Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Kessel
Time: Just at dusk

Sector: Spice mining, primary sector and HQ of slave operations

Kessel. It was a planet that many saw as an opportunity to take advantage of the strength and broken will of others. Slavers came here to collect profits off of spice. Executives of cutthroat yet illegal industries came here to begin their legacy. Most importantly, however, a kidnapped and lost people lived on this planet in shackles. The chains that bound them to slavery cut so deep into their skin that the scars and wounds both physical and mental would be permanent. However, many slaves kept a fighting fire deep within them. Few, however, gained the trust of their masters like Joannis did. Years and years of betrayal, lies, and death avoided by the slavers trust invested into Joannis. Although he was still bound to this planet in a set of shackles, he had a set of power armor strictly for deep underground mining. The smugglers often inquired about buying his liberty, however the price was too high. Many attempts of Joannis' escape simply did not work. He was never caught, they just never worked. More than a few rotations ago, he had sent out a signal asking for one of the larger and more in control factions to liberate him and his brothers from their chains. Many had a fighting spirit and looked to Joannis as their leader. At the young age of nineteen, he had to mature quickly.

Another long day of mining and degrading had left Joannis beaten, almost broken, and barely conscious enough to be awake, but it was coming to an end. Walking into the barracks and into his 8x6 cell, he took the broken and dirty helmet off and dropped it onto the floor, sighing as the shackles came off and the cell door closed behind him. There was a small window that exposed the setting sun sinking beneath the horizon. Through this window he looked, sighed as the sun set, and began to disengage the power armor, setting it on the floor and picking the helmet up in his hands. He sat on the bed and looked at the 1 inch thick, amber colored visor. The suit was surely made for space and outer rim combat, however its capabilities were modified and disabled to suit the life of a deep underground miner. The hope was slowly fading from Joannis' mind. The spark was slowly leaving his heart. The inspiration to explore the stars and liberate others like him was sucked out of him by years of the same cheap labor.

Wake up.

And with those closing thoughts, the lights in the slave quarters shut off. The only remaining light was that of the guard's flashlight going back and forth, back and forth. The Weequay looked at him with disgust through the bars, shined the light in his eyes, scoffed and continued. The violent thoughts slowly crept in. Slowly, he slept. Hatred filled his mind. Disgust for the Weequay and Trandoshans as a species poisoned his thought process. The same dream had entered his mind again. The thought of escaping, freeing others, and blowing the entire operation to bits. After that, he'd explore the galaxy and shut down operations just like this.. Hatred, however, was slowly taking control of him... the thought of his captors death pleased him, however, the hope had returned. The hope he could escape and explore.

[member="Curtis Learchin"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | Others, DM to join |

Location: Rebellous Hawk’s Hanger Area, last planning moments before raid on Kessel
Equipment: Personal Dauntless Armor, Dauntless Tri-Blaster, Tactical Recon Handguns
Time: 1900 hours
Post: #1
Tags: [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT='times new roman']Joannis Campbell"], [member="Kelsie Sylven"], [member="Maeve Archeron"] (Alpha Squad – If y’all want to join)


Whomever was on that blasted rock was incredibly lucky, in all honesty. At no point would Luna have allowed the Dauntless to travel all the way out here, especially past the borders of the Confederacy, to investigate a distress beacon. A shady beacon, at that. But with tempers beginning to flare in the galaxy, and it is looking more and more likely every day that there would be a spark to light the fire soon enough, the Dauntless had been doing training exercises with various allies recently. When the distress beacon had been picked up, the Rebellious Hawk had just competed their time with the Silver Jedi, having spent a week in their space. Kessel was close enough, place in a place of little Mandalorian or Sith influence, so there was little risk or harm in checking out what they found.

Turns out, the whole thing was worth it. When the Rebellious Hawk had jumped into the system, near to where the beacon had been broadcasting, the scanners showed a quite large amount of activity on one of the larger asteroids close to their position. It seemed as though where the beacon was originating from was quite a real place. The frigate stayed plenty far from the colony, out of both short wave sensor and visual range by a wide margin. To confirm their suspicions, the ship launched multiple droids, all headed toward the colony to observe and report back any findings.

