grounding her back to reality. "That's totally normal, Pomsty." She reassured, "In fact, it's good. The people who have a conscious have some sort of moral compass, that helps them navigate between right and wrong.

I don't know your history, but it sounds like you're used to operating offence...and on the word of...some..god?" She was a little leading with the last question, but she literally knew nothing about witches. With a pat on either arm, she withdrew her grip and put her hands on the book, suggesting she remove it from the hold of the pale mistress and review the page's contents for herself.
Pomsty let loose an audible sigh of relief at [member="Loske Matson"]'s affirmation. The floating spots of light that had begun forming within her vision, took a moment to clear. She knew the answer deep inside, of course, but just... "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that!" How could anyone know? Even Cedric? For neither of them had walked her path; right? They were born of a different cloth.

Pomsty thought it was consciousness, like sentience; and well the term conscience had just not been in her vocabulary until now. "I kind of require a little elaboration on the subject, if you might," she requested.

"To answer your suspicions, yes. My previous god made quite a bit of demands upon me. In fact he was bound to Dathomir before I drew him away. I provided him a means of an outreach. Now that door is closed off to him, he is a bit pissed." But Pomsty's sister could do what Pom had learned. Both used to traverse the nether realm to bring the power of the Fanged God to where they were in their own unique ways. Now Pomsty has her heart set on something new, that being the Empyrean, whenever and if Ashla agrees it can and should be traversed.

"But, since coming here I can safely determine he was a real bastard for a god," she added. "Dathomir has a goddess too. Do you think all the male gods are the demanding types? They do seem keen upon war and death to non-believers. Has there ever been one male that taught compassion?" She truly does not expect an answer. What would they know about it anyhow?!
A swell of pride blossomed in her chest at having successfully mitigated [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]'s stresses that were leading her down the rabbit hole.

"I'll do what I can.." Loske offered, glancing at the definition of conscience once more, to give herself a place of familiarity to start.

con·science - /ˈkän(t)SHəns/
an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behaviour.

"It's an inward recognition or sense of right and wrong." She started. A conscience was something she was confident she had, her heart was incredibly pure and her intentions well focused. This was a topic she'd never spoken out loud, but didn't feel any sort if imposter syndrome speaking through her thoughts. "It can excuse, or accuse a person. It's inherent to each one of us..sometimes you'll hear someone say that person has no conscience which...I honestly don't think is true. I think some people can just ignore it. A conscience is gives warnings, or gives guidance when we have to make a decision. Like that YES and NO you heard.

Everyone inherits a faculty of it, but flawed. You can train it though, give it principles to help you distinguish between right and wrong.

I don't think any two people have identical guidelines. Ashla's standards are firm and righteous, and probably a good place to start as a guide."

Wow, she was talking a lot. She clicked her teeth shut and looked down at the book again, shifting her weight from foot to foot self consciously. She'd never delivered a lesson that long. Or any lesson at all.

"He does sound wretched," Loske responded, coloured impressed at the story. Apparently Pom had direct interactions with a powerful deity, to the point of divine intervention? Wild. She giggled at the discussion of genders.

"I don't know a lot about gods." She admitted. "So I'll probably sound offensive when I speculate, but..uhm...I think most origins of divination like the idea of femininity being approachable, generous, stalwart and prosperous. Probably something to ultimately align to maternal roots, motherly protection and such. Masculine figures tend to be more outward and abrasive in their interpretations, combatant and the representation of strength differs between the two...

I don't know though." She restated, getting lost in her own articulation. "I'm just making that up as I go."
'Wow!' Pomsty thought at [member="Loske Matson"]'s lengthy definition. "That sure does sound like it. But I swear I never had one before!" she stated awestruck. All of Pomsty's voices had their own names, especially Legion and they could always be found in chronicles of demonology. Pomsty would not trade places with anyone right now; she may not understand everything that is happening, but it just feels right for her.

Loske's explanation seemed very helpful and Pomsty not only listened attentively, but started taking mental notes, forming jingles out of her friend's words and committing them to memory as she would an intricate and very important incantation. 'Ashla's standards are firm and righteous, and probably a good place to start as a guide...'

"That sounds about spot on regarding everything male too," even among the animal kingdom, "well just about everything male, that is." Oddly enough her opinions on everyone had begun softening.

