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Private Learning To Fall

Anak Darkstar


TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

Planet Info

The Abandoned Sith World had no name. Long ago The Trade Federation had investigated it, only for the legion of B1s to never return.

The Son of Perdition had come to the this ashen planet. It full of deep ravines of magma that boiled deep below. Occasionally a halo would open to reveal the amber glow of hell fire. For this reason Anak christened it Abaddon.

Orbiting the planet was a dead facility, a circular ring that had disabled droids, their circuirs spilled out like intestines, and a skeleton of a Sith Inquistor in black tattered robes nailed ro the wall as a warning.

The Son of Perdition sat aboard this ring of death, oddly homey for the state he was in. A living corpse in The Force.
Last edited by a moderator:
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tags: Anak Darkstar


Days upon days of meditating, focusing, and training had led Kinhaes to a strange planet. Just looking at it gave her a cold shiver, more frigid than standing on Hoth without her armour. Thankfully she had brought it with her this time. Looks like she could need it just to walk on the planet's surface. Although, she hadn't tested it against environments like this before. It was sturdy enough for combat, but this was going to be an extreme test of its durability. Gripping the control stick of her Light Interceptor, she made the small fighter descend to the surface of the almost volcanic planet. Her white armour would give stealth a massive disadvantage, but it was worth it in case, 'she' was here.

After finding a piece of land that was away from the magma around the planet, she descended and touched down. Kinhaes touched the ship's controls to disengage the thrusters and unlock the cockpit door, taking in the immense heat from just the first milliseconds of opening the glass hatch. Gripping the twin sabers on her belt, Kinhaes jumped down and finally felt the ashen ground beneath her boots. Taking a moment to steady herself, Kinhaes used the force to pull her helmet out from the fighter, and into her hand. With a sombre, yet determined look, she placed the visored helmet on and began to walk. It was hard to navigate the terrain, but she didn't need a path laid out for her, she had the force to guide her steps. The inferno around her did give her some grief, such as making the ground one large fragile puzzle. Each step had the chance to drop down into a lava pit below where years of erosion had taken place.

After a hour of walking, trying to feel her target through the Force, she couldn't find her. This whole planet was a scorching blaze, yet she felt colder than a blizzard on her back. She was half expecting her breath to cloud up her visor from the inside. Her growing impatience was reaching its boiling point, and in a fit of anger, Kinhaes took in a large breath and gave out a roar. "UUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHGGGG!" Kinhaes bellowed, her hand moving and letting loose a blow with the Force on a large boulder, almost thirty times her size and most likely hundreds time her weight. The boulder cracks along its base and flew meters away before plummeting and submerging into the slag ridden lava. The breathing from within the visored helmet was ragged and full of annoyance. How could she not find her. The one thing that she has been seeing in her visions for the last few months. Whilst in her rageful state, a sudden blub from a small pit of magma caught her attention fast. Out of instinct, Kinhaes used the force to pull a single lightsaber from her hand, igniting it and letting the orange glow catch and blend in the light of the desolate world. Looking around, Kinhaes was sure something was here that gave off the cold chill she was feeling. As if driven by an incredible force, Kinhaes pressed on further into the planet's scorched and molten surface.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Son of Perdition was enthroned on the wall, his eyes closed as the Ring Station that completed another revolution. His mind was still when suddenly he felt it, a great tremor in The Force. The ripples in the void roused him, his eyes opening, the cobalt blue pupils turning to the view screen. Raising his shoulders, the pilot seat with its metal claws released him. He dropped on his black boote, the black leather of the bottom of his trench coat lapping over his boots. He went to the circular hall, droids strewn as scrap on the grouhd, his steps crossing circuits, and heads, not disturbing their requime. He came to main white airlock door, looking down he saw the surface of the Black Rock planet with its fissured of orange like veins. The Son of Perdition then movee on to the hangar, and boarding a wing shuttle, he left the hangar that descended upon the world of Abaddon.

Anak had not felt his Mistress in many months, the Darkness had been diminished. His self imposed exile was his pennace, for she had forsaken him for his faithlessness. He had spurned her offer of authority and power, and in that lost not only his confidence to tap into the dark side, but his Krath Wife.

