Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learing from a Legend

[SIZE=10pt]It was a late night on voss and Nikias stood out in the temple’s courtyards alone. The sound of bugs and birds were the only thing that could be heard. Due to not truly being able to apply many of the other lessons from the classes that the Masters of the Silver Sanctum offered[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias had taken to training on his own in the dead of night. It was the only time he didn’t have to worry about the judging gaze of other padawans judging him for his lack of skills in many aspects of the force. A sanctum all to himself. Though not only for those reasons[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]but because he had a holocron. A depository of knowledge that bore the essence of its creator. Nikias had done plenty of research during his time at the temple[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and plenty of the articles and materials referred to holocrons. How they were incredibly rare to find. Nikias knew that some other members of the Silver Sanctum had some and would probably be more than happy to take the holocron and store it with the rest. Probably thinking Nikias not ready to access its contents. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Holding the glowing cube in his hand Nikias reached out with it the same way he had the first time. Opening his palm Nikias closed his eyes focusing on the force within himself and pushing it out with a light touch. Reacting to the Hellyni’s presence the holocron began to faintly click and whir as it came to life and its weight left Nikias’ hand as he placed the object on the arena floor. A blue glow was cast in the area as a small avatar appeared. Nikias recognized the being inside the holocron from his first time opening it. The man had spiked brown hair[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and a long scar going down the left side of his face. “Aw are you ready to learn what I can teach now?” The avatar of the holocron asked in a calm voice[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]though Nikias couldn’t help but think he was being scolded.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Yes, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]I am ready to learn from you now.” The first time the avatar had offered such lessons Nikias had turned it down due to being busy and not having any true time to use the holocron while he was alone. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"good… But I shall offer you a few words of caution before we begin your learning. Do not think this will be easy,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] nor think yourself immortal or invulnerable after acquiring this knowledge… I learned such a lesson myself long ago[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]and it is something I’ll never forget. That same pride and arrogance that some young padawans and knights feel can easily get them killed. Just because we have the force[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]and may even be powerful in our manipulations of it doesn’t make us invulnerable. A slight misstep in combat[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] one short oversight and everything you worked for can be gone along with your life.” Ganner said his eyes looking at Nikias[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] though the weight of his words were enormous. “I will not teach a being so prideful that they cannot see their own faults[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], or their own mortality. How powerful you think yourself to be is never how much so you truly are.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nikias hadn’t thought that the avatar would be able to process such deep thoughts. Nikias had only thought the repositories of knowledge. But from what he had seen the Holocrons avatar was near sentient and very aware of everything it was saying. “I… I know that lesson better than many.” Nikias answered. Those days when his brother had lived Nikias thought them to be invincible on the battlefield. As long as they were together they could meet any challenge[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]that myth was broken when they’d been captured.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Then we can actually start your lessons.” Rhysode said looking Nikias up and down. “The only true knowledge I can pass on to a jedi is my knowledge of the telekinetic aspects of the force. That is all I was truly excelled at. As long as you don’t mind such a limitation I can pass on the knowledge.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“It is the same for me. It’s the only ability I’ve demonstrated any ability with.” Nikias said nodding his head.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“that is quite the coincidence,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] can I assume you’re familiar with the basics of telekinesis then? If so instead we will begin to work on you creating a shield with it. Take a few steps back and gather the force and prepare yourself for what comes next.” The avatar advised.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Following the instructions given Nikias took a few steps back then nodded his head to the gatekeeper. “Ok since you know how to push out with the force I want you to push out with it and immediately imagine the energy solidifying into a wall before you."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nodding his head Nikias focused the energy within himself feeling it spread out and as he pushed out with his left hand he closed his eyes imagining the push transforming into a protective wall. But as he opened his eyes Nikias looked back to the holocron. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]“No… All wrong. Do it again. If you cannot even do this[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] we can’t move on.” The avatar warned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Taking in a deep breath Nikias calmed himself knowing that his failure had been apparent to even the avatar. He didn’t know where he had failed[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] he had pushed out with the force but it didn’t take on the form that he had wanted. “Don’t just push out with everything you have[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], make it a light push and pull it immediately back to you. Not forcefully[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] let it happen naturally.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Alright,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] I got it.” Nikias said this time pushing out his right hand but restraining the push to where it would seem almost as if it would barely push a feather then drawing it back in Nikias formed it into a shield although it was incredibly weak and seemed frail.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You won’t be getting awards for something that flimsy. or be blocking any attacks” The holocron called out without even giving Nikias a break.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The hours flew by and the longer the training went on the more worn out Nikias was getting. Not only physically but mentally. He could feel all the energy that he was wasting draining from his body[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and finally after dozens of attempts Nikias held out his hand and before him was a solid wall of telekinetic energy. “Good. That is all for now. Next we will work on completely shielding your body and timing.