They did their job immaculately, and it was enough to have Luna authorize two squads to hit the colony with full force. A slave operation, probably not worth the commandos time in all honesty. However, with the new recent additions, as well as the training of brand new squads, a little firefight would only serve to grow the shinies in combat experience. Which is exactly why she went with the same deployment strategy as the engagement the commandos had a few weeks prior, being Alpha and Omega squad deployed together. Doing so would, hopefully, erase any casualty concerns Lieutenant Sylven might have. That was the plan, at least. Luna was still waiting on confirmation the squad had enough people available to deploy.

As she waited for the word from one of her more trusted Lieutenants, the commander looked over the scans of the slaver operation the droids had been able to take. Unfortunately, it appeared as though much of it was underground, where the droids had not been able to penetrate to. It was obvious, however, that the size of underground complex meant that the number of slavers actually running this operation had to be quite large, at least 30-40 from what the droids had picked up. Having the element of surprise would be nice, especially if they could manage it. Kessel not having a day/night cycle meant there’d be little chance to strike under the cover of darkness. However, there was a few hours of day that the side of asteroid with the facility would be dark due to it’s own rotation, giving them a window to deploy.

Luna had been staring at the same diagram from what the droids had been able to put together for the last 30 minutes in the hanger area, surrounded by her own Omega squad, as well as being flanked by her master sergeants, Tien and Q’aria. The shorter of the pair, Q’aria, leaned forward over Luna’s shoulder to point out a small clearing a quarter kilometer from the entrance to underground facility, and right at the edge of the mining area. “We could land there. Gives us plenty of time to deploy without having to worry about incoming fire, if we do it well enough. We run the risk of one of their guard posts hearing the engines, however.” The commander hummed a response, eyes flicking to the area the woman had pointed out before nodding slowly. A response formed in her own mind, before she too leaned forward to observe the bottom of the asteroid. “If we were to fly in underneath the rock, they would be less likely to hear it. We could even have the pilots come in at…twenty percent speed, cut down on the noise even more..” This thought prompted some extra conversations through the Omega’s, which Luna allowed to continue as she mused their options even more. Knowing whether or not Alpha would be good to go would help solidify the plans, but they still had time to figure out what needed to be done before having to deploy.

Time: ???
Status: Exhaustion

It had been yet another long day. He was sent back to the barracks after being forced to work on one of the Darkal models again. How did this happen? He was working for the government as a special forces operative and afterwards, was thrown into the gutters and maw of those who wish not to see him again. He was sent to Kessel, his own company being taken over and now he was at the mercy of those in front of him. Sitting in the Barracks, having a left black eye, he planned his own escape as he did not move. Noticing the armored male to his side, he kept quiet as he did not let on who he was nor what he could do though if he snooped even a little, he could find plans to the Darkal "Voltage" model and how he was readying it for a pure escape but when, he did not know.

"They took my weapons and even my vehicle. Fuck them."

(Short, I know but tired)

[member="Luna Terrik"]
@Joannis Campbell
Kessel, a living hell planet, one that was mined there and back at the cost of slaves. There were revolts and escape attempts often, but not many succeeded, not without outside help at least. Then again, not many wanted to help anyone on the planet, either turning a blind eye to the place's suffering or increasing it. Adenn wasn't one of those though, he had received the call for help and made the immediate choice of moving to help whoever had sent the call out.

That was the reason Adenn found himself on this hell hole, a call for help, one meant to help these poor downtrodden masses. Adenn had arrived half a rotation earlier, quickly scouting the area out and making himself known. He acted as if he were a man with no morals, one who only cared for the status quo, even if the truth was the complete opposite. Thankfully though the locals bought it, or at least didn't mention it. However, Adenn wasn't here to infiltrate the place, no he was here to get some people out, or help them in their revolution. So he had followed the signal to a specific room, one for the more trusted slaves.