Now he felt it, as if a bell had been rung in the shadows, that familiar chill, it was coming from the planet. So he followed it, his ship swooping in the sky and landing by some lava rock. The ramp fell and Anak marched out into the heat, his brow instantly wet and his hair blowing in curls across to wipe it.

He saw a lit saber in the distance. It molten amber matching the halos that opened with steam as trumpets of the dark side’s scheme. He was being drawn to whoever this was, the source of Bogan’s Return.

The Son of Perdition stalked the prey, he watched as this figure in white mantels seemed to move with great angst. He knew it well, the first caresses of the Shadow was such feelings. The Master of Abaddon projected his voice across the canyon,

“Welcome to Abaddon!”

The echo shook the lava rock and more halos opened into pits of magma.

Anak stood on a cliff overlooking the field of pitfalls. If this vistor was worthy, they would evade the mine field of flaming halos and make it to him. If not, at the very least their presence had served to awaken Him.
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tags: Anak Darkstar


Taking a few moments to glare at her surroundings, the magma spewing from the cragged ground, smog rising from the many rivers and streams of lava, and even the rocky cliff faces seemed to move with the steam of hundreds of geysers. Kinhaes watched as the mist rose even higher than before, that was, until a loud voice thundered through the canyon like area. Fully alert, Kinhaes turned to face the echoing words, but with little success in seeing the origin. Her saber hummed a dull tune as the orange glow caught some lava being shot into the sky, the mixture of intense orange and fiery molten lava gave her visage a scorching sun like appearance. The blackened visor flashed with colour as if staring into the heart of a planet.

Suddenly, through the force, Kinhaes felt him. The one to call her. His very presence gave her a chill, but it was nothing compared to the planet itself. Gazing upwards, her eyes locked onto his visage. "Your greeting is unwelcome, Denizen of the Dark," Kinhaes yelled, calling out to him. Her eyes briefly behind the visor fell to the ground. She had to get to him. To confront him. And she knew how. Using the Force, she lifted scorched and burned rocks and some from her surrounding plates holding her up, and used the to create a small stairway upwards to the cliff face. Taking each step, she moved up a floating staircase of rock and stone, using the just stepped off stone or boulder fragment to become the newest and highest step towards her goal.

"If you wish to talk, then tell me where I can find them. Where is the Inquisitor on this Planet?" Her words dripped with venom as she talked about the very person in her nightmares and visions. The one to kill all she knows and holds dear. The one, who will possibly even one day destroy her in every sense. "And do not lie. I have travelled too far and long for this trip to be a disappointment," her voice held the same silent fury as she had when she roared to the planet itself in her anger. The white armoured woman finally rose up just ten meters away from the black cloaked man, the rock she stands on being held by her sheer will and determination.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Son of Darkness was amused. This individual was gifted in the Force, using stones to make a bridge to him. She then said very enigmatic words, “unwelcome,” he found this almost warranringva chuckle, it was she who tresspassed on hallowed ground. From her display of angst to her inquiry about a Inquisitor, Anak was curious.

“You seem lost.. an Inquistor? I have not met one here.”

Then he felt it, that chill of His Mistress Bogan, it swirled around her heart.

“Perhaps your search is misplaced, the plane to this Inquisitor lies elsewhere.”

A cryptic turn of phrase, he expected she’d leave at his first answer.

“Alas you have not the strength to seek the answer. You are blinded by the Light, only in the Dark can you find the One you seek.”

He turned in his black robes, preparing to leave this visitor,

“i must bid you happy hunting on your quest, I have not the time to waist on a Jedi.”