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The next day Nikias found himself wandering through the jungle of Voss the holocron of Ganner Rhysode held before him within the grip of the force. “So you said we’d be working on my timing with shields?” Nikias asked as he swatted at the bugs that were trying to bite him. Their buzzing was enough to drive even the sanest and peaceful of jedi insane.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Yes,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] what is the point of being able to use a shield if you can’t react in time enough to use it? Even then you were only able to create a wall. This time we will be focusing on creating a full body shield.” The avatar of the holocron said looking at Nikias’. “The timing is the key aspect of using a barrier in the force. Too soon and you give your opponents a chance to think of a different strategy. Use it to late and you won’t be able to protect yourself.” The holocron advised.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“So how exactly can we work on my timing? Even then just creating a wall was complicated. How much more so will creating an entire bubble of it that can encompass me be?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“It shouldn’t be that much harder,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] you just have to readjust your thinking away from an actual wall and into willing the wall to circle itself around you. As for your timing we will be doing it on my command. this looks good enough.” The avatar said as they entered a clearing with a small stream made its way through[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] the sound of it rolling over the rocks blocking most of the other forest sounds out. It was calming in a way. Nikias couldn't even hear the annoying buzzing of the bugs anymore. moving his hand nikias let the holocron float over to a flat rock near the stream before he took up a position facing it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“One thing you should keep in mind about the barriers I’m teaching you to create is that that can do more than just protect you from another Telekinetic burst. It can also be used to protect yourself from small things such as a sandstorm to things such as an explosion if you’re powerful enough to create one to do so. Though my warning about being aware of your own power still stands,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] so be careful when creating such a shield. Sometimes it will just be best to try and dodge it instead of baring the attack. For instance[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] what I want you to do now is to focus on creating the barrier similar to how you did last night and then immediately imagine it forming around your own hand while you pull it back to yourself."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nodding his head Nikias pushed out with his right hand with the force in a small telekinetic wave. It was light and immediately pulling it back Nikias focused on the solid shield forming around his fist and arm. The first time it only encompassed his fist only. Trying again it took Nikias till his third time till he got the hang of it and the barrier had formed around his arm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The avatar of the holocron examined the arm and simply nodded his head. “Dip you hand in the river and solidify the shield. When you pull it if you did the shield correctly your arm should be completely dry[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], if it isn’t that means you failed to create a strong enough shield. If you fail, you will continue to do the exercises till you can create a barrier between your arm and the water. We will be here till the sun goes down if we have to. This ability could possibly save your life."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Moving over to the stream Nikias stood over it watching as the water rolled over the rocks. Kneeling down Nikias could see to the bottom of the water where fish swam on their way not minding the Hellyni as they continued on their way. Looking back at the holocron then down at his hand where the semi translucent barrier floated around it. Making his decision Nikias plunged his arm into the stream and as he did so he immediately felt the water penetrate the shield submerging his arm and the chill of it bit into his bones. Slowly pulling the soaking limb out Nikias held it up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You didn’t make the shield strong enough. It can’t be flimsy if it’s going to protect you,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it has to be completely solid and you can’t let it down till you are sure the attack has been broken off. You will get yourself killed dropping your barrier to early. Again.” The holocron coached waiting for Nikias to obey the command so they could move on with their training. “There is still plenty of time[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], so don’t rush it. Just focus on creating a solid barrier you’re confident in.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Sighing Nikias closed his eyes focusing on the barrier[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]it was easy to get it to form. But he had to rid himself of the thoughts of it being only a telekinetic power. In his mind Nikias focused on it being a solid shield against whatever would harm him. Not even opening his eyes to see if the shield had fully formed Nikias moved plunging his hand into the depths of the stream. At first he expected to feel the chill of water again but there was nothing[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]and when Nikias chanced a look at his arm he saw the water going around it not even touching his skin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Good… See how much of a difference it can make?” The avatar asked Nikias looking closer at the Jedi’s arm that was elbow deep in the water. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“Yes, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]I actually can.” Nikias said removing his left arm from the water to find it completely dry. “That’s amazing.” Nikias said examining what bit of the barrier he could see before letting it fizzle into non-existence. “So you said that next we’d be focusing on me using it to create full body encompassing bubbles?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Correct, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]a Simple wall won’t be able to protect you from an attack from your right or left. It would be even less useful against a telekinetic attack. The only way to ensure your body isn’t completely destroyed and that you have a better chance of surviving an attack. You already know how to form it around your arm so that means just use the same means to imagine it as a bubble around you. Not a thin one[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] that will take time for you to be able to manipulate a barrier to that point. This time when you push out with the force make it a barrier that completely covers yourself.