It was late, no doubt the slaves would be trying to sleep, but Adenn wasn't going to wait until the morning to do anything, he'd act now and get the lay of the land better. Walking up to a nearby weequay making his rounds. He spoke to the creature, inquiring about a trust worthy slave that he could get. The weequay laughed and pointed towards the cell Adenn was interested in, grinning. Motioning for the weequay to lead the way, Adenn followed behind. They reached the door a few moments later, there the weequay pounded on the door, aiming to wake Joannis up. Then he opened the door, unlocking it and walking in behind Adenn. The weequay clearly wanted to see the slaves reaction, but Adenn very deliberately shook his head and motioned towards the door. While the weequay was reluctant, Adenn was persuasive by simply motioning towards himself, he was a literal walking armory, and the weequay was simply armed with a blaster and some light armor.

After that, the weequay quickly left the cell, before closing it behind him but not locking it. Shaking his head, Adenn turned his head back to Joannis and observed the young man. Then he sighed, shook his head one more time, and stepped forward. He took out a device that scanned the room, then it seemed to place some sort of hologram on the walls before vanishing. Only then did Adenn speak.
"Greetings, no doubt you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing here. Well, I'm an ally from the Mandalorians. Recently got your call for aid, so here I am, ready to help break you and yours out. And you are?"

[member="Listib Hibin"] [member="Luna Terrik"] @Joannis Campbell
[MEMBER="Joannis Campbell"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Listib Hibin"] [member="Luna Terrik"]​
Twas unfortunate when investments went awry. This investment was surely going awry. He'd only just dropped off the slaves when two days later he got a lil call. Trouble in mining paradise. So he'd had to come back and check it out. The slavers themselves wanted a refund. He solved that problem by biting one of their heads clean off.

It was a nice chomp, and the sound of bone crushing satisfied him.

Satisfied they knew their place, he was led to investigate, though for a hefty lump sum on their part.

As he stepped through the door of the cell block, he was confronted with an armored man. He knew dis pipl. They were called mangalorians of something of the sort.


Time: 2100 Hours
Location: Slave's Quarters, Cell #1671

Such long and hard days had allowed Joannis to easily fall asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes and set his head on whatever he had that was similar o a pillow these days. Almost every night he had some sort of nightmare. The Weequay and Trandoshan slavers rarely ever beat him or degraded him like the other slaves due to his cooperation and quiet nature, yet he still had nightmares. He remembered none of them. An enslaved man had no time to think about what dreams he had. An enslaved man had no ability to think as an individual or as a team anymore. He was a piece, just property, a tool. This particular dream was... different. At first he had imagined that he woke up and began another day but something was off and irregular. It was oddly quiet, no white noise, no clattering of shackles, no banging on cell doors or cries of other slaves being beaten. The regular screams from the hangar of new slaves arriving were no more. Slowly getting up, he realized that there weren't any indentions in his skin from the cuffs or weighted shackles. He exited his cell and realized that he was truly alone. The machinery was off and at a closer glance, there wasn't any machinery. There weren't any signs of life or the impact of life on Kessel. It was rather beautiful when he paused and thought about it. In this ever realistic dream he saw Kessel in a way he'd never seen it before. It was at peace. He was fully in control of himself in the dream, which was odd. He continued to walk about this random path.

Further exploration revealed to him that there was no hangar area at all. No machines, no life support, no artificial gravity, no monitors or alarms. Simply him and the unbothered Kessel. There was no way this planet could ever go back to the way it originally was. Ever. Unless every slaver on the planet was eliminated. Killed. Destroyed. Obliterated. Blood line by blood line. Wiped out. And with that, the violent thoughts his mind was notorious for overcame him. Almost instantly, the world around him crumbled, turning dark red, black, and a variety of other ominous colors. Still no one was with him, however, when he looked down his hands were bound again along with his feet, weighted. He was sinking. Falling through wherever he was. As a matter of fact, the entire planet disappeared and he was now in a dark void. Nothing was there besides him. Then, he felt impact and in that moment he woke up.

And suddenly, he awoke to a man wearing the armor of a typical Mandalorian and a Weequay in his cell, the door opened wide. This never happened to anyone unless they were being terminated due to not being able to work, sold, or transferred to a new slave camp. The Weequay was urged to leave by a mere glance of the man, seemingly intimidated. Something wasn't right. Something about this encounter was different. Weequay were the types to be intimidated, but nothing ever happened without the approval of one of the Trandoshans. He was completely surprised that this man was even in the cell with weaponry and armor instead of being kidnapped and bound to slavery himself. The man scanned the cell and placed a hologram of sorts on the walls with some sort of device. Something definitely wasn't right. He then cut straight to the chase.

