Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Species Lifeform 18



Intent: To create a alien series of highly exotic lifeforms capable of fully countering force sensitives and advanced technology through extreme genetic assimilation and enhancement rather than force influence~
Image Credit: Aster Clarke [X] | Prometheus | Starcraft

Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: N/A

  • Name: Lifeform 18
  • Designation: Sentient (Hive Mind)
  • Origins: Netherworld of The Force [X]
  • Average Lifespan: 1-5 Years (Eggs) 5-50 (Hatchlings) 50-500 (Adolescents) 500-1000 (Adult) 1000+ (Elder)
  • Estimated Population: Unique

  • Breathes: Type III/IV (Adaptable)
  • Average Height of Adults: 6FT - 20FT
  • Average Length of Adults: Varies
  • Skin color: Various [Adaptable]
  • Hair color: Various [Adaptable]
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Races: N/A



Lifeform 18 is a mysterious eldritch-like creature and the first of its kind discovered by Titan after experiments regarding travel to the nether realm. Their true origin in the nether is unknown as is their exact purpose aside from the consumption and assimilation of all living organic matter and the devouring of any sentient creatures who may possess genetic traits that can be collected into their ever shifting and evolving gene pool. At its current maturity the lifeform has adapted quite the physical form. Keeping its structural shape held together via an armored exoskeleton that protects the vital core of their body. Multiple limbs and many sensory organs, crystal-like bones and natural bio-luminescence Lifeform 18 is visually dazzling as they are deadly. However, upon further study the lifeform has appeared to display the unique ability to not only collect the genetic code of other lifeforms into themselves but even distribute enhanced code bonded with her own into the genetics of other creatures to drastically mutate and enhance their biological nature. 18 appears to function primarily in four simple phases. Consume, assimilate, enhance, and replicate. All leading to the end goal of adjoining other lifeforms into their hive collective, driven by a sense of oneness and wholeness that gives the creature purpose and allows it to grow and evolve in a rapid pace based on the growth of its colony. The means of which this can be achieved varying wildly depending on the method utilized by the rapidly adapting creature. However, for all the genetic code it can consume, its own body can only grow and mutate to a certain level before it begins to fail, only allowing the lifeform to temporarily draw on the traits of those it has assimilated and adding it to its base code for a short time. Only capable of enhancing its own physical form rather than fully transforming into the creatures it consumes. Such abilities only to be found in other creatures it enhances or in some cases may reproduce if the lifeform ever reaches such a maturity before termination protocols are initiated. The traits it has evolved for its base code are documented as followed~


Forcebreaker: Due to experiments conducted upon the lifeform during the early stages of its conception the subject once produced a high count of Midi-chlorians cells and showing much promise to be an excellent candidate for special force sensitive related projects. However, after an incident in the labs Subject 18 reacted to one of the experiments with hostility, rapidly mutating and devolving, completely shedding its unique force sensitive genetics and purging them from its biological system entirely after it understood outside influences were causing disruptions in its growth. Attempts were made to reverse this but 18 only grew more agitated, causing it to design a solution to the thing threatening its survival. The egg soon released highly radioactive, electromagnetically charged spores into the environment within its containment cell. Personnel within the environment reported highly sharp mental pains when attempts to focus, and a complete dulling and ensnaring of emotions. Upon further study it was discovered that the lifeform developed a defense mechanism against force sensitive organisms much similar to species such as Ysalamiri, using these spores to disorientate, confuse and ensnare any sentient organic creature with highly active Midi-chlorian cells. However, the lifeform did not stop there, upon the egg hatching. The organism within displayed dazzling traits of bioluminescence along its body, and as it grew 18 evolved the ability to focus this organic light by flashing it with highly radioactive UV-like rays that appear to only cause a reaction to Midi-chlorians, temporarily disrupting their function and weakening the influence of a force users connection and power in the force when directly exposed to the bioluminescent light. Even the creatures tail can release a toxic venom that's only purpose and function is to attack Midi-chlorians after injected into the body of a force sensitive and daze the mind, weakening the key aspects of a force sensitives power.