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]I wonder if this is what it’s like training with a real master? [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nikias thought looking at the avatar of the holocron. How its unblinking eyes bore into him analyzing nik from head to toe. The ganner rhysode gatekeeper was very careful on what information it released to Nikias and had shown it many times with how it wouldn’t let him move on to another objective till he could finish the current one that he was on. It was good in some ways[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]though Nikias did feel that at times the holocron was too strict about such things. Standing Nikias rolled his neck letting it pop audibly a few times. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Building up his energy Nikias focused on how he had formed the hardened barrier around his arm and expanded the thought out. Raising both his arms straight out to his sides Nikias pushed out with the force. The air around him rippled slightly as leaves lifted from the ground and pulling it back in Nikias formed the bubble around himself. From where he was within it he could barely see it but could certainly feel it humming around him[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nikias could also feel how flimsy the shield felt while he was in the center of it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“solidify it. Think of it whenever you release a push with the force. Put your strength behind it,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] that is the only way the barrier will be able to protect you.” Ganner said shaking his head after looking at Nikias. “Its not that your attempts are bad[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]as you obviously have the ability to do it. You just have to stop being so gentle and put your strength behind it.” The avatar coached standing in its neutral stance arms tucked behind its back as it always had. If it had changed positions Nikias couldn’t remember it doing such a thing. It was almost unnerving in a way[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]but the way the avatar spoke it almost seemed human at times and had far more knowledge than Nikias could say he had on his own.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Dropping his arms to his side nik lowered his head and he could almost feel the questioning gaze of the gatekeeper. “Giving up on this after only one try? I thought you were the type to continue on no matter what stood in your way? At least that’s what I’ve seen since I started teaching you. If you’ve been able to handle everything else I’ve thrown at you this should be easy.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“I’m not giving up.” Nikias said[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] instead he’d been building up his energy and pushed out violently with both of his arms. Away from them a wave of telekinetic energy left before suddenly pulling in on himself forming itself building layer upon layer till a semi-transparent barrier appearead around himself. A look of concentration was on nikias’ face as he continued to hold on to the barrier for a few more seconds before looking at the gatekeeper to get permission to drop it. It wasn’t to straining to keep up after you got it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but that was probably because Nikias wasn’t under any pressure just yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Hmm,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] I was worried for a few seconds. Some students can’t handle it when they don’t get things on the first go around… though to test it I want you to stand in the center of the stream and release another barrier. After doing so I want you to stay there till I say to get out[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt].[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]There was no point in arguing with the holocron and nikias knew it. If he argued the gatekeeper could simply seal himself back into the holocron refusing to teach Nikias anything more till he felt like doing so if he ever did. Nikias was the one who was seeking knowledge from the holocron[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]not the other way around and he knew his position. Since his arm up to his elbow had been able to enter the stream with no problem Nikias wasn’t surprised when he stepped into it and the water nearly reached his knees. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]This time when he pushed out with the force there was a disturbance in the water and as the bubble took shape Nikias became an obstacle in the water that stream began to flow around. Meeting his shield[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]it divided to either side of the protective shield. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“Good, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]now whenever I say stop I want you to drop the shield and when I say bang I want you to throw it back up as fast as you can. This will be us training your reflexes to react to an attack. Unless you learn to throw it up fast enough the shield will be useless. I’ve told you this once before but now we will be putting it to the test. We will not be stopping till I see your reaction time as satisfactory. This will also apply to your use of other telekinetic abilities. Reaction is everything when it comes to them… now stop!” the gatekeeper said immediately after finishing his speech.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Obeying the orders Nikias dropped the shield but before he could even lower his arms or think anything the avatar said “Bang.” Immediately retaliating with the force Nikias pushed out summoning the barrier though it was three seconds later after ganner had said bang. “You’re dead. You reacted to slow. You can’t let yourself get caught off guard by such things. Drop it.” The ganner said his face still neutral. He was not joyful of having to scold Nikias but it was obvious he was trying to drill the lesson into the jedi’s head. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Expecting the bang to come immediately again Nikias threw up the shield. “Wrong! To early and you give your opponents time to think and strategize. You’re showing them what you’re capable of before you need to do so. Do it when I say bang. Not before…. Again.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Sighing Nikias dropped the shield prepping himself. However instead of letting his guard down Nikias kept his eyes on the holocron. “Bang” Nikias began pouring energy into the shield the moment he saw the avatar opening his mouth and heard the beginning of the word[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and by the time it finished the barrier was up. “Good[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], now you’re getting it. Look for clues to when your opponent is about to attack. Now just wait for a sound all the time. Anything that looks like it will put you in danger look out for it. Now we will go a few more times.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Bang!” And that’s how the rest of the evening went for Nikias. When he finally climbed out the stream his legs were far past pruny and the moon was high in the air. Clothes covered in sweat Nikias simply laid in the soft grass. “That was a good lesson. I have to say I’m impressed the holocron said looking upon its student.” [/SIZE]

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