Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lets hope they don't recognize me (Phrik Mining on Arkania)

Smiling at him I said, "I can definitely get a copy of that data for you." Heading back into my armory I grabbed a data chip with a copy of the information and stored the DC back on the weapons rack. As I came back out and handed the data chip over to Adson he asked me if I had a probe droid out in the tundra by chance. Narrowing my eyes I said, "I do actually, it was sent out to map the planet surface. I have a particular interest in finding the ruins of Master Arca Jeth's Jedi Praxeum here on Arkania. If your ship picked it up on sensors I'd very much appreciate you not blowing it to bits. My offer of the ride back to your ship still stands Adson, beats hoofing it back..."

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
"Sounds great." Adson put down his empty cup of Caf. "Well, your probe has both found something, and is sending a distress signal, but something is jamming it. So its sounding out a signal via a hyperspace router, which most communication systems wouldn't pick up on a planet. Its mostly used for space. But then my communications systems aren't average." He accepted the datachip, and shoved it into a pocket on his pack. "Sure, I could us a lift, I gotta get going."
Snow billowed behind the speeder as it crossed the eternal tundra that was Arkania, flying and settling down in dunes that would be untouched for centuries to come. Chupa readjusted his seat, one hand on the controls, the other reaching under his seat as it slid forward just enough so his legs weren't so uncomfortable as they held onto the sides of the speeder. He drove without a helmet, his white hair out behind him as the wind whipped past him, his white eyes tracking the ground in front of him with his Arkanian thermal vision. But then...

Heat signals. In the distance. Faint, but...connected to something...

Ship engines.

Squeezing the grips of the speeder, he pushed forward, accelerating faster, his brow descending as a growl emitted from his teeth. Someone was within walking distance of his hideout, and he had to know who. As his speeder got within a few hundred yards, Chupa leapt up on the seat of his speeder and pushed himself off, using his momentum and the power of the Force to propel himself onto the top of the ship, landing with a heavy thud. Drawing his dual vibro-Ryyk blades, his regular lightsaber still holstered, he gently waited on the top of the ship for whoever owned the ship to come back. It was only a matter of time.

He was used to the cold.

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"] [member="Celiana"]
I'd been getting things squared with my swoop-bike and pulling my Mandalorian helmet back on I saw the sensors were going crazy. Someone was approaching my ship and quickly at that. The next thing I was aware of was a burst of energy in The Force and the distinct thump of someone landing on my ship. I was very much not okay with that so I said, "Ares initiate deter and dislodge protocols on the hull of the ship. Then enable lockdown protocols upon my and my guests exit of the ship." The holographic display of my ships' AI Ares winked into existence and clothed in a loose toga bowed and said, "Yes Mistress it will be done."

Turning to Adson I asked, "How good are you at combat from the back of a swoop bike? I was worried about you at first but it seems that we've a visitor atop my ship that I'm about to dislodge I could use some help with that." Glancing back towards Ares I said, "Ares begin dislodge and deter protocols immediately. If there is a transport outside target and disable it." I heard the sound of the hull defenses activating and heard the arcing electricity begin along the outer hull then there was a quick whump of the ion cannon firing once. Hopefully Adson would help and whoever the heck it was out there would be dislodged. I was not okay with this development but I figured that if I could get them off the hull I could deal with them in short order.

I'd scanned this entire are before setting down and there'd been nothing here other than the mineral deposits. A notification sounded on my datapad informing me the last of the gems had been loaded and the droids had returned to the cargo bay. Good, with the lock-down in place the cargo would remain secure...

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"] - [member="Chupa La'Roi"]

OOC: why exactly are you attacking me Mr. Chupa? Story-wise I'm confused as to why you're doing so and the way in which you are going about it.
The waiting game was a long one, with the wind whipping at his hair and the snow occasionally blocking any line of sight he might have had. And then the ship underneath let out sounds that surprised him before sending an electrical shock through his system so hard, he pushed off the ship using the Force as a gut reaction. Landing was a different story: on his back, in the snow, his blades to his sids and about a foot away as his muscles recovered from the shock. Growling, he slowly pulled himself up in a sitting position and looked around just in time to roll out the way of turret fire coming from the roof of the ship. While rolling, his hands linked back around the hilts of his blades, and crouching, he made his way to the back of the ship.

Resting on one knee, one blade across his lap, the other held back with his arm extended out, Chupa waited before calling out.

"Whoever you are, I welcome you to my homeworld. Unfortunately, your ship is parked within walking distance of the cave I chiseled out to hide away in, and I needed to make sure you weren't some bounty hunters come to pilfer my belongings. I see your ship..."

Chupa cracked his neck.

"...has an impressive defense system. I come drawn, but not to harm. I am a wielder of the Force, with no allegiance. I am only making my presence known so that, if I need to, I can protect my homeworld, my belongings, with my life. Let it not come to that."

OOC: I'm not coming to attack you any more than someone drawing their blaster might. Chupa landing on your ship wasn't intended to be a hostile maneuver, it's only part of a long character history that would take a long time to explain.

[member="Celiana"] [member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
Listening through The Force I heard what he had to say and tapped out a command to cease the anti-intruder activity on my ship. Signalling Adson to stop I opened the boarding ramp and walked down the ramp in full Beskar'gam pulling my helmet off and clipping it to my belt I let my right hand rest on the hilt of one of my Echani blades. Then I approached the intruder who had interestingly enough had a Ryyk blade across his lap one arm was extended outwards in a gesture of peace. Walking over snow and frozen earth crunching under my boots I clasped his arm and brought him to a stand facing me.