"Greetings, no doubt you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing here. Well, I'm an ally from the Mandalorians. Recently got your call for aid, so here I am, ready to help break you and yours out. And you are?"

Today was the day. It was odd and happening so quickly, but it was the day. It would take the help of other slaves and a lot of weapons to break out, but this was it. It was now or never. Life or death. Liberty of capture. Joannis wanted now. He wanted life. He wanted liberty. He was half-awake when the man entered the cell, but now he was wide awake and speaking quickly and quietly.

"I'm Joannis Campbell. I sent out the beacon a while ago but didn't expect anyone to come. How do you plan to get out of here? Are you gonna get everyone else, too? I know quite a few others that need to get out of here. They need to see the galaxy."

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Listib Hibin"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] |
Post 1
Location: Rebellious Hawk - Hangar Area, Kessel System
Equipment: Project SIREN | Prototype Dauntless Phase I Power Armor, CS-04/13 “Eliminator” Combat Pistol, OCTF Standard-Issue XR Slugthrower Rifle w/ XR Series Cryo Rounds, 2 Sabnach Series Disruptor Grenades, Czerka Fighting Knife
[member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Joannis Campbell "]Braask [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="Maeve Archeron"]
As one of the many shinies who had been designated for the imminent raid on a slave operation within one of the thousands of mines in the Kessel system, Valery was somewhat less anxious than the others, but only by virtue of the genetic engineering which had expertly crafted her psychological profile to fit that of an ideal soldier. Unfortunately, most of the other Dauntless Commandos were not clones or biosynthetics. They were typically natural born humanoids who presumably possessed a better capacity for independent thought than the clones and biosynthetics which were engineered and mass produced to fit into a predetermined template. It was not Valery’s objective to prove that presumption wrong, but she sought to be the best at whatever she did no matter how much she hated the task.

Fortunately, Valery actually enjoyed being a Dauntless Commando.

After the Siren was donned over her curvaceous form, Valery equipped locked the rest of her loadout onto the magnetic strips on the surface of the suit. The loadout included a heavy semi-automatic rifle which she would have barely been able to lift outside of the armor, a small combat pistol, a pair of disruptor grenades, and a single vibroknife which typically would only see use in a worst case scenario. The armor itself was equipped with an advanced pair of Mandalorian vambraces which gave her plenty of options for secondary, tertiary, and even quaternary weapon systems in the event that she was completely disarmed.

As the briefing went underway, Valery listened in relative silence, feeling that it wasn’t her place to speak yet given her shininess to the Dauntless Commandos. Regardless, Valery felt confident in the so far agreed upon plan.

Hopefully, they arrived in time to carry it out.
“You realize there’s a reason I keep this old bird in the hangar, right?” Kelsie finally broke the silence of all these pondering badasses gathered around the holodisplay in the hangar. She poked out from behind the Keshiri giant that stood by Luna. Her arm was outstretched, pointing across the room to the old YT-1300 that had made itself home on the main Hellspear frigate of the Dauntless Legion. Her Razor. Perhaps it didn’t look all that sharp, but Kelsie knew that her ship was the best around. Just a scalpel in her hand… she’d actually slept there last night, only having woken up an hour ago. The bed inside her ship was more comfortable than the quarters she’d been given on the Rebellious Hawk.

“As much as I want to get my squad acquainted with protocol in combat situations, I also want to make sure they know that none of that matters in my books,” she said with a grin. “My ship’s got a cloaking device, thrust trace dampers, the works. We could get inside the place without setting off an alarm. Might be a little squished, of course… so if you decide you don’t want to hop in, I could always head over on my own and have the place cleaned up in a half hour.” Not joking.

From what she could tell this would be incredibly simple, and she was honestly not sure why they’d even bothered bringing an entire frigate along. Kelsie would be on leave soon anyways, she could’ve taken care of this after a week or so. Bit of infiltration, and bam, every slave on the rock would be free and thriving. She could already hear their cheers.

