Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lets play a game

Lets play a game i ask any random question then you answer the question and ask your own question and so on whoever post their answer and question first gets theirs answered lets go!

If you had to choose 1 food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
A soup with various vegetables and meats, definitely corn, and noodles. Because you can always drain away some of it, or pick and choose what you want. And it allows you a wide variety that is both technically healthy and changing to avoid complete mundaneness of most single item choices.

Would you rather feel permanently hungry, thirsty, or breathless, and why?


Well-Known Member
[member="Iniquitous Ren"]

Probably fire. I feel like it's more likely to get the job done than Acid.

Buuutttt if we're talking about an Overdose on the cool type of Acid then thats a different situation.

Question of Morals: Use any means necessary to kill a helpless stranger or use a planet killer and kill billions?
Any mean to kill a stranger because if you kill billions your killing billions of strangers anyway. (Someone tell that to tarkin)

Would you rather have someone love you and not love them back or love someone and them not have you love you back?


Well-Known Member
[member="Iniquitous Ren"]

Oh wow. Probably the first one. Used to it already lol.

Get rid of Religion or get rid of Love?


Well-Known Member
Rancor. Better chance of survival (Even though EVERYTHING is likely shattered)

Put Salacious Crumb's head in your mouth and bite it or boot a Jawa in the head

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