Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let the Games Begin (The Moross Crusade)

Crystal followed him out of the Temple and onto the street. She nodded in agreement and followed him down the side street.

Well, he apologized, but it was unnecessary. Questions. Well, there were lots of those too...

"So If I have figured this out correctly, people come to this temple to worship Gods that suit whatever whims they have. Some of these Gods walk around in the Galaxy, but there doesn't seem to be anything God like about them. Though the people coming here wouldn't know that I suppose. So I guess the question is, what is the appeal of this place for someone like you or I?"

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]
Cameron laughed softly. "To a true believer, one need not do a great deal to confirm belief." The statement was of course in reference to her comment about the 'living Gods' not doing anything God-like. Her second question, however, was the key. "To put it simply, it allows an opportunity for a new start, to be part of The only true strength lies in the ability to manage the Force in its entirety. Besides, there is nothing like the belief and support of religious zealots. That is a hard weapon to contend with. The appeal, for me, is that I know the precise truth."

As they continued to walk, Cameron asked Crystal a question. "What exactly is a God? How do you know whether someone is...or is not?" Naturally, Cameron had arrived with his suspicions, but his were confirmed by the fact that he knew one personally. The Sith Lord, however, stood to gain more by being at her side and supporting the organization. Now though...Cameron remained because he believed in the capability and hidden strength of the organization. He respect what Moross represented in terms of his acceptance of the natural pull between dark and light, managed to be employed with...purpose.

What purpose it held for Cameron, well that would remain his own little secret for the time being.

@[member="Crystal Carter"]
@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Crystal knew what Cameron said to be true. Most believers didn't even need proof, or any indication of the truth of what they believed. Cameron spoke of something progressive, which gave her the indication that they were not yet nearing their full potential. That was indeed something. Growth, progressively would really be something if it could continue.

"The answer will vary depending who you ask. Personally, I don't know if I could identify a God if I saw one. You or I could be seen as Gods if you asked someone completely ignorant of the Force..." She trailed off. Ignorance. That was the difference. Wheels were turning in her mind, trying to piece together a full picture. Ignorance and blind faith. People want to believe in something greater than themselves. They would fight for it. But against what?
Cameron nodded to the general flow of Crystal's statements, offering a summary. "You don't know, correct. In fact nobody would...especially if it was already well known that they elected to walk among others in a mortal shell." The answer to Crystal's question was that they'd fight against anything so long as it was for their beliefs. This was the brutal reality of fanatiscism. Cameron, like others, merely existed to guide their faith, their purpose, and train them to turn mere thoughts and perceptions into a burning fire that enforced the will of Moross across Wild Space. For now, of course.

Continuing his casual pace, Cameron returned Crystal to her original comment. "So now I ask you...what about Aesirs Neth, Inari, or Kalee does not seem...God-like?" The fact that Crystal, logically, could not quantify it was the reason the ruse, unknown to her, worked. Even if someone managed to uncover the truth, it would do little if the Aesirs simply claimed they had selected the individuals for their devotion and capability. If an Aesir admitted to the sham, there would be an entirely different set of problems.

The more he spent amongst the people of Moross, however, the more irrelevant he knew that eventuality to be. There was a definitive chance that the faith of the people would endure.

@[member="Crystal Carter"]
Cameron posed another good question. One that she had to consider before responding. "Actually, nothing about them seems God Like to me. To my senses, and Force Senses, they seem to be just another Force user." In actuality, she wasn't even sure that they were as well trained as she or Cameron were. But, she didn't know enough of their abilities to make that judgment yet.

Something was still missing though. The full picture wasn't there. Crystal would not be one of those following blindly, and she knew that Cameron wasn't either. She was nearly certain that his initial reactions would have been similar to her own.

"Have you challenged them? Surely that would have proven them to be powerful enough to be considered God like, or not."

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]
Crystal was missing the larger point, but it was no matter. The Sith Lord continued to respond to her statements one at a time. Eventually...she would reach te inevitable conclusion.