Azure Tendrils: Upon birth the mysterious lifeform appeared fully aware of the dangers of the environment it was coming into, and when the day came for the shell to break and the egg to hatch 18 seemed to have no intention of being disadvantaged. Developing a its own completely unique evolutionary trait that serves as 18s greatest and most fascinating asset. Hosted within the body of 18 are these tendrils which consist mainly of extremely powerful nerves and muscles capable of rapidly expanding and growing in length. Comparable to the industrial strength and efficiency of machines and taking the exclusive shape of long, snake-like tentacles that sprout from the core of the body from the back and develop crystal-like talons in order to grip and manipulate objects. The length of these tendrils can extend to a max length of approximately 30 yards. Making them highly effective tools and essential to the lifeforms survival. Their strength is unrivaled by most organic lifeforms, a single tendril is shown to be several times stronger than two of the mightiest wookies combined. Documented to be shown completely tearing through metal, stone, and even purified crystals and therefore finding no issue when devastating flesh and bone. Powerful enough to lift approximately two tons and faster than the human eye can track Subject 18 is easily the most difficult of all the lifeforms to maintain and work with due to its high number of biological systems designed to guard it from harm. The talons capable of excreting a strong silk material as well as ejecting bone-like spires to stab into prey only to then slither little eaters from the tendrils in order to feast on the genetic material and insides of their prey. From silk spinners, to limbs in which the lifeforms walks upon and scales any surface, to feeding tools and extremely powerful weapons these multipurpose limbs are highly dangerous and must be restrained before handling of the subject, or avoided at all cost.

Energized Silk: The silk produced by 18 appears to have a number of unique genetic properties unseen even in many spider-like across the cosmos who produce a similar substance. The silk is contained within incredibly complex organs within the lifeforms back which can then be pushed through a select number of tendrils that erupt from the spine. Capable of preforming a range of versatile task depending on how they are spun the young xeno has used this powerful substance to both hunt its prey, quickly traverse from one location to another, defend itself from threats and even imprison its meals in a silk cocoon. Due to the incredible elasticity and durability of the silk cutting through it can be an exercise in frustration as the highly dense fibers within the silk prevent it from easily splitting apart and due to the high bio electrical field flowing through the silk it is extremely resistant to heat and even plasma, unable to be severed by lightsabers or baster fire. Alternatively, pulling the silk apart is nearly impossible. In a test with the silk a rope of web was attached to two vehicles which drove in different directions at high speeds. The test resulted in the web being pulled so thin it reversed in a devastating rebounding with such ferocity that the engines of both vehicles failed and gave out, the web then recoiled itself back to its original shape and forcing both the ships to collide in an explosive crash. The silk of Lifeform 18 is by far one of its greatest tools. However, this silk does not have unlimited use and the more that is done with it the more taxing it is to the lifeform. The fluid can be consistently replenished however through the continued feasting of other sentient lifeforms, often from devouring the blood and organs of its kills.

Hostile Biology: Studies on 18 have shown that the lifeform possesses some kind of advanced, rapidly shifting genetic defense mechanism designed to protect itself from intimate threats to its person. For example, attempting to handle the subject without special gloves has resulted in many staffers being stung by quill-like barbs that violently and suddenly erupt from within the body of the host, preventing it from being retrieved by specialist. This is only of many examples of how 18 will randomly draw genetic traits from the many collected by assimilating other lifeforms and temporarily applying them to their biology to catch different predators completely off guard. So far only a few of these defenses have been studied, one being the sharp quills that can sprout from the scales of its body.

Cerebral Assimilation: Research on the nature of 18's brain led to many discoveries, one of which being that the lifeform is capable of devouring the brain of another living organism and thus gaining access to their memories, experiences, and behaviors. Accessing the brain of another organism is incredibly simple as it merely requires brief contact with the subjects prehensile lekku that sprout from the base of the skull and emit a highly sensitive electromagnetic link that can be perfectly and seamlessly linked to another lifeforms consciousness with only brief contact with the lekku-like appendages. The closer these tentacles get to where the brain is located the more the lifeform can 'feel' and 'bond' the electric signals sent from the brain to the body. Very similar to the Mairan who are known to plunder the minds of others as a method of torture. This mysterious lifeform appears to do something similar, often hunting its prey, securing it within a web and proceeding to use this Lekku method to consume the intelligence of its prey. Once this process is complete the prey is then either left alone with mild mental issues which will fade in time. This seems to mainly be the case with those who willingly bond with the lifeform without resistance or struggle while those who attempted to fight the bonding process suffered severe brain damage and found themselves in a vegetative state, leading researchers to believe that 'forced' assimilation to unwilling organics causes problems and adverse effects on 18s own mind and thus rarely tries to assimilate unwilling creatures. Assimilation is how the hive mind educates itself, using this method of assimilation to learn languages, skills, or simply just an understanding of social formalities. The process is intense, and some individuals are not fully the same after linking with the lifeform. Some have displayed a natural resistance to the aftereffects, only confessing to minor migraines and confusing memories or dreams.