He had dangled the date of the darkness, it now depended on her desperation to know more. Her heart was fertile for this inward journey, and yet the Jedi did their work to create barriers, rules to wash the mind and heart of curiosity. And yet her outburst was a break from the dogmatic way, passion was the path of the Sith. She had potential, that had drawn him planet side, but could she abandon the teachings of Ashla’s Paladins? To tempt was not enough, if she was to fall it would require more, a insatiable desire to know more…

The Jedi claimed “There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.” And yet they refused ro know tye dsrk side of the Force, forbidding it and geocoding its teachers and acolytes. The Jedi claimed “fear was the path to the dark side,” and yet Jedi feared the darknees, meaning they were already ensnared by it. They deluded themselves into believing they were free of His Mistress’ caresses. He knew better, and hoped this interloper had the courage to see past hypocrisy and explore the deeper mysteries of the Force…
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tag: Anak Darkstar


Standing on the floating rock, lava and magma roaring and sputtering down below, the young Jedi couldn't believe her ears. Was this Sith mad, or just stupid to try and anger her. The very words he spoke were deliberately misleading and full of lies. She couldn't let him just walk away. Gripping her lightsaber harder, Kinhaes raised her free hand and used the force to make the various boulders behind and below her fly towards the Sith. But not at him, instead just in front of him, making a large wall of stone and scorched rock. "You lie, Sith," Kinhaes said, her voice full of venom. Taking a step off the rock she was holding up, she took her first steps on the cliff's edge.

Her orange saber glowed against her armour, the red glow from below no longer tainting her robes with its red glow. Now, the orange glow overed her form. "You know how to find them! You will tell me, or I will have your head!" Kinhaes said, still holding up the barrier and now, pulling her second lightsaber from her belt to her free hand. The second blade igniting before it even reached her hand. The twin sabers glowed fiercely as she stood in defiance of the Sith before her. She didn't care for the ways of calmness and peace. She had to find out where the Inquisitor was, and how to finally confront them. If she had to fight this Sith warrior, seemingly no more experience than herself, she would.

The planet's aura started to feel more heated. But whether it was her own anger and annoyance causing her to feel that, or if she was getting more acquainted and used to standing in the dark she couldn't tell. All she could tell, was that this Sith was going to try and confuse her. To trick her, but she must keep her head steady, even if her anger did overtake her.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

Anak felt it, the pure and undefiled rage. The snap his of sabers as she declared him a Liar. He found this amusing, since his art of deception was always to tell the truth. Most sentients concealed their intent and true thoughts behind barriers of cleaver rhetoric. This being the norm, if someone were to say the truth, no one woukd believe them. And he counted on this reality.

“I do know how to find what you seek. The question is how far are you willing to go to meet this.. Inquisitor?”

A play on words, the truth is she would need to commit her own inquisition with his help to find the face she sought.

“If you wish to fight, than so be it.. only know that without my guidance you will never find the One you hunt.”

The Son of Darkness was reading her face, such a tormented soul. Had she been wiser she’d disregard such visions and dreams, they often were self fulfilling, leading the dreamer to make them real by obsessing over them. Had he been a Jedi he’d train her to block them out. But Anak was no Jedi. He relished the chance to help a Daughter of Ashla impale herself on the dark stake of her dreams.

The Sith reached for his praetor hilt, unclipping it and holding its cool metal in his mechanical hand. He could no longer feel it. Ironic, a Jedi had taken his arm, and now one had come to lose her grip on sanity.

“Your move, Jedi.”
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tag: Anak Darkstar


Standing before her opponent, twin lightsabers in hand, Kinhaes stared at the Sith before her. Every part of her body, mind, and soul told her to not engage this figure of the dark. But, her determination kept pushing her forwards. If this man knew the secrets of how to find the Inquisitor, then she would have to get them from him, even if she had to torture him to get it. Gripping her sabers tighter, Kinhaes's amber eyes glared daggers into his own. Her hate began to radiate through the force itself.

Her eyes fell upon the metallic hand of her enemy, recognising it as a prosthetic. A minor concern, but still a sign of danger given the strength the metal hand could use if it got a hold on her. At the Sith's words about how it was 'her move', Kinhaes took an offensive stance, crouched slightly with the sabers in a tightened grip. With a minute motion of her hands, the golden orange glow of her weapons spun to be held in a reverse grip. The glow, once before her form, not highlighted her from behind. The white colour of her armour glowed softly in the orange and fiery light of a large explosion of lava from behind her. A large geyser from below the cliff's edge erupted into practically an inferno of magma and lava like vertical stream. "So be it, Sith Scum," Kinhaes uttered the words like venomous poison dripping from a snakes fangs.

