Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Let The Training Begin

Amazin Sky

Location: New Jedi Order Temple on Coruscant

Amazin was nervous to meet the person selected to be her Jedi trainer. She was sitting inside a briefing room, wrapped in a scarf and a hat despite the warm summer day. Her body did not retain heat the same way normal humans did so she was always cold. She was worried this might complicate her training. She had been working hard as a young learner but to be taken on as a padawan was every students dream! She was excited, nervous, and both looking forward to and dreading the experience.

Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Amazin Sky

Red walked down the halls of the temple, striding forward. He walked with purpose and intent, walking down the corridor. He wore his battle armor, his helmet held underneath his left arm. His red hair stood out as a stark contrast from the color of the hallway. As he walked, his footsteps echoed throughout the hallways as he strode down the corridors.

Red thought about his situation. He had been assigned a Padawan to instruct and teach. Red had been up to the task, of course, taking it without complaint. He wasn't against the notion, even being willing to do it. He just wondered why him, of all people, would be selected to train a Padawan. Maybe they thought this Padawan would fit well with him? Perhaps, whatever the case, Red had accepted the offer, and had agreed to train the Padawan. Whatever the case, the Masters obviously thought he would be a good fit with this Padawan, otherwise they wouldn't have put Red with them. Plus, it had been a hot minute since Red had taught a Padawan.

Red stepped into the briefing room they were to meet in and look around. He saw the Padawan he was assigned too sitting nearby, wearing heavy winter clothes. Red looked at the girl, examining her. Red had read her file. Amazin Sky... Born on Hoth, because of strange circumstances around her birth she was born with a rare mutation that made it to where her body couldn't regulate her temperature, making her cold-blooded. She was an interesting one, to say the least.

Red set his helmet down on a table and looked at her. Red nodded his head in greeting, giving a quick salute with his right hand before dropping it back to his side. "Ms. Amazin Sky, my name is Red. I will be your Jedi Instructor. It's a pleasure to meet you." Red held out his hand to her for her to shake. Red was all about proper greetings, after all.

Amazin Sky

"It's nice to meet you too."

She was a little nervous about becoming a padawan but it was also very exciting.

"What should I call you? Master Red?" She was not sure what the proper title for an instructor was.

Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Amazin Sky

"It's nice to meet you too."

Red nodded, examining her. He looked over her, taking into note everything. He examined her body language, noticing how she moved and reacted, reading her. He examined her, scanning her, thinking and analyzing on her. She was clearly nervous, but also very excited. Good, that enthusiasm would do her very well.

"What should I call you? Master Red?"

Red shrugged. "Probably Master Red, though I don't really care what you call me. You can just call me Red if you want to." He answered her.

"So, ready to start? Got all your stuff ready?"

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