"In all honesty, I am not certain that I have met any supreme being which would be considered the creator of all things, and organizer of Physics. I firmly believe all who interact with us are mere demigods, and our concept of god is far too small to ever truly equal its magnitude," she affirmed. No god would serve it's creation so much to be tormented by it! "Too much?" she asked, uncertain if the topic were too deep fro two without having a drink in hand. Perhaps someday her opinion on this will evolve too, due to personal engagement with Ashla.

You," she spoke to the droid. "The kitchen is that way," she pointed. "Inform the servitude contraption to fetch us some tea, post haste." She has no idea how to speak to these sorts of creations, for she never had one before, and doesn't interact much.

Pomsty nearly forgot what caused her to ask Loske here in the first place. "If you will, just please move the Force in your special way and let me observe the factors you set into motion to accomplish this great feat!" She truly is excited to be up front and so very close as a witness to the task.
"I don't know." Loske repeated, never having divulged her thoughts in this sort of conversation before. "I uh, I mean, if I were a god, I'd want to be benevolent. And if I did interact with my creations, I'd want to observe and help them.

Maybe it's too painful for a creator to see us. There's so much strife, maybe they want us to sort it all out ourselves, without them intervening." She shrugged loosely, not sure if she took comfort in that thought or not.

Frank hooted indignantly when [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] pointed at him. Contraption?! Excuse you, he defended for himself, Loske not needing to speak on his behalf. I am not a serving droid. I am a H3N-R1 A.I. You are the hostess here.

Oh dear! Frank could be sensitive. Loske kneeled down to the astromech, who was sharking with irritation and draped an arm over his dome and gave a pat just below the triangular shape affixed to the front of the droid's swivelling top. She dropped her voice, saying something to play to his ego and get him to tremour only slightly and give a growling-sounded weeeeoouup in protest before angling himself away decisively in the direction Pom had suggested.

Loske unfolded her legs and rose to stand again, knotting her fingers together and dropping her hands in front of her, wringing them slightly. "Best you talk to him like a human. He likes that." She explained. Pomsty was from a different time, after all, she'd sent a handwritten note to get them there.

She was slightly taken aback with Pom's request, and wasn't quite sure what she was looking for. "You want me to use The Force? Do a trick...or something?" It sounded like it. There were a few things Loske could do on-command. Far more now than if Pom had asked her a few months ago. She pressed her lips together in thought, before she nodded and closed her eyes. The best way to show off the magnitude of The Force would be to call on Ashla herself.

Loske closed her eyes, gathering herself in a tight metaphysical bundle, settling in on her awareness and her spot within the nexus that was the witch's home. When her eyes slowly opened, Pom would be able to detect the level of energy that the youth was harnessing. Her cells were exploding excitedly, colliding and renewing all at once. Brilliance set upon her skin, her golden hair quivering as if there was a light breeze. A glow set upon Loske in a majestic way, Force Light itself. She extended a hand out to Pom, her palm facing upward if the witch wanted to take the Padawan's hand.
Pomsty did not understand droids. When it gets into the kitchen it will learn that there is some outdated contraption which will do all the work for it and all it needs to do is bring everything back this way. Why anyone had to go and invent AI for a roaming trash can she has no idea what they were thinking. Battle droids are one thing, but Pomsty would befriend a cat over a droid any day!

The Nightsister on the threshold of severe change stood awestruck as her mouth dropped ajar while [member="Loske Matson"] did her magick. She felt humbled and on the verge of tears over the transformation and the sensation which permeated her home. It was exactly what she required, what she needed to study up close.

Cedric was very clear when he described the Jedi’s communion with Ashla as a conjoined purpose. She thought it... “Beautiful.”

She reached out for Loske when the girl offered her hand and Pomsty lightly touched upon her fingertips. She gasped at the rush of Ashla who poured her grace down to wash over her too. Pomsty closed her eyes and watched the whole spectacle through Force Sight. “She truly is peace,” she affirmed regarding Ashla. Pomsty had never witnessed peace, therefore she had not believed in it.

Pomsty settles her Soul in that state, it being so opposite to the mastery of the Darkside. Her senses delighted with it. She could fee her heart pounding vibrantly and almost hear the heart of Coruscant pulsating within its core. ‘Everything fits into place. Everything belongs. Every action, Just.’ This is she. ‘This is Ashla. This is Loske Matson. This is [member="Cedric Grayson"]. This is Jedi.’ “And this is me,” she whispered the final words as Ashla drew them into her realization.