With the deafening noise of the detonation from below, Kinhaes rocketed forwards. Her voice echoed in a half mechanic, half organic roar through her helmet. With one hand behind her, she raised her right in front of her body, shielding her body from frontal attacks, before suddenly extinguishing both sabers and giving a might blow through the Force with the goal of pushing her foe off balance, before reigniting her sabers and advancing with wild, yet precise swings as she attempted to either disarm or catch an opening in her opponent's guard. "I'll cut you into pieces until you tell me where they are!" Kinhaes roared, her body moving like an animal, yet each step was calculated to either dodge or take advantage of a missed swing.

Battle Music:

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Son of Darkness watched at the planet reacted to the rage in this.. well they weren’t behaving like a Jedi. When she created a shield and assailed him with the Force, the blow Anak took being thrown back, toppling on his back, he spit up blood ans luaghed.

“Hahahahahaha! Good! That’s the spirit!”

The Sith rose back to his feet levitating back into A stance as he snapped his blood red blade to meet the barrage of cuts from this Warrior. She was in a frenzy, which meant he would adopt a Soresu defende, letting the bladws swing around him ans blocking them in guided fashion, using his blade to touch and redirect, not take the full force of the blows.

“You want this Inquisitor? You should turn those blades inward..”

Anak leapt into the air and levitated to a mound of volcanic rock, he held his saber in one hand. He looked down on this Daughter of Darkness, she was so blind to the truth, so fixated on the outward she could not see herself. There was a ounce of pity in his gaze, unawareness was costly. Reaching out, he moved a great bolder hanging on ridge above her, it fell ans began to roll at her with great speed. If she survived, he’d help her, if not then he would return to his research of the planet.
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tag: Anak Darkstar


The crackling of her own twin blades humming around her body as she advanced on the defensive Sith gave Kinhaes a sense of adrenaline. If she could continue this path of attack, she could easily over power her opponent. As for his combat tactics, Form 3 was a very effective defensive option, but highly flawed in the fact that it requires high amounts of stamina and energy to keep it up for long periods of time, hence why users would incorporate other forms into their combat style to fix this issue. With twin blades swinging, connecting with his own, now ignited, red lightsaber, the young jedi kept her focus on his movements. Any step he did, she correctly followed suit. Any strike she had countered, she redirected with her other.

That was, until he used his agility to leap high into the air and away from her deadly weapons. His usage of movement was interesting. It was as if he was going to... Suddenly, Kinhaes realised. With a single button flick on her left handed saber, she lifted her arm into the air. The large boulder that was knocked loose to drop onto her from above was halted in its place less than a few meters away. "Dirty trick, Sith," Kinhaes said, almost criticizing her opponent, "But that won' get the drop on me like you hoped." With a single movement she threw the large boulder to her foe, with the intent to knock him off his feet and down the sharp decline of smoking rock.

Taking the opportunity, Kinhaes began to run down the path at her opponent, blade reignited and ready to cut. Whilst she was driven to cut him down, his words still hung in her mind. 'Turn her blades inwards'. That was an odd choice of words. Especially for a Sith. But she couldn't focus on that yet. She had to take him down and get what she needed.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The great bolder was raised back and thrown at Anak, who was pleasently suprised. The great black rock hurled at him, and with a lift of his hands, he inched it over his head, scrapping his hood as it flew over and crashed on the other side.

This Girl was tenacious, he was now upon him in a charge with those magma blades, he barly got his red blade up to block the flurry, she was like a storm, esch cut a bolt of fury. By the Force she was powerful. Holding her two blades in a lock up Anak said,

“Your skills are impressive.. your resolve admirable..”

The blades rained sparks beneath them on the smooth black rock.

“Are you ready to hear the truth? Or shall we continue to dance around it?”

The Sith was not like the Lords of Old with schemes and deception. No, Saarai, truth, was a more potent method. He waited as he listened to her heart beat, it was racing like the flick of her blades. He sensed fear. Was she ready to confront it? Or like so many run from it.

