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Life tips! For the betterment of... Your Life!

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
~~Today's Life Tip:

If your girlfriend works for a government agency (for example the FBI) do NOT cheat on her.

Chances are she will find out.

Chances are she will put bullet holes in your cellphone.

Isn't that right @L... oh wait. You don't have a phone to read this.

~~This was your life tip of the day! Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow!
Lol no [member="Jarven Zexxel"] its my gf thats a federal agent and she caught me cheating! In her rage she shot my cell phone lol. Btw [member="Daxton Bane"] thats why i hadnt reaponded to our thread yet!!!! But I have my replacement phone now so im back all!!!

Ps: Screw you [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Linx Darmindo"]

...isn't, you know, destruction of someone else's property with a firearm illegal? Did she pay for your new one at least, or reimburse you?

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
[member="Linx Darmindo"], I didn't actually name you. You ponied up on your own lol

PS- I have never cheated on my fiancee. It doesn't have anything to do with her connection to the mafia... Total loyal with out the involvement of firearms
[member="Enigma"] unlawful firing of a firearm inside a dwelling itself is illegal lol but no she didn't reimburse me for it, it was just a spoil of war and love lmao. [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] I wish it was a joke lol it taught me a very valuable lesson tho lol!!! [member="Foebacca"] thanks for wise words if wisdom.... Late words.... But still wise lol and lastly but not at all least my brother from another mother [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] thats a great reason to stay faithful, we don't need to both mysteriously disappear without a trace.
Real Life Advice from a 15-year old: Don't cheat. Period. Especially if the person you're actually dating is nuts. If they're nuts you break the hell up with them. Safely. As in a moderately populated area with close friends of yours nearby. Maybe near a police station. But if you're willing to cheat on the person, nuts or not, then the relationship ain't gonna go anywhere (95% of the time, at least).

Second piece of advice: If you're cheated on, don't shoot people's phones. That crap ain't chill. I don't care how many times the fether fooled 'round behind your back, you don't get guns involved. Except maybe if they karked your mom/dad/sibling/child. That's just messed up.

In Summary: Don't cheat, avoid nuts, be careful and smart about breakups, don't shoot people or things unless 100% necessary.

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