Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life Day/Christmas Alchemy Offerings


Well-Known Member
So for several rl years I have mentioned a large group of NPCs that were trained under my alchemist, Damien. I finally have had them subbed, with a twist. They are basically Santas Elves, and can make lightside, neutral, or darkside alch, as well as metallurgical alterations, Force inbuement.

Now, the story behind them is that the Force deems whose worthy, then tells the Elves what to make. That's from the IC standpoint, from an OOC, I simply need a request. So, want something alchemized? Light, dark, whatever, just make a request here. We will talk, fill out the ideals, and I can sub it. From there, if any kind of dev is needed, we will hash it out as quickly as possible.

Your char would need not pay a dime, simply receive them.

Anyone need anything?

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