Gravitation Lift: Within the biology of the lifeform appears a highly sensitive collection of gravitational resistant cells that fully functions as a natural repulsor-lift which appears to assist the creature in its ability to traverse from place to place via spinning its silk regardless of the surrounding environment or climate. Equipped with large, piston-like legs that can effortlessly launch several time its own body weight into the air and with powerful silk that can not only support an incredible amount of stress but also retain its form and shape when disturbed. These repulsors allow the lifeform to either alleviate resistance of gravity on its own weight and even manipulate its own weight to maximize the distance between a jump so that it can be extended drastically. Even allowing pivoting and changing directions when in high speeds much easier when ones weight and gravity are no longer working against it. This, combined with the lifeforms ability to cling to any surface makes this mysterious creature highly elusive and extremely difficult to keep up with yet alone catch. When using its back tendrils to traverse these cells appear the most active, allowing the creature to move extremely quickly through the air almost as if levitating.

Crystal Core: One of 18s most visually striking features come in the intricate design of a collection of armored scale platting that covers a majority of the lifeforms body except for the bare skin of the underbelly, chest, the only imitation of 'flesh' that shows where a oily substance is secreted from the skin to keep the body slippery and smooth. The scales however shimmer in the light and while flexible appear to be highly resistant to heat. The scales of the lifeform possess minerals within them that make them highly resistant to plasma, only seen to be scuffed with smears after contact with lightsabers or blasters and occasionally damaged if continuously struck. The gem-like minerals found in the outer exoskeleton appear much more purified within the very bones of the lifeform, being highly crystallized and have mutated into the very limbs of the subject. Claws, teeth, talons, even the quills it sprouts as a defense. All made of the same crystal-like material that bares an incredibly striking resemblance to Kyber crystals. The inorganic material found in the core bones can be energized with electrical impulses that allow it to not only withstand plasma, but clash with it for extended periods of time without severe damage, the bones capable of withstanding extreme heat completely naturally, even going as far as to absorb the warmth and energy from electricity, plasma and heat in general to energize its own biological cells.


Hive Mother: While unknown to many, the nature of 18's hive-like abilities are both remarkable and highly dangerous. While 18 possesses the ability to link and adjoin other organisms into its ever growing colony the links between the queen and its hive are so powerful that the lifeform will grow in accordance to how large its colony grows. The larger the collective, the larger the queen will grow, eventually to the point of being completely immobile as its primary function will be maintaining and guiding the entire collective. All organisms under their collective will share the queens intelligence, memories and skills as she distributes all that she is equally among their colony. But the more said colony grows, the more they will become reliant on their queen for continued survival. The death or severe injury of the Prime can cause MASSIVE devastation throughout a colony, completely sending them into a frenzy. Even those adjoined into the collective would suffer immensely should they remain connected to the queen during times of strife or incredible danger. And in inverse, directly linking itself to other organism for extended periods of time will make the queen sensitive to that specific lifeform. While a colony is small, only a few dozen in numbers this is most devastating. Say if a human bonds and links with the lifeform then any harm done to that human will be felt by 18. The larger a colony grows the less severe this effect is but it is still significant and can be used against the Hive.

Nether Child: After the subjects failed experiments to imbue the creature with the force the lifeform reacted by abandoning its own connection the force completely, creating a cellular structure mimicking organisms with death in the force, completely removing its ability to be influenced by its sickness as well as preventing the lifeform from ever harnessing its incredible power. Instead, replacing the power that could be attained with a defense mechanism designed to combat force sensitive lifeforms as a trade off.