“Your choice, anyways. I’ll go give the newbies a bit of a scare and tell them to get shelled up.” She spun on her heel and walked off, heading to the barracks. Funny how she could just ditch them like that, not even waiting for comments on her plan… Luna would message her anyways in case she needed anything from Kelsie.

It was only a minute before she arrived at her squadron’s hall of bunks. She paused, took a deep breath in, and channeled her inner gruff sergeant. “ALRIGHT ALPHA, WAKE UP! ETA THIRTY MINUTES, I WANT YOU SHELLED UP AND READY FOR COMBAT IN TEN!” Kelsie bellowed. Most of the doors opened up moments later, some with groggy-faced commandos, others with those more prepared and awake, likely in part due to Kelsie’s yelling. She glanced to the door near the end of the hall and noticed it hadn’t opened yet. She nudged Kicker, who was closest, before speaking to him. “Make sure the newbies get up quick, meet us at the armory when you’re ready and we’ll head down to the hangar for briefing.” He nodded and moved over, knocking on the door of the two women they’d picked up for their squad recently -- a certain Maeve Archeron and Valery.

The rest of the squad formed up behind Kelsie as she exited the barracks. They entered a light jog and entered the armory soon enough, moving to equip their armor and weapons. Kelsie, too, headed towards a small side room. “If you did as I said you’ve got your breakfast in your ration pouch. If not, you’re heading to Kessel on an empty stomach.” She was about to go get her armor on when she realized that weird set of armor on one side of the room was actually occupied. She blinked once, then twice, before moving over to the not-very-Dauntless armor. “Ahem… what’s this?” She waved in front of the visor of the suit, not knowing who was inside.

[member="Valery"] [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Maeve Archeron"] [member="Joannis Campbell "][member="Adenn Kyramud"]

Location: Rebellous Hawk’s Hanger Area, last planning moments before raid on Kessel
Equipment: Personal Dauntless Armor, Dauntless Tri-Blaster, Tactical Recon Handguns
Time: 1900 hours
Post: #2
Tags: @Joannis Campbell, [member="Kelsie Sylvan"], [member="Maeve Archeron"], [member="Valery"]


Kelsie’s voice cutting through the idle chatter of the group trying to figure out an extraction plan was suprising, but certainly not unwelcome. In fact, as she described her idea in detail, Luna’s eyes followed her motion to the rust bucket of the ship. The lieutenant was right in the fact that it would be a tight squeeze for both omega and alpha squad to fit in the ship, but it could be done. And the idea was more sound than anything Luna had managed to come up with in the short time period. Had they had more time, she could probably come up with something that worked just as well as kelsie’s idea, but they didn’t have that time, and this was probably the best idea they had.

The lieutenant didn’t look to be in the mood to wait around either, as she quickly hurried out of the hanger area toward the barracks section to wake up the rest of her squad that wasn’t already in the hanger. Luna’s eyes looked up the Keshiri to her left, then to the Zabrak, earning nods of affirmation and slight shrug in agreement to the idea. The commander let out of huff, then pointed toward the ship as her voice rose again to address her squad. “Well, that’s the best idea we have. Get all the stuff on the ship. I want two E-Web’s packed up as well. Never know if we might need to defend a position or not.” She rose from her seat as the rest of the squad began to move on their own devises, beginning to move toward the ship.

Luna, deciding the take the longer route, began to walk around the shuttle while motioning for her two master sergeants to follow along behind. They did so, flanking her as they could usually be seen doing on the ship. The redhead would rarely admit this, but she found their presence calming and comforting, knowing that the pair had her back no matter the decisions that worked and didn’t work out for her. Once out of earshot of anyone else, Luna’s voice pierced the silence between the three in a slight whisper. “It’s not that I don’t trust this idea. It’s a good one. But with everyone on one ship..and a ship like that, it would be good to have a backup plan of sorts.”

The pair exchanged a glance, then it was Q’aria to speak up first. “I’ll stay back. Prepare sabre squad for a possible rescue op, or even one for transport. That way you know you have something back here if need be.” This was the idea that luna was looking for, to which she nodded and motioned the zabrak away. “Good idea. Head out, start getting ready. Have you comm on you.” The shortest woman of the bunch nodded and quickly headed that way, leaving Luna with the massive man to her left. The commander started back toward Kelsie’s ship, with him hot on her heels.