Looking at him I realized he was Arkanian. Looking at him I said, "I apologize for the shocking welcome and the Ion cannon. I wasn't expecting anyone out this far. I cleared the purchase of the section of land I was on with an Arkanian administrator before landing and secured mining rights on the land my ship is on currently on but I'm not here to steal any of your possessions or raid your dwelling. I also apologize if the mining has disturbed you, if the mine I set up is on your land you're welcome to any of the yield of the mining."

I still needed to give Adson a ride back to his ship but I was also curious if this Arkanian would be able to give me directions to any ruins nearby. I was very keen to explore Master Arca Jeth's Jedi Praxeum if it were still here. Looking at the Arkanian I asked, "Excuse me sir, but you wouldn't happen to know of any old ruins nearby would you? If you do then I'd be interested in directions there or a guide there... I need to make sure this man gets back to his ship but I'll be back soon to see if that would work for you."

Looking at Adson I triggered the lift that brought my swoop bike down and after swing a leg over I pulled my helmet back on and waited for Adson to join me on the back of the swoop...

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"] - [member="Chupa La'Roi"]
[member="Chupa La'Roi"]

Adson for the most part stayed silent, watching and listening to everything with interest. His blaster hung loose in his holster, he now warmed it up. "I can fight off the front or back of anything", he assured [member="Celiana"] . He followed her down the ramp, and only half listened to the discord between the new comer and this force wielder. But when he heard that the newcomer was also a force-wielder, he cleared the ramp to take a look. He raised an eyebrow at the strange character atop the ship.
Looking at Adson after the brief encounter with the visitor I said, "Ok everthing is cool simple misunderstanding, thanks for the assist though Adson. Time we get you back to your ship ehh?" Patting the empty seat behind me I looked towards the new visitor and waited for Adson to mount up behind me. At the very least now I'd acquired land to do continued mining on and I'd filled my ships cargo bay to the brim with Phrikite ore and gems. I'd need to start selling off those gems and building my credit reserves for some of the projects I had in mind anyways and this was a good start.

For now though I'd need to get Adson back to his ship then I could worry about whatever came next...

[member="Chupa La'Roi"] - [member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
Adson mounted the speeder bike. His legs gripped the body tightly from much practice, so that his hands would be free, but he would still be able to hold on through most of the maneuvers a speeder bike could make. He strapped his blaster more tightly in his holster so as not to lose it. He also made sure his backpack was secure. "Well @Celiana , perhaps we can keep in contact and work together sometime? A force wielder would be of assistance to me."
Revving the engine I set off at a quick pace after having Adson mount up. When he mentioned the possibility of working together and a Force user coming in handy to him I said, "Adson let's not get ahead of ourselves I already have a crime-lord I work with. Besides, I like to help as long as I can cash in on the favors later. I can always use extra crew for some of the jobs I do, only so much a girl can do by herself after all. That being said I hope you'll keep me in the loop with any jobs you hear of or need help with. Help me out and I'll return the favor."

The frozen tundra raced by less than a foot below us and I began the scanners on my swoop to look for a ship out here I figured Adson would inform me when we were close...

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
"Yeah, I gotcha", Adson replied. He expected as much, no harm in trying. Adson meditated as the frozen landscape swept below him. His ships beacon began beeping on his wrist console. It was directly ahead.
Time to get off of this frozen wasteland.
Accelerating the swoop towards Adson's ship I came in quickly and hit the brakes sending the swoop into a half-circle with a mist of snow spraying up from the ground. Looking at Adson as he dismounted I said, "It was a pleasure Adson, perhaps in the future we can work a job together. Until then I wish you good fortune and good hunting." Accelerating out of the turn I spun the swoop back around and after a quick look over my left shoulder and a nod I punched it and headed back to my ship.

If my probe had returned then perhaps I could try searching for Arca Jeth's Jedi Praxeum. If not then perhaps in the future, as it stood though I had a hundred tons of Phrikite ore and around sixty tons of various Arkanian gems. I had enough wealth now to start up my own company or business and I had enough Phrikite ore to begin small-scale production of armor and weapons among other things. Small projects mostly but I had materials to work with now. Doors were opening and I was excited at the possibilities to come...

[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
Adson dismounted and watched as the swoop sped away. His eyes flickered around his surroundings. There was something in the air.......something. He shook his head, and walked aboard his ship. He slipped off his pack and deposited it in a locker, then walked to the cockpit. He inserted the data chip into a computer, then while the computer processed the information, he began the take off sequence. Repulsors hummed as the ship lifted of the ground, then the engines blasted with a roar like thunder, and the ship blasted out of the planets's atmosphere. The hyperjump route was already set. Adson sent the ship into hyperspace.

I made a quick ride back to my ship and while I'd been hoping to chat with the Arkanian when I got back he was gone. In any case the mining had been completed and if I needed more I'd be able to make a return trip for more. As it was everything had been loaded up and loading my bike back up I walked into the cockpit and plotted a return course to Voss. Engaging the take-off and jump sequence I headed back to my cabin and began to sketch designs fro weapons and gear I'd be making when I got back...


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