Contain & Secure: The lifeforms greatest asset and defense system is undoubtedly the tendrils that erupts from their back. Their many functionalities make them extremely threatening to even the most seasoned of warriors or soldiers but can be dealt with in a small number of ways. The most effective being the use of a sonic blaster, the force of the sound can cause the muscles within the tendrils to fluctuate and temporarily disable them, making it difficult for the appendages to function at their peak performance. Additionally, keeping ones distance and using items such as harpoons or lassos to control the range of movement and keep the limbs tied down is also effective, but given the incredible strength of each tendril it is not recommended unless the creature is weakened already or struck with a weakening blow to dull the muscle strength of the tendrils. Another method is completely trapping the lifeform and blocking the vents on its body that the tendrils sprout through, keeping them contained within the body of the lifeform and preventing them from leaving the hosts body.

Web Condition: Thanks to both the organic and inorganic mass contained within the material of the silk it is known to be incredibly difficult to counter due to how well the web both retains its form and rebounds when stretched too far, capable of withstanding several tons of weight and resisting extreme heat. However, the condition of the silk can be compromised via exposure to conflicting temperatures, sonic blades, and water. Given the silks attraction to heat, the material of the silk appears to regress and loosen if exposed to cryogenic substances or extreme cold. Water also seems to weaken the silk, removing its ability to naturally creep and manipulate its design or rebound, making it much easier to escape from if trapped inside on a rainy day. Additionally sonic cutting weapons appear capable of slowly cutting through the silk by disrupting the silks bonding agent while slicing through it.

Imperfect Assimilation: The creatures incredible mental prowess is nothing to gawk at on a surface level, but through studies it has been shown to be rather imperfect. The lifeforms ability to learn and educate itself relies entirely on its ability to mentally link with other organic lifeforms and leech their genetic material and intelligence, in doing so allowing it to grow and learn rapidly. However if unable to assimilate 18 will become agitated and feral. Like a machine without new programming the lifeform will become stunted in its growth, making it difficult to learn about its environment on its own without a host to replicate. The selection of its prey is important, as devouring someone of below average intelligence will thus cause the lifeform to become confused and adopt the unfavorable traits of whatever lifeform it attempts to imitate. It takes much time for the lifeform to truly 'grow' in intelligence and put to use all of their collective experiences gathered. The less healthy and mentally unstable the organism being devoured the heavier the backlash on 18s own body. Additionally, the lifeform appears extremely vulnerable when in the process of extracting genetic material and linking with other organisms. Entering a trance-like state and becoming numb to its surroundings and becoming unresponsive to stimuli until the process is complete, making it the opportune time to subdue the lifeform.

Social Dysfunction: Social interaction appears to be a significant challenge for the subject as shown in many scenario test with other subjects within confinement. Furthermore, in attempts to educate on social norms and civil mannerism 18 displayed visible irritation at the lessons. Appearing to struggle with grasping simple concepts such as sarcasm, humor, philosophy, and most forms of highly complex communication and many other subjects. Additionally, 18 possesses a complete lack of what some may refer to as a 'poker face'. In fact, due to 18s hive mind the concept of lies and secrets are almost completely foreign to its understanding. Not possessing the mental fortitude within itself to spin a tall tale or exaggerate a story, and in the very same breath taking almost anything said to it as literal. Due to 18's social immaturity the lifeform has been limited to its confinement until further social development is acquired.

Repulsive Disruption: Within many of the cells of the subject are a collection of extremely potent highly sensitive gravitational lifts that allow the creature to move about its environment with maximum efficiency. These cells however appear extremely sensitive to high amounts of water. If submerged 18s ability to maneuver is clearly stunted as the cells flare and weaken, making it difficult for the lifeform to move as easily and making them immensely heavy as their repulsion cells fail after the vents within its scales become drowned.



Diet: Lifeform appears to 'feed' from the genetic material of other lifeforms by extracting vital genetic code from their organs. While the creature appeals capable of feasting on common food studies have shown it does this merely for the pleasure of doing so rather than gaining any true sustenance of continued prosperous health. Merely used as fuel to immediately burn and distribute to different parts of its body. The creature also feeds mentally by consuming the consciousness of other creatures to maintain the health of its own mental prowess.