Before they made it back, Tien spoke, giving his thoughts on the situation. “Y’know, it really is a good idea. Having a squad on standby might make her feel like you don’t trust the idea.” The corners of Luna’s mouth curled into a small smile at the thought, nodding lightly. “Perhaps,” she spoke, “But if she is as strategically minded as I think she is, she will understand me even taking her suggestion fully, with no changes, shows how much I trust it, and her. And having a backup squad is only smart..unexpected things happen. It’s better to be prepared.” Luna didn’t need to see Tien to know he nodded at her words. She did trust Kelsie, and this plan, but she also wasn’t going to be unprepared if they got stuck on that rock. If everything went to plan, sabre squad would never be needed. Having them ready was just preparing for the worst.

At least, that’s what she told herself as she walked up the ramp of Kelsie’s ship. She understood the order to Q’aria could be misunderstood. All the commander could do was hope that the extra squad was never needed, and that her new lieutenant understood why Luna would do such a thing.

OOC: I don't know who [member="Braask"] is attacking, seeing as I(Adenn) am in a cell itself, and [member="Joannis Campbell "]has been a slave there for some time, not just a few days. Thus, I am currently forgoing the fact that Braask attacked a Mandalorian. Note, I did message Braask about the situation and have not received a reply as to it. Apologies in advance for this, however I'm confused as to who Braask is attacking. Thanks for the understanding.

Slavery and slavers, two things that Adenn despised in the utmost. When he was only ten, slavers and pirates had come to his home planet and ended up killing his parents in the fighting. He'd killed those who had killed his parents, but that didn't change the fact that scum like the weequay there caused him so much suffering. The slavers should feel lucky though, it was mainly pirates, but the line blurred between the two quite often. Though, as much as Adenn wanted to plant a fist through the slavers faces, he controlled himself and consoled himself with killing them later. The thought made him grin, even as he was left alone with the slave.

The slave was seemingly surprised, something that didn't surprise Adenn. He had encouraged those who wanted to stop him to leave him alone, the higher ups through some small bribery and the lower tiers through threats. Thankfully they had all left him alone, something that would be good when interacting with this slave. After introducing himself, however slightly that was, Adenn received an answer from them. One Joannis Campbell, when he said he wasn't expecting anyone to come, Adenn merely chuckled. No one ever expected help in such situations, much less Mandalorian help. Well, today they were getting it. Adenn spoke once more then, voice still even, an attempt also for calmness.
"Well Joannis, I'm Adenn. Now," he glanced around the cell until his eyes landed on the power armor. "we're getting out of here, but it all depends on how. For example, how many are you talking about? I'd honestly prefer to free every single slave here, but I only have my one ship on hand. Who specifically do you have in mind to get out. It'd be best if those you want to get now are at a higher risk of death, while those who can stay are more likely to survive. Then we can come back for them later on, and with more ships. Honestly, I'd love to have more with me now, but I can't risk a war between the Mandalorians and those who are near here." Adenn let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head.

"I suppose it also depends on how you want to help. If you want to use that armor there for something other than mining, I suggest you put it on. We're getting out tonight, because I hate waiting and I hate seeing people in such situations." Growling lowly, Adenn looked around the cell once more. Then he reached behind his back and pulled out a weapon, more exactly a Carnage Rifle. Flipping it over, Adenn made sure that the charge was fully loaded before pulling out 2 extra clips for it. "I hope you're a fast learner kid, cause I'll be using your help here and now." He then held out the rifle for Joannis to take, along with the extra ammunition. He'd also point out every key feature of the rifle and how to properly use it and aim it.

This was just part of the beginning though, even as this was happening, Adenns ship entered orbit. It was the Aegis Eternum(in BIO), Adenns personal ship, the one he used for most everything. Currently it only had entered orbit, beforehand having kept a safe distance from the planet, though close enough to not be readily noticed for sticking out. Now though, it looked like it was ready for something, but while the people on Kessel wouldn't know what for, someone from the military might. That something was possibly troop deployment, either through pods or gunships, or even both. In the case of the Mandalorians, it was both, they were ready for a moments notification, but wouldn't move out until Adenn gave the word. So they waited, even as Adenn interacted with Joannis, even as others prepared themselves, they were ready as well.