"You did not answer my question. I asked what about them, specifically, does not seem God-like?" Pausing for a moment, Cameron exhaled heavily. "What traits -do- make a God?"

The answer was that there was no answer. It was all a matter of perception. That was the power of deep faith and religion. It was the -belief- that mattered; the stronger, the better.

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Crystal was frustrated as well. She thought that she was answering, but apparently not. "I don't know. Power? Followers? Influence? I have no idea, I guess I just don't believe in Gods."

She wasn't a believer. Perhaps that was why everything needed to be cut and dry. Real. But, she supposed that she didn't have to believe to reinvent herself. She could fake it.
Cameron nodded his head to the woman. "And which if the Living Gods of Moross do not have all of those things, Crystal?" The real answer was simple. Just like any type of leader, they only maintained as much power as the populace gave them. Cameron supported the Crusade because faith was a powerful weapon. Faith based on a balanced, realistic outlook on life...even more so.

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

"Well, I suppose they all do." But that didn't make them Gods. Nor did it make them spectacular. "So it's plausible. Ruse or not."

She could understand the appeal for those Gods. But for Cameron, well, there were always reasons unknown to anyone but him. It didn't matter. "You didn't answer my question earlier. Did you challenge one of them?"
There really wasn't any reason to try and bullshit Crystal, she'd known him too long for that. However there wasn't a reason for him to lay influence on her speculations either. "You can't even quantify what a God is, Crystal. I would argue there are many God-like entities walking the galaxy. The showing off part of it is easy. Making people believe in you, trust you, follow you - that makes a God. That is what they bring to Moross." Crystal would either see the value in that with time or she wouldn't.

Turning, Cameron began walking back towards the street as Crystal made mention of her question. "I didn't think it actually warranted a response. What purpose would it serve?" The truth was that he had dueled with one of them on friendly terms in the very distant past. Still he utilized others away from Moross to continue his training and maintain proficiency.

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Crystal nodded. He was right, she couldn't quantify it. The next things that he said confirmed her suspicions. Knowing the truth wouldn't change things. She still had the opportunity to be a part of something that had the potential for greatness.

She followed Cameron back to the street. "What purpose would it serve?" She repeated before responding. "Well, given that I've known you forever, I suspect that you would have challenged a God. Why not see if you can stand up to a God? It doesn't matter either way, I was just curious."
Cameron laughed softly at Crystal's comment as they emerged back onto the Main Street. Shaking his head, the Sith Lord allowed his amusement to fade. He'd forgotten that Crystal had known him during a...slightly different time. It was not long ago that such an engagement might have entertained him. For better or worse, however, he was much more particular about what he spent his time doing. "It's not something that is of any question in my mind. I'm quite certain I would prevail against the majority." Still...there always existed the opportunity for failure.

"None of their deaths would strengthen this organization. As a result, I exist to ensure their reign continues." Further more, the Sith Lord profited much more from their trust and respect than disdain and hatred. The larger truth remained...Cameron Centurion believed in the motivations and goals of the Crusade. It was an organization he followed out of desire absent any diabolical scheme.

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Crystal smirked. She was pretty certain that he could, and that she could for that matter. But it didn't matter.

Cameron made a good point, she thought. It was better to contribute and be respected than make enemies for no other reason than sport. Especially since the Gods had followers willing to die for them.

"I would like to assist. I enjoy watching people grow."
Cameron glanced briefly at Crystal before nodding his head. "Good. The Pantheon will be pleased." Motioning to the street before them as a way of indicating all of the Moross Crusade, Cameron made only one more comment. "Your opportunities are only limited by your imagination. When you are ready, speak to a Priest of the God you wish to follow. You can, of course, follow more than one. When you've made your commitment, your real journey will begin."

Looking up at the sky, Cameron exhaled heavily. "I must be going. I trust you can find your way back?"

@[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Cameron informed her of the next steps and gave her some helpful hints. And then he departed.

"Yes, I can make it back on my own. Thanks. It's been nice to see you again Cameron." She nodded to him and departed for the Temple once more.

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