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Approved Species Laisvas Zveris 'Void Hounds'

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An Exploiter summoning a Laisvas Zveris



  • | Name | Laisvas Zveris [ Void Hounds ]
  • | Designation | Semi-Sentient
  • | Origins | Otherspace
  • | Average Lifespan | 10 Galactic Standard Years
  • | Estimated Population | Planetary
  • | Description |
Laisvas Zveris are a bipedal species with canine facial features, though despite this they are a purely herbivorous species. Most adult Laisvas Zveris stand at roughly four meters tall, while exposure to the Technovirus makes them grow up to roughly four and a half meters tall. They are all characterized by the paleness of their skin, four digit hands and a rather acute sense of smell, having been found to be able to track the scent of an individual across a planet given enough time.


  • | Breathes |
Type IV - Laisvas Zveris are capable of existing/operating in any type of atmosphere without issue, mostly as a result to the Technovirus mutation. Laisvas Zveris not altered by the Technovirus can exist in any other atmosphere provided that floral life is capable of living as they are herbivorous creatures.
  • | Average Height of Adults | 4.6 Meters
  • | Average Length of Adults | N/A
  • | Skin Color | Pale
  • | Hair Color | N/A
  • | Distinctions |
Laisvas Zveris before they are introduced to the Technovirus are a rather tall and lanky bipedal species with little distinctive traits apart from their height compared to the average being. Post Technovirus procedures of course introduces a significant change to their physiology as a majority of their body starts to metallize and mutate, resulting in numerous body deformities.
  • | Races | N/A
  • | Force Sensitivity | Non-Sensitive

Strengths |
  • | Ultrabeasts | Laisvas Zveris are extremely resilient and powerful creatures, capable of handling an immense amount of physical damage before falling in battle while being able to snap most species in the Galaxy in half with little issue. This in combination with the Technovirus results in Laisvas Zveris being able to reattach severed limbs or repair catastrophic damage to their body given the opportunity so long as they are under the influence of their 'Exploiter'.
  • | Desensitized | The procedure in creating Laisvas Zveris via mixing biology and technology through the use of the Technovirus, has made them extremely numb in the brain, resulting in them feeling no pain and following instruction from those they are connected to without question. They are beasts of burden who do as they are told and destroy what they are ordered to.
Weaknesses |
  • | Temporary | The process in which Laisvas Zveris are brought into Realspace from Otherspace is a very fine and delicate process. Due to their nature of being 'summoned' into Realspace, any disruption between the Laisvas Zveris and those who brought them into Realspace could result in catastrophic failure on the field. Often times when the connection between Laisvas Zveris and their 'Exploiter' are severed (The Exploiter dying), the Laisvas Zveris connected to them often die on the spot.
  • | Shambling Puppets | Laisvas Zveris have their sentience robbed via the Technovirus mutation, turning them into empty vessels that can be controlled by Exploiters. Though they are strictly connected to their 'Exploiter', sufficiently skilled users of Mechu-deru are able to disrupt the connection between them and render them inert.
  • | The Man Behind the Curtain | Laisvas Zveris are often equated to puppets. Rather than having to deal with a fifteen feet tall beast from Otherspace capable of significant regenerative properties as well as damage, an adversary may instead look for the 'Exploiter' who is often times significantly more easier to deal with, thus rendering the Laisvas Zveris useless.


  • | Diet | Herbivore
  • | Communication |
The species, before being introduced to the Technovirus and thus converted into mindless puppets communicates through a series of subsonic growls and vibrations in the air.
  • | Technology Level | Primitive - N/A
  • | Religion/Beliefs | Primitive - N/A
  • | General Behavior |
Laisvas Zveris are rather a rather peaceful and docile species usually capable of coexisting with other species. When not introduced to the Technovirus and summarily indoctrinated into the service of the Sith Empire's Imperial Legion as warbeasts/Sithspawn for military operation often behave much like herd animals, often staying in large groups together, wandering around on their home planet. They have a relatively short lifespan as far as most species in their category, and do very little with the time they have - they simply exist and graze.


Laisvas Zveris are a species found in Otherspace, and are often compared to extremely large Kaadu with arms. They are a peaceful species that are more equated to animals over sentients despite their physiology suggesting that they may be an intelligent race of bipedal beings. They are herbivorous and are capable of feasting off of any floral life, being able to function with minimal feeding, though they suffer an extremely short lifespan of ten galactic standard years. Despite their short lifespan however, they age and mature much more quickly, much like Clones and reach their adult height in just several years after birth.

Exploration into Otherspace by the Sith Empire has resulted in their species being found and exploited as beasts of burden. Experiments were done upon them to test their effectiveness and usefulness, both being found to exceed expectations when researchers and scientists discovered how easy it was to manipulate and control them. Further experimentation and exposure to the technovirus yielded overwhelmingly positive results, producing an obedient and powerful disposable unit that can be deployed to the frontlines.

Similarly to how Wookies are feared for their unmatched strength, Wookies would be wise to fear Laisvas Zveris if they were to ever come into contact with them as Laisvas Zveris are not only much larger than Wookies, but possess almost triple their strength. However, Laisvas Zveris do not use this strength outside of defending themselves, and even then they often do not realize their own strength. Only when under the control of an 'Exploiter' do their strengths become utilized in a more aggressive manner.

After the exploitation of the species was discovered, technology was developed in order to bring them from Otherspace and into Realspace where they could be utilized as beasts of war after being introduced to the Technovirus. The KVX 'Exploiter' Support Suit was developed in order to not only open up a portal to Otherspace and bringing forth the Laisvas Zveris, but to control and manipulate them as well. This ability and relationship between Exploiter and Laisvas Zveris has made them a rather useful support unit that can provide additional support at the vanguard or take enemies by surprise by introducing even more numbers behind their front lines.
[member="Kor Vexen"] This is a neat species you've made, and I'd hate to run into them in a fight! A few things do jump out at me though.

Starting with a change I'm going to have to ask you for:

Kor Vexen said:
| Designation | Sub-Sentient

Please change "Sub-sentient" to "Semi-sentient" as sub-sentient is not a designation in the template

Next is just a suggestion:

Kor Vexen said:
| Average Lifespan | 10 GSY

While I know "GSY" is an abbreviation for "Galactic Standard Years" it still took me just a second to realize what you meant. I would suggest spelling it out completely, just so if someone unfamiliar with the term reads this, it doesn't take until the history of the species to understand what "GSY" stands for.

Tag me once you've made the change I've asked for, and let me know what you decide on for my suggestion.
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