Pomsty felt a weight lift from her essence like never before. At that moment her spirit leapt and she lost conscious awareness. The Nightsister slowly slipped to the floor. She body unable to move, but her mind listening to the Spirit of Ashla which had slain her, learning whatever she may from this Mother.

It was not but ten minutes before Pomsty could finally rise up again. “Thank you for that,” she said to Loske. Something that never existed in any form as a part of her, had just a moment ago been born suddenly into her.

It is finished...
The sensation burned, it was usually done to quell any darksiders in the immediate area, but it seemed the most efficient demonstration Loske could think of. Her senses suggested [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]'s anxiety and wonder, and brought a small smile to the girl. In that moment, the Jedi offspring was a beacon of light, a paragon amidst the nexus in a generous way. The only way she was able to do this, was to focus back on how she'd originally felt on Weapon Ultima. The sensation within her too powerful to be contained, and erupted in complete brilliance.

When Pom dropped Loske's hand, the Padawan in turn clenched her fists and focused on reducing the amount of assistance she was requesting from The Foce with slow, heavy breaths. Force Light was typically used to terminate dark side applications within The Force, and such a display, and interaction between the darkside witch and the lightside Padawan would certainly diminish any residing fortitude the bogan had within Pomsty. The illumination that surrounded her began to fade, stinging random parts of her body as it did so. The light was searing, and painful with its power. The reduction became a little more dramatic when the witch crumpled to the ground, and Loske felt alarm.

"Pomsty?" She gave herself a physical shake, blinking several times and dropping to her knees to check on the woman's vitals. She was still quite alive.

Frank turned around the corner, noisily clattering with whatever china he could find. It looked like a mishmash of things he'd acquired, and Loske wasn't sure if the presentation was out of spite or actual ineptitude with the given task. He paused but a foot away from the hostess, a low, displeased thrum exuding from his circuits.

"Oh, er," she scratched behind her neck before rubbing both of her hands together and dropping them to her lap. "You're welcome? What were you saying....that was you?"
Pomsty felt exuberant. She reached out a hand and commanded a teacup and saucer to draw within reach of her fingertips. To utilize this extreme of the Force, it was gentle, organized, calm. It feels…the only way to describe it further would be that it simply feels right.

Loske had asked a question regarding what Pomsty spoke before she had become completely consumed. "For the first time I was filled with the Light which you wield. I was ready, and it didn't burn like before. I had lived under the impression that I was…that everything which made me was brought forth out of Darkness. Ashla just then told me that I had been mistaken. I have a choice. And I have made my choice." Her eyes beamed with a vibrance they had never exhibited before.

Pomsty stretched out her arm across the room and released her cup and saucer, suspending it in mid air before them. She held it still before her with her mind, watching the ripples in the tea subside completely. Stretching out her concentration over the bare room where the two stood, she drew all manner of tapestries from the distant walls towards them, and held each article in the air through the light of the Force, watching the tea water remain placid within the little glass teacup.

Pomsty swirled the items throughout the room, finally lifting the little droid high off its wheels as well. She stepped off the landing and began to lead the way towards her study. "Come," she guided [member="Loske Matson"], before gently lowering the droid to the floor once again after she passed him by, finally retrieving her teacup and saucer from the air into her grasp.

"Have some tea," she added nonchalantly.

Her first feat would be to attempt to generate a Talisman from this remarkable power.
Ashla was the giver of choice. Allowing people to grow under her righteous umbrella, forged in her maternal graces. Loske liked the sound of that, and she could sense the serenity that encompassed her friend now. She'd had a different sort of ethreal feeling when Loske had first arrived at Pomsty's home, now, the witch felt like an unburdened, glowing presence. Not as benevolent as some the girl had encountered, but not as foreboding either.

Frank hooted angrily as he was taken from the floor without his permission, and Loske reached over to ease him down with her arms. He didn't like this Force stuff, mostly because his programming was to tailor his personality to counter Loske's. So, the padawan grunted with some effort as she eased the hefty astromech back down to the ground. "Sorry wanted to come..."

Is this what you're doing without me these days?

