Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little kid looking to make some money.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

You are imprisoned in a cage that you have no hope of breaking out of, how can you do anything for anyone? Also you are awaiting to be tried on crimes across the galaxy dealing with several factions. Once again, how can you do anything for anyone?
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Yeah thats not really how things would work if you expect people to take it seriously. If an event like you being captured happened and then suddenly you start up this idea to form a clone army and taking jobs for it claiming that it happened before you got captured, people will not respond well to it. People have been giving you a chance and trying to help you out, so I suggest you start listening to them before you end up in the same position that a guy called Cloudburner ended up in.

To give you the quick version of the story, he betrayed people and then tried to claim he was the good guy. He jumped from faction to faction causing problems in a short amount of time for every group he was in. He god modded, he did things without worrying about the consequences, and then when the consequences came he did everything he could to weasel his way out of them. Eventually no one wanted to have anything to do with him and would not RP with him. He caused a lot of problems OOCly as well and this eventually got him banned as he went after people he didn't like in OOC threads.

Your behavior has currently been similar to his and no one wants to see you go down the same path. So even if you do not like what people are saying to you, try listening to their advise. It is not fun for anyone to deal with people like Cloudburner and it never ends well for that kind of person.
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Thanks for the wise words , so I'll just leave this char like this. But it seems that I'm never going to be able to use him ever again , since I've been with the SSC for about 2 days and still no trial. I've even PMed the owner of the faction , but still no response.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] Because of your criminal actions and unwanted attention you are being terminated from the Banking Federation, if you wish to RP this that's fine but unnecessary since you have not RPed with the company already.

[member="Darth Missan"] If you need a job here at the Banking Federation we have multiple positions open.

[member="Gray Raxis"] Dear goodness I remember cloudburner, almost cracks me up thinking about him. I swear he was unanimously hated by everyone on Chaos. Good times good times.
[member="Gray Raxis"] why i took iic to iic ooc i like the kid. [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] no hard feelings but i screwed up on a few sites i don't want you to do the same.

look this isn't a dump on the kid thread don't make this one.

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