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Legion Yun'Do Starships and Space Weapons

Grutchin Carrier: Exactly the same as a Yorik-et, coralskipper, except that it emits grutchin countermeasures in contrail. Far superior alternative to original coralskipper.
Yorik-Et: Yuuzhan Vong variant of a starfighter
Yorik-Akaga: Picket analog used by the Yuuzhan Vong
Slayer Ship: Specialized starfighter, used by the supreme overlord, made of three yorik coral triangles. It's considered a heavy starfighter.
Light Starships/Small Transports and gunships/bombers
I'Friil Ma-Nat: Yorik Coral Assault Ship (315 Meters)
Slaveship: Transport vessel used for slaves and prisoners (500 meters)
Uumufalh: Escort assault ships, ranging from 125 - 600 meters
Yorik-Stronha: Ships that appear like asteroids, often used for initial reconnaissance (228 meters)
Yorik-Trema: Dropship analog (48 meters)
Yorik-Vec: Atmospheric Assault Cruiser (30 meters)
Yuuzhan Vong Advanced Scout Ship: Self Explanatory (<100 meters)
Skarr Ro'ik [Custom]: Fighter carrier with defensive capabilities (1420 meters)
Common Warships
A-vek Iiluunu: Capital ship, fighter carrier (800 meters)
Matalok: Cruiser Analog (1200 meters)
Miid ro'ik: Rough analog to imperial star destroyer (1620 meters)
Ro'ik chuun m'arh: Lancer class frigate analog, this vessel was used for long distance reconnaissance and picket utility (440 meters, some as small as 125 meters)
Suuv Ban D'krid: Similar firepower to the Uumufalh, but with 36 coral skippers (720 meters)
Uro-ik v'alh: Massive Yuuzhan Vong Battleship (2,240 meters)
Vua'spar Interdictor: Large interdictor analog (908 meters)
Special Starships
Kor Chokk: Battleship/station analog. Grand cruiser over 8000 meters long, capable of defense and heavy transport.
Koros-Strohna: Worldship, 100 km across. Not for open play.
Sh'rip Sh'pa: Supplied ship used to carry materials needed for vongforming planets (810 meters).
Clustership: Carried Yammosk's to battle. On board, normally had members of the priest and warrior caste. Because of it's religious significance, this was one of the few vessels that could retreat from battle without incurring shame.
Teleute [Custom][Unique]: Warship of Reverance. Highly defensive, equipped with a dread weapon for penetrating other ships and evacuating the insides.
Grutchin: Made to tear through starship hulls and eat what's left inside. Uncontrollable after release.
Grutchinya: Heavily armor and more controllable version of the Grutchin. Only used in atmosphere.
Turfhopper: Much larger version of the Grutchin, often used against capital ships.
Yorik-Ta: Escape pod
Yaret-Kor: Weapon analogous to ballistic launcher, comes in various sizes and capabilities.
Yaret-Krinra: Massive Yaret-Kor, firing at hypervelocity rates

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