Loske winced and shrugged at her droid companion, taking the cup of tea as it floated in her direction. They were moving to a new room now, and she played her role following the witch as she directed the pair through her home. [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] spoke of the darkside and lightside in binary terms. Two opposing dichotomies. In Loske's opinion, which was only semi-formed, The Force wasn't really aligned one way or the other, it was completely up to the wielder.

"What was the darkside like?"
"I almost forgot!" Pomsty announced as she reached behind her as they walked, and from the things she had just twirled throughout the room now piled in a lump upon the floor, she drew the gifted journal to fly through the room and into her awaiting palm.

The question drew her focus as had she been asked just hours before, she would not be able to answer properly educated. But for this moment, she certainly can offer a proper response. "The dark side is like a hurricane, it is like molten metal…it is like spontaneous combustion, volatile, intense and destructive. One needs very thick skin to orchestrate it, and perhaps to say a stone heart too is justifiable." She did not know if it makes sense at all. "The dark side is like smashing your ship into a cliffside and living through it with the headache, forever. Maybe that makes even less sense; huh?" she thought as they walked. "Its like an eternally screaming child, and you a mother who hasn't slept since the birth of your long awaited bundle of joy; with his screams being his way of telling you that he hates you." Her gaze is serious. She decided, "Its a queen, and it honestly causes you to long for death." There; that ought to do it.

She rounded the archway to her study and all manner of magickal things can be found within the room. "This stuff just happened to be here when I arrived. If Ashla put this here for me to find, she truly does have a sense of humor and demands dedication, for as you can see, she never brought a single chair." Pomsty thought her bed might disappear before the night is over.

She made her way over to a fireplace, where the fire burned and a cauldron hung suspended over the flames. The witch set her teacup down upon the mantle and held her hands over the brew. Concentrating, she cast Light into the base and then opening her eyes watched as it took on a remarkable sheen. "There it is!" she delighted in the handiwork. All she needs now is to get a clue what to make from it!

She grabbed hold of a crystal which dangled from a silver chain, and holding it between her fingers and thumb began to rub it, filling it with the Light she learned to identify all because of what [member="Loske Matson"] had shown her.
Like a hurricane. When she’d first met Cedric, he’d explained that she was like a tempest in the Empyrean. All storms were alike. The metaphors Pomsty painted were effective, and the Padawan understood why the sorceress was seeking an alternative source from which to draw her power.

The fact that this home had been created by The Force’s intention was marvellous to Loske. Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé seemed to take no credit for the architecture, decor or choice of location.

The pearly skinned woman went to work on something, actively engaging with the home, cauldron and some crystal. Loske furrowed her brow to focus on the small gem. Was that a kyber? Was something about to be weaponized? Instead of theorizing, she asked:

“What are you doing?”


INFJ | Cantankerous by Rite | Thee Ever-Nerd
Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt asked about the witch's work. "Well... You have the Force. Eons ago, it was taught to my people who have since evolved it away from its...parent practice. My people don't get out much, and so our way is rather mystical to your beliefs."

Pomsty held up the crystal and examined it as it glowed between her fingertips. "This can hold many powers, even items inside for safe keeping." She looked at the young Jedi. "What shall we make for you?" She hopes to present the Knight with a token for her kindness in helping the Nightsister achieve her objective today, to identify the full essence of the Winged Goddess, or Ashla.

Pomsty understood that the girl holds more power than even she realizes. Maybe there is something the Nightsister can offer to help Loske come into her own.
"I..." Loske was shocked that Xotomi Xotomi / Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé could even offer to create something with The Force. All Loske knew was that you could use it. Harness it for a brief interaction, and then be done with it. To create something of such permanence and prolonged effects was sensational to the Jedi wannabe. "Me? Make something for me? What are you going to make for you?

I don't know what...I need? I guess counter something that keeps happening to me..that's not so great?"

Unconsciously, she twisted the ring of knoshi she wore around her finger. It was supposed to help her maintain focus. A little trinket she'd scored from The Alliance a year or two ago. A trinket like that perhaps.

"I..." she started again, truly at a loss of suggestions. What did she need? She felt like nothing. "I keep getting stabbed in the stomach." She murmured sheepishly, looking away from the witch and back around the room. She'd been shot on Tython, where their friendship had blossomed, and then on Chandrila she'd been carved out with a poison-tipped blade.

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