[member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] @Valery @Joannis Campbell [member="Braask"] @Listib Hibin
Location: Slaves Quarters, Joannis' Cell
Equipment: Carnage Rifle, Mining Armor
Time: 2000
Post #3
Tags: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] | [member="Valery"] | [member="Braask"] | [member="Listib Hibin"] |

The Mandalorian was quick and straight to the point, as he assumed many people of his kind were. Joannis never met any of them but he heard that they were troublesome and were tough war-fighters. As Joannis quickly got up and put on the mining power armor, Adenn began to ask several questions that were crucial to their escape. The questions were simple and could be answered quickly after Joannis put the armor on. First, he began with the leg pieces and finally worked his way up to the chest, holding the helmet with the cracked amber visor in his hand.

"Well, I'd love to save as many as possible, but there's one I've got in mind. He's a few cell blocks over, though. Names Listib. We'll have to go out undetected at first and then guns blazing, or go all out guns blazing at first. Up to you." He said as he took the rifle in his hand and inspected it as if he knew what he was doing. All he knew with blasters was to pull the trigger, nothing too complicated. After taking the rifle in one hand, he took the helmet and placed it on his head, the malfunctioning Head Up Display loading mining information that was now irrelevant. When the Trandoshan higher ups had bought this set of armor it came with an armor lock capability. Joannis completely removed that AND the tracker without the Trandoshans noticing. They were far too stupid to understand any sort of superior technology. Hell, half of them probably didn't know anything about mining.

"I'm somewhat a fast learner. Either way, that doesn't matter. I've been waiting to kill some of these lizards my entire life. I thank you for the opportunity to experience freedom, brother." He said as he peered out of the cell. "Now, what's your plan?"

Location: Maeve and Valery's Room
Tags: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="Valery"] [member="Luna Terrik"]


Maeve pulled her pillow over her head as her commander pounded on her door. She had been up late the night before when she definitely should not have been, and was now paying the price. Her head pounded as Valery turned the lights on in their room and Maeve groaned. Forcing her bleary eyes open, she threw her pillow at her roommate. “It’s too damn early,” she said, only half joking.

Ten minutes? It would take Maeve ten minutes to just do her makeup, let alone get combat ready. Maeve ran a hand through her hair and took stock of herself in the mirror. She didn’t look too bad, and the circles under her eyes were nothing a little powder couldn’t fix.

If they were really landing in half an hour, though, she would have to speed herself up. She pulled on her regulation uniform and braided her hair out of her face. “Valery -- you all good? I think I’m going to catch up to the rest of the squad now.” Shoving an illicit chocolate bar into her pocket -- for Maeve had a sinking feeling that she had forgotten to pack a breakfast -- she wondered whether or not to wait for her roommate.

She quickly decided against it. Maeve had known Valery for only a week now, and would rather ditch her than piss off her commanding officer even further. Speaking of… Glancing at her watch, she swore softly. It had been nearly twenty minutes since [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] had demanded they wake, and she was surely in for some shit. She bit her lip. Not much to do about it now, she presumed, so she flicked her braid over her shoulder and without another word to Valery sprinted out of their room.
Hopefully, she’d catch up to the squad before anything really important happened. Once she found them, she would slip into formation and maybe Kelsie wouldn’t even notice she had been gone.
Post 2
Location: Rebellious Hawk - Hangar Area, Kessel System
Equipment: Project SIREN | Prototype Dauntless Phase I Power Armor, CS-04/13 “Eliminator” Combat Pistol, OCTF Standard-Issue XR Slugthrower Rifle w/ XR Series Cryo Rounds, 2 Sabnach Series Disruptor Grenades, Czerka Fighting Knife
Valery was distinctly annoyed to turn around and see one of her commanding officers waving their hand in front of her visor like she was a mannequin of some kind. To say the least, she didn’t understand why the redhead had not yet put her armor on so that she could see the IFF tags. The diminutive Dauntless wasn’t necessarily in the mood to play who’s who before the mission

