Corvus Raaf

As they boarded ‘Raven’ for what felt like the 2,000th time, Corvus was unusually quiet. She was surprised at all of the politics that seemed to have come with her new role on the Council and accepted the mission as a form of break from Ossus.Fortunately Kana didn’t need constant dialogue to know what was going on in her mind. Having a best friend was like that. So she stowed her bag, thanked Corax for translating all of her recent messages – even though they’d all come in Galactic Basic to begin with and headed up to the cockpit.
Once her friend joined her she finally relaxed. She completed the pre-flight checks and then took the ship out of the hangar. Sighing audibly, she stretched her arms and stood momentarily before sitting again.
”OK, I know the basics but that’s it. Something about an illegal slave fighting arena that’s sprung up. Acklays, nexus, reeks, and mongworsts? To be honest, I didn’t even read as far as the planet before I accepted it. What about you, did you read the brief?” There was a weariness about Corvus that had never been apparent before. Although not exactly a holiday, it seemed the time away was long overdue.
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