Communication: Lifeform 18 possesses a number of communication variations, the first of which it displayed during its youngest stage as an egg. The shell emitting high frequency sounds that caused other subjects within their containment to grow irritated. Possessing powerful echolocation as well as powerful telepathy by linking the electromagnetic pulses of their brains to achieve what test subjects refer to as 'oneness'. A two way connection of unfiltered memories, experiences and feelings shared between both parties rapidly. The connection is so powerful the static can be felt in the air for a fair distance and those tuned in describe perfect understanding of the lifeforms intent and emotional state, rather than direct focused thoughts as the lifeform displays immensely focused mental energy.

Technology level: Due to the containment of the subject the Nether Lifeform has had little access to equipment, tools or technology within its enclosure. However, due to its ability to consume and imitate the memories and skills of others it is possible the lifeform could gain better knowledge and understanding of its environment, including the functionality of technology and science to further grow its intelligence.

Religion/Beliefs: While the creature is to young in its existence to harbor complex ideas or beliefs, it does seem that the lifeform is genetically programmed with a single overwhelming directive. Beyond to eat and survive, Lifeform 18 displays the will to grow it's vast source of genetic code extracted from other organisms in order to rapidly mutate and force its own evolution for more efficient traits which it can then pass on to its collective. To consume and learn by expanding its intelligence and becoming one in body and mind with organisms it considers worthy. It is unconcerned with morality, love, hate, war, politics, in the grand scheme of the hives survival and continued prosperity.

General behavior: The limited behavioral studied preformed on the subject have showed little in terms of results. The creatures behavior is almost always dictated by its immediate environment and the stimuli around it. The lifeform is docile most of the time, exploring and managing its territory and spinning silk in a beautiful web to secure itself a safe space, the creature does this in almost every new space it occupies instinctively, only ever growing hostile if its environment is disturbed or it finds itself in danger. Purposely putting 18 in hostile environments only served to confuse the creature, its curiosity outweighing much of its fear. At a glance, some might even consider the lifeform harmless given how peaceful it appears at first. However, upon triggering its defense mechanisms by threatening it the creature becomes extremely hostile and can cause mass devastation. Keeping the lifeform distracted and entertained it immensely successful in keeping the subject from misbehaving. Further studies will be required to see how the subject matures~



The discovery of 18 was recorded upon the great research station known only as Titan. Much of its origins have been redacted from its original file but it is quietly known that experiments conducted by special research units were focused on opening gates into the realm of the Nether shortly after the events many years ago. Their dedication granted them success after so many years but in doing so they opened a gateway to a part of the nether they did not fully understand. Their intent was to summon a powerful force entity they could bend to their will and shape as they pleased, what they got instead was a mysterious alien lifeform armed with extremely advanced biology capable of rapidly mutating and evolving.

Initially the discovery was celebrated, the lifeform dazzling many of the greatest minds in genetics and at the time giving the board what they wanted as the lifeform displayed high potential in the force. However, due to constant prodding and experimentation on the lifeform as an egg eventually the subject reacted violently and began developing counter traits to combat the danger force sensitives posed to its survival. What took place over the next several years was the containment and study of the lifeform within an controlled enclosure to further understand how the creature would develop and mature.

In time however the lifeform grew far more intelligent than those containing it which led to the eventual breach leading to the downfall of the titan research station where the lifeform was reported to be lost to deep space~
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Under Review Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep

It's clear that you put a tremendous amount of work into this, which is awesome! With any unique, high-power submission, though, we have to be very careful with what gets approved. There are a number of things I'd like to address before moving this on.

  • Per the Codex rules, Codex template fields may not be altered or removed. I know you've answered the requests for Description, Strengths, and Weaknesses in the sub as written, but I need to see those words clearly written out. This keeps Codex submissions standard, so that other writers reading through them can quickly find relevant information. Please add those fields back in.

  • For Origin, you list the "Nether Realm". Is this the Netherworld of the Force? If so, please link it. If not, please explain in Star Wars terms (canon or Chaos, with links) where the creature originates.

  • For Breathes, please clarify exactly what the limits of the creature's adaptable breathing are by using an atmosphere type. If it can adapt to poisonous or low-oxygen atmospheres, it can breathe up to Type III atmospheres. If it does not need to breathe, and can survive in hard vacuum, you can list Type IV atmospheres.