“Ma’am, can you umm...not wave in front of my visor please? It’s a bit annoying.” The shorter woman said as she took off her helmet with a soft hiss as the suit’s seal decompressed. From there, Valery shook her magenta hair out of the mess that the helmet squished it into as she took in the curious visage of one of her commanding officers. “I’ll be on your ship, ma’am.” Valery added, before she turned away from the strange redhead and followed the rest of the Dauntless up the ramp into the ugly-looking freighter.
Kelsie was equally confused as to why one of her squadmates wasn't wearing the actual Dauntless armor they should have been assigned. When she asked for newbies she assumed that they'd need new gear -- that was why she'd commissioned the extra sets of Dauntless Phase I armor for Maeve and Valery. She hadn't expected one of them to come along with a full set of definitely not Dauntless-approved armor; but perhaps if she'd actually read their files she might've caught on earlier.

She was about to call out to the rather short clone when she was interrupted by blaring klaxons all across the ship. She blinked, then immediately headed over, rapidly equipping her armor and donning her helmet. Her heads-up display informed her what the problem was. Seemed like everyone on the ship was as surprised as the slavers were to see a Mandalorian warship dropping out of hyperspace just a little away from Kessel. Kelsie was already tapped into the vessel's comms, and it seemed that the chatter was largely about how activity was reigniting on the surface. Hopefully the Mandalorians had brought an interdictor, or else this entire operation would be out the window.

"Everyone, to my ship. We gotta get to the surface, ASAP." She holstered three pistols, then grabbed her rifle before moving rapidly towards the exit. Their white armor clacked as they ran down the hall towards the hangar. Kelsie spoke into her comms to Luna as she moved. "Mandalorian warship. We need to change our plans. Can you get the captain to swing around, opposite to their ship? We can't let the slavers out. Get the tractor beams warmed up, and I'll get us dirtside momentarily."

It wasn't long before she was in the cockpit, getting everything warmed up...


"Maeve, Valery, you in there? We're moving out, right now." Kicker stayed by the door, waiting for the girl to get a move on.

[member="Maeve Archeron"] [member="Valery"] [member="Joannis Campbell "][member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Listib Hibin"]
Adenn watched in idle silence as Joannis put on his armor, and turned towards the door to keep an eye on it while they spoke with one another. Internally sighing upon hearing the answer, Adenn knew that he'd now have to commit more forces to this than he had wanted. If Joannis wanted to save these people, then Adenn would help him out, he wanted these people free as well, just didn't expect to do it so soon. Nodding his head to the name of this person, Adenn looked Joannis over once more and continued to listen as he spoke. At the same time he laughed internally at the way he handled a gun. It showed he wasn't used to it, not that Adenn would've expected that. When Joannis looked out of the slave and Adenn bit back another sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder, Adenn would gently tug to signal for him to come back in. Then Adenn spoke.

"Noble cause to try and get so many, I've wanted to before and still do, just didn't expect to do this now. If this 'Listib' is only a few cell blocks over, then we go over there incognito. Once we have that person, I give them a weapon as well and call in reinforcements. From there we move out and create a diversion so the main force can rush through and free as many slaves as possible while killing as many slavers as possible. For this to work though, you'll have to give me my gun back and I'll act as if you're my slave now, or I'm taking you somewhere. But you'll be leading us there." Adenn held his hand out then, fully expecting to get his gun back.

If Joannis goes along with the plan, Adenn would have Joannis leave before him, while holding his blaster to his back. They'd walk past the merc that Adenn had intimidated and Adenn would merely state.
"Above your paygrade worm, he's mine now." He'd also intimidate him again to let them go. From there he'd follow Joannis as he was led towards Listib.

If Joannis decides on something else, then Adenn would listen to whatever the plan is and talk about it with Joannis.


Meanwhile, in orbit.

The Aegis Eternum had noted the Rebellious Hawk when they had come in first, noting it down as something to keep an eye on. They wouldn't make any hostile moves towards the Hawk, instead focusing on maintaining orbit. While they had powered up their shield, weapons were still deactivated, to show that they meant no harm to anyone. However, within the ship itself was a frenzy of activity, soldiers made last minute preparations for the defense of the ship, preparing themselves for enemy boarders, should the need arise. They'd be ready for anything.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] @Valery @Maeve Archeron @Joannis Campbell [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Listib Hibin"]

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