The Dark Warrior felt a tinge or pity. When he had given himself to the dark side, it had been to save his mother, and in the end he failed. No matter how hard he fought, one could not defeat death…
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tag: Anak Darkstar


Having assailed her foe with strike after strike, Kinhaes was starting to wear thin. Her energy, and her opponent's must be flagging by now. If not, then she would have to use every ounce of strength she had to keep fighting. With her twin golden sabers locked with the Sith's crimson ones, the young Zabrak tried to push against him. As their weapons clashed in an ever locked battle of sheer physical power, the Sith started to drip poisonous words into her ears. Kinhaes's breath, now almost robotic behind her helmet, was deep and strained as she had spent a lot of energy in just the opening minutes of their duel.

Anger began to boil once again as the Sith asked her whether he should just tell her the truth or to keep avoiding it, Kinhaes' breathing became a growl. "If that will cease your idiotic taunting, then speak before I sever your arms then head!" Kinhaes roared, pushing with her sabers a bit harder, using her shorter stature to almost make a body position like wedge to keep him from pushing her away or down without trying to also break the laws of physical and basic principles of the universe.

Her white armour was now case into shades of white, gold, and red as their lightsabers struggled still. Using the Force, Kinhaes lifted a rock up from behind her opponent, with the intent of lobing it at his feet after he finally divulged his 'truth' to her.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Warrior kept bearing at Anak’s defenses, he coukd feel that her strength was sapped, and yet like a wounded animal she would fight on, he sensed the great stone rising behind his head. In a bold decision he lowered his saber and deactivated the blade which slide into the hilt with shhhut sound.

“The Truth.. this Inquisitor you seek is here, right among us. Do you not see? The one you hunt is yourself, you are the Dark Mirage you claw at. Look at yourself.. you have already drawn on the power of the dark side, this entire time you have given yourself over to rage and anger, focusing it to destroy me, the herald of the message you do not want to hear.”

Raising his arms to his sides, he stood poised to receive her point.

“If you were a Jedi, you would have found another solution. Instead you came to Abaddon and struck at me. You have blasphemed the Light, and shrouded it in the cloak of your temper. How can you now play hypocrite? Inquisitor made you do it? I may you do it? You know better.. that the dark shoals lap in your soul. The question is will you live in denial or accept the truth that you are The Monster, it is not lurking in some cave or prowling about a planet. Look in the mirror dear, see yourself and accept that you are already turned, that the shadow is in your eyes starring back!”

The Sith was perhaps overstating, he could have been more cryptic, but he was tired, and if this persisted much longer, he would have to kill her. Which would be a shame after the display he had just seen. So he stood with his breast vulnerable, and the back of his head resting against the rock as a head rest, waiting to see what she would do.
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
Tag: Anak Darkstar


Anger building, tensions rising, Kinhaes glared through her helmet's visor at her foe. He was a few wrong words from losing his head. As she prepared to strike at him again to get him speaking, he separated their weapons. No longer locked, Kinhaes hopped backwards to keep them out of each other's reach, her focus still holding the rock up. That was, until he spoke his 'truth'.

Kinhaes' body froze, her hands suddenly gripping her weapons tighter still. Almost to the point of breaking their casings. The struggled breathing of the young padawan caught in her throat. Every words spoken to her was like a blow against her body and mind. The orange sabers in her hands began to loosen from her gloved fingertips. Once her foe had opened his body up, now free of his weapon's ignited crimson blade, Kinhaes' body reacted with a single step back. The shock of his words hit her hard and sent shivers colder than even the dark planet could have given her. "You lie..." Kinhaes spoke, her voice soft and full of pained defeat.

The Sith gave her reason after reason, point after brutal point, that she had strayed too far from the path of the Jedi. Every time she had attacked him it had been out of anger, hatred and fury. The very things her master had always warned her against before his demise. The Zabrak's mind wandered into the past few weeks. She had wandered from planet to planet. Station to space port. Tracking people who she through might have the answers. She started to realise that in sight of her goal, she had used her anger against a few of them to get the information she sought. She had force choked a man who had tried to fight her off after confronting him. She had threatened another before with her saber at his throat, finger on the ignition switch. Her path, ever since leaving the temple on Coruscant and talking to a Jedi Master, had been filled with shadows and the icy touch of the Dark Side.