  • For Races, the answer cannot be "Unknown". This is OOC info, so even if the existence of races is unknown IC, it should be listed here. If the creature has distinct races, briefly describe them. If it does not, please put N/A. Given the description, I'd either put N/A or note that the creature adapts to many different forms based on the DNA it consumes.

  • Here's the big one. Is this one creature that you're subbing, or many? You list the population as Unique, which means one creature, now and forever. However, you give age categories for eggs, adolescents, etc. You also state that there is a hive mind binding together a large colony of creatures. Most of the submission describes an individual, Lifeform 18, but there is also description of what could potentially be a very large hive of creatures. We can't have both in one sub.

Here's my advice for that last one: submit the species, the whole group of creatures that makes up this potentially vast hive, here with the Species template. Lifeform 18 should probably instead be an NPC, an individual that is queen of the hive, since it is just one member of this species that was discovered on Titan. If I'm misreading your intent / the nature of the creature, I'm open to clarification. Please reach out with any questions or concerns about my requests.
Under Review Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep

It's clear that you put a tremendous amount of work into this, which is awesome! With any unique, high-power submission, though, we have to be very careful with what gets approved. There are a number of things I'd like to address before moving this on.

  • Per the Codex rules, Codex template fields may not be altered or removed. I know you've answered the requests for Description, Strengths, and Weaknesses in the sub as written, but I need to see those words clearly written out. This keeps Codex submissions standard, so that other writers reading through them can quickly find relevant information. Please add those fields back in.

  • For Origin, you list the "Nether Realm". Is this the Netherworld of the Force? If so, please link it. If not, please explain in Star Wars terms (canon or Chaos, with links) where the creature originates.

  • For Breathes, please clarify exactly what the limits of the creature's adaptable breathing are by using an atmosphere type. If it can adapt to poisonous or low-oxygen atmospheres, it can breathe up to Type III atmospheres. If it does not need to breathe, and can survive in hard vacuum, you can list Type IV atmospheres.

  • For Races, the answer cannot be "Unknown". This is OOC info, so even if the existence of races is unknown IC, it should be listed here. If the creature has distinct races, briefly describe them. If it does not, please put N/A. Given the description, I'd either put N/A or note that the creature adapts to many different forms based on the DNA it consumes.

  • Here's the big one. Is this one creature that you're subbing, or many? You list the population as Unique, which means one creature, now and forever. However, you give age categories for eggs, adolescents, etc. You also state that there is a hive mind binding together a large colony of creatures. Most of the submission describes an individual, Lifeform 18, but there is also description of what could potentially be a very large hive of creatures. We can't have both in one sub.

Here's my advice for that last one: submit the species, the whole group of creatures that makes up this potentially vast hive, here with the Species template. Lifeform 18 should probably instead be an NPC, an individual that is queen of the hive, since it is just one member of this species that was discovered on Titan. If I'm misreading your intent / the nature of the creature, I'm open to clarification. Please reach out with any questions or concerns about my requests.

Greetings Mong! Thank you for getting back to me on this haha. I made the edits to the above things you described involving Races, Breathing, and origin! As for the last question i'm sorry if i made it confusing in the sub.

Basically though this exact creature (18) is an individual and the only variant of its kind, as a 'queen' there won't be any others like her unless they like, have children and such. Basically of the entire 'hive species' in the nether all 'Primes' essentially take on their own unique bodies which are basically entirely new or different species altogether the only thing relating them being their collective ability to assimilate other organisms and their hive link. I was going to make different subs for each kind of hive species. And at some point when i have a good few of them posted i was gonna create a bigger sub explaining them as a whole. This sub however is just for the queen but if you need me to remove some of the conflicting info i can go ahead and do that for ya?

Whatever the case let me know what else i need to edit <3
Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep

Thanks for starting in on these changes.

  • I see that you added Strengths and Weaknesses, but I still don't see a Description field. It absolutely must be there for approval.

  • For Races, I'm confused by what you mean by Hive Prime. Races would be closely-related subspecies of this creature. For example, the Nikto have a number of different subspecies with different colorings, but they are all Nikto. If there are multiple races of this species (like Hive Prime and Hive Secundus, or something), please list and describe them. Otherwise, please put N/A.

  • I'm trying to think of the best way to handle this last point. If the queen is going to make a whole bunch more of these over time - does she reproduce asexually, since she's the only one of her species right now? - then this submission shouldn't focus on her; she's just the first one, and there will be more coming, so this submission should describe the species she is part of, not specifically her. It'd be like a submission for the Xenomorphs from Alien that only talked about one queen; she's important, but she's an individual, not the whole species, even if she gives birth to all the ones we see. She should get an NPC sub, while the species sub would describe the Xenomorphs, if that makes sense.

  • If, on the other hand, there are going to be a bunch of Nether Hive species, you should probably do the bigger sub as the species submission, and include the different but related kinds of creature as Races within that submission... unless they're really, really different. I'm not quite sure what you're going for there, since I've only seen this one so far.

Overall, I would either clarify that Lifeform 18 is and will always be the only one of her kind, or I would focus a lot less on her and more on the species she's part of. If there's a whole hive of these things down the line, and I look up their submission to find that it says "Unique" (one creature in the whole galaxy) and talks about one special individual, I'm going to be really confused.
Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep

Thanks for starting in on these changes.

  • I see that you added Strengths and Weaknesses, but I still don't see a Description field. It absolutely must be there for approval.

  • For Races, I'm confused by what you mean by Hive Prime. Races would be closely-related subspecies of this creature. For example, the Nikto have a number of different subspecies with different colorings, but they are all Nikto. If there are multiple races of this species (like Hive Prime and Hive Secundus, or something), please list and describe them. Otherwise, please put N/A.

  • I'm trying to think of the best way to handle this last point. If the queen is going to make a whole bunch more of these over time - does she reproduce asexually, since she's the only one of her species right now? - then this submission shouldn't focus on her; she's just the first one, and there will be more coming, so this submission should describe the species she is part of, not specifically her. It'd be like a submission for the Xenomorphs from Alien that only talked about one queen; she's important, but she's an individual, not the whole species, even if she gives birth to all the ones we see. She should get an NPC sub, while the species sub would describe the Xenomorphs, if that makes sense.

  • If, on the other hand, there are going to be a bunch of Nether Hive species, you should probably do the bigger sub as the species submission, and include the different but related kinds of creature as Races within that submission... unless they're really, really different. I'm not quite sure what you're going for there, since I've only seen this one so far.

Overall, I would either clarify that Lifeform 18 is and will always be the only one of her kind, or I would focus a lot less on her and more on the species she's part of. If there's a whole hive of these things down the line, and I look up their submission to find that it says "Unique" (one creature in the whole galaxy) and talks about one special individual, I'm going to be really confused.

I edited the above points! As for the last one i'm not entirely sure how to go about this. Lifeform 18 i kind of meant to be similar to like, a Sithspawn or something. The last of her kind from the Nether thats been in a state of stasis. Once they brought it from the nether and surrounded it with other organisms 18 consumed them to develop its own traits. And since its a queen, later on it will be capable of taking other sentient creatures and LINKING them into her mind.

As of now, there is no 'hive' she is the only one. Which is why i have it listed as unique since she is, as of now, the only one around. in the future i wanted her to both produce their own eggs as well as genetically re-engineer other species with the collection of genetic material the queen collected. Taking an already existing species and 're-writing it' into a new one. Which is where future subs will come from.

Does this makes sense? Sorry, i'm not super good with star wars lore to know how everything is supposed to work. The sub is kinda written from the perspective of 'this is a new nether species and we are unsure how it will continue to evolve in the future'. Which is why i left some of it open ended. Should i just put the thing as 'semi unique' or something?
Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep

Okay, here's what we'll do. For right now, let's go ahead and leave this as Unique, focused on an individual. If, down the line, you want to have this become a species of more than one, you'll need to come back and request to edit the Codex submission.

I have some reservations about how powerful this species is, but Codex judges aren't arbiters of balance, so I'll just leave you with this: please be careful with this creature. None of its abilities should be considered license to auto-hit / call damage on anyone; I especially want to emphasize that with its cerebral assimilation ability. Creatures that make roleplay unfun for other writers will be reported for balance reasons, and will end up back here in review. Use this for story, not an arms race with other characters.

But you've been very patient about working with me on this, so I'm going to go ahead and mark it Approved.

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