Realising her path was now so lost she couldn't find her way back, Kinhaes dropped her weapons, their orange blades extinguishing as the bronze and red coloured metal handles dug into the loosened gravel and rock ground. Her hands reached to her helmet, and with a small flick of a safety switch, she removed the visored mask. The white piece of armour fell to the ground with a thud as her knees hit the ground. Face now exposed, her deep red skin with its black tattoos now was cast in a myriad of oranges, reds and similar spectrums of light. The amber eyes, almost Sith like in appearance now, gazed fixatedly at the ground. Her hands reached to the sides of her head as she began to take short and sharp breaths. Bowing her head down to face the ground fully, Kinhaes was like this for a while.

With her anger, sadness and grief now fully in control, her reach through the Force began untamed and unstable. The large rock, having been dropped long ago, since the Sith began speaking, began to shake. Multiple streams of lava and stacks of charred and burnt rocks began to rise from the ground. The stones began to spin like small orbs of rocky blades. Boulders began to vibrate and crack apart. Lava rose into the air in liquid like clumps of scorching, glowing water. Kinhaes' body began to violently shake. Not from her once sobbing cries, but something else. Kinhaes rose her head, hands now lowering slightly, her eyes now reflecting the light around her as a person who had been taken by the Dark Side of years would. Her sobbing had ceased, the tears staining her face were now stopped. Instead, a manic laugh of a woman who's mind had broken. Who's will and mental strength had finally in a single, erupting blow, shattered like a hammer through glass. Kinhaes finally understood. It was like the Master had said, "the future is always in motion, and visions are distorted by the endless possibilities and powerful emotions that come with them." She finally understood. This was the future she had been seeing for so long. The nightmares. The terrifying, endless sleepless nights. It was the Force trying to tell her what she was to become. Her Destiny.

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Son of Darkness was a tad sorrowful at this transformation. The Lady had revealed herself, casting aside sabers and helm, falling literally and spiritually. She was a Zabrak, that indominatable race of Dathomir he had encountered during his visit there. So much had changed since he was harbored among the Night Sister Clans. He had been a pawn of beings posing as gods, that had forced him to be a bearer of the Light, his mouth spat at it, a Jedi. Now he was rediscovering his dark nature as she had just discovered hers. Perhaps it was the work of destiny.

As she rose in flame, the planet baptizing in bursts of magma geysers, the Sith took his black robe and hood and stepped behind her, laying the mantle upon her.

“You have accepted the Truth, Saraai! Your Journey towards the dark side is complete..”

He then stepped away from her, he sensed her feros nature., that chaotic flame that could in an instant pour over on him.

“Now you must decide your path as a disciple of the dark. Carry on as you have, alone as a pyre you may burn brightly in yhis galaxy. Seek out the Sith Academy and learn tradition. Or..”

He gave a long pause.

“Join me and together as two flames we may burn down more cielings, char temples of hypocrisy, and awaken mysteries that cannot be found alone.”

This last plea hand pangs, he doubted her desire to learn anytjing from him, not be his companion. He had helped her see Saraai, Truth, surly any other Lord could have done so.. though perhaps not have risked themselves as he had. That had always been Anak’s fatal flaw, he cared more about others and their progress, he threw himself into the hazard to help those he cared about. His attachment, his passion: ardent affection had been the death nail to his Jedi training, and why he was able to return to The Dark. With no love, the Light could nor be his mistress, Anak craved connection, and while The Sons of Light had reformed and allowed families, to be a true Master of Ashla meant letting go of those you love, allowing them to perish if it was their destiny. Anak could not accept this, he wanted to save people, not let them die. He wanted the power over death itself, to blaspheme thoae gods that had played him and others.

Turning to watch this newly annointed Dark Sider, Abak held his hands to his sides and levitated the fallen sabers to her as she rose to hef feet.

“The choice is yours New Born of Darkness. I will not control your fate, I have had mine meddled with and will suffer none to be strung as I was with puppet strings.”

He crossed his arms and waited. If she became violent, he had already levitated his saber to his belt, and would parry and then flee, leaving her to the planet as he made his escape. For in thai awaken state she was dangerious, capable of even taking him down, for when darkness is first churned, it reaching peak power like a eruption of a volacno before it ebbs and flows more peacefully.
Location: Abandoned Unknown Sith Planet
@tag: Anak Darkstar


Still kneeling on the ground, Kinhaes' manic laughter resounded throughout the volcanic land around them, the magma, rocks and boulders floated lighter and glinted off into a small almost hurricane like barrier around them both. With her hands now by her side, Kinhaes' insane cries died down. Her eyes, now completely turned into one of a true Sith. Taking a shuddering breath, her ears picked up on the Sith's offer. His cloak now draped over her shoulders like a warm embrace of shadows. The red crimson skin of the newly turned padawan reflected the glow of the suspended lava, before dropping everything. All the rocks, magma and large shattered boulders crashed into the ground, scattering themselves across the scorched and ashen ground.

With a simple raise of her head, her body followed suit. Standing tall, she gazed at the Sith before her. She had been awakened. Her eyes now open to how her path was to be. Her hands opened, as she could sense her weapons beside her. With lightning speed the twin crimson and brass handles flew into her grasp, as she looked at the twin weapons. Extinguished for the time being. Thinking for a while, Kinhaes belted the handles of her former life, staring back at Anak Darkstar .

"I will travel with you, Dark Kin," Kinhaes spoke, her voice now darker and more full of malice, "But not as Kinhaes... Never again shall I be called that name." The new Sith used the force to pull her discarded helmet to her grasp, hands on either side. "I am not that weakling anymore. I am the true darkness at the edge of day and the stars themselves." Using the dark side to empower her physical strength, she placed her thumbs into the forehead section of the white and silver helm, her nails digging into the metallic surface before punching through. With an act as simple as opening a door, Kinhaes tore the helm in half, the glass visor shattering from the force. With the helm of her old life destroyed, she looked to Anak Darkstar again. "I have no name. And I will be addressed as such. She Who Has No Name," the Sith spoke, her voice full of purpose and twisted determination.

Lifting her hands to the sky, she opened her mind to the planet around her. The full force of the Dark Side that was embedded in the planet's core itself washed over her. With a simple sudden flexing of her fingers, red Force Lightning exploded from her hands, soaring into the sky as she gave a wicked grin at her display of power. The molten crimson lightning arced across the sky, reaching many meters above them, almost close to fifty meters in height, before she stopped, and lowered her hands to her side. The red lightning still arcing between her fingers, the crimson skin actually turning slightly transparent for split seconds, her skeletal hands showing beneath. "I am Sith, and I will make sure all who stand in my way will feel the full extend of the Dark Side, or bow to my will," Kinhaes grinned still at Anak, silently thanking him with her eyes for showing her the true nature of herself and the path she had to walk.

With her grin still present, the young woman bowed her head slightly, speaking softly, as if with respect or some sembelance of her past calm nature, "Lead the way, Master."

Anak Darkstar

TAG: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

The Corrupter nodded his head as she pronounced that Kinhaes was dead, and in her place was Sine nomine, No Name. He had made The Dark Side his Mistresss, and she so emphasized the Dark which swirled around her in such rapture and power, that she refused a Darth mantel much as He had. Her Namelessness would force foes to venerate in terror The Darkness itself.

Then she called him “Dark Kin,” the word stirred in him all manner of feelings. The Sith had refused to adopt him as their own relationally and his family had perished long ago. There was also the matter of his exes, his fiancee a Krath Witch and Darth Sarlaac, who now followed her own path. Anak jad learned to be lonely, so the mention of Kin was more than he had hoped for, maybe for once he could be part of a tribe of Two for as long as his teachings kept her interest.

I will allow the monniker of Master due to Sith tradition, however, I will not apply the greed that position stirs in some. I intend to pass on mastery, not control you. You are not to walk in my shadow, rather ours shall be two shadows connected in the goal of casting the galaxy in Darkness.

The Dark Lord paused,

I want you to be as The Darkness intended, free of all chains. This is the last mantra of the Sith Code, ‘My chains are broken, the Force will free me.’
I will not add links of my own as many lords do, fearing to be surpassed. I hope you exceed and transcend me, for this is the burden of Masters, we watch as our apprentices grow beyond what we are.

The Son of Darkness smiled, his eyes flickering green like the lights of of Aurora.

Shall we begin?

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