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Approved Tech L1-4R

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  • Manufacturer: Baktoid Industries | Anais Auraeli

  • Model: Custom

  • Production: Unique

  • Affiliation: Anais Auraeli

  • Modularity: Yes. Easily modified with time.

  • Material: Terenthium-Desh Alloy, Durasteel, Robotic Components

  • Classification: Class Two / Three

  • Weight: 33kg

  • Height: 0.9m

  • Movement: Bipedal

  • Armaments: Audio-Radial Stunner, Electro-Shock Prod

  • Misc. Equipment:
Rocket Booster
Deflector Shield Projector
Lifeform Detector
Tactical processor
Chemical Sensor
Olfactory Sensor
Audio Sensor
TrangLang Communications Module
Linguistic Module


  • Deflector Shield Generator

  • Rocket Booster

  • Verbobrain

  • Tactical processor

  • Audio-Radial Stunner

  • Holotransceiver

  • Jack of Trades: L1-4R was built with general utility in mind rather than a specific purpose, allowing it to fill several roles to varying degrees of success. In addition to handling protocol duties, it can also cover roles normally handled by maintenance and astromech droids.

  • Shield Generator: Possesses a powerful deflector shield generator that, when active, allows it to repel and deflect short range, high velocity attacks.

  • Strong Little Fella: Small in design yet strong of build, L1-4R is capable of lifting and carrying objects many times its own size and weight.

  • Modularity: L1-4R has a simple design that is easily modified and upgraded given time and equipment. Due to the relatively common nature of his components, it is also fairly easy to repair or replace them if damaged. The only exception being his brain and shield generator.

  • Master of None: Because of its lack of specialisation, L1-4R can only be considered mediocre in regards to its overall capability. It simply can’t hold a candle to more dedicated models.

  • Shield Limitations: Due to the massive energy requirements, not to mention an overheating issue, the shield projector can only be run for short periods of a round two minutes. Even less if under constant attack. The shield also does not protect against sufficiently slow moving objects.

  • Awkward: This model is made out of scrapped parts. It’s not going to win any beauty contests, nor is it exactly designed for grace and speed. L1-4R suffers in uneven terrain and could be considered rather clumsy even at the best of times. When coupled with his immense strength, this can lead to a whole slew of further problems.

  • Liar, Liar: As his moniker and designation suggests, L1-4R is a consummate and pathological liar due to a faulty code string in his verbobrain’s core programming. While someone versed in his quirks might be able to translate his deceit-laden spiels into something useful, the rest of the galaxy aren’t always as lucky.

Utilising parts taken from various discontinued Baktoid Industries droid lines, L1-4R was initially constructed as a part of a school robotics project. Despite only managing to scrape a passable besh grade, he’s since become a constant pint-sized companion and dubiously reliable friend for young Anais Auraeli.

Combining the functionality of a protocol droid’s verbobrain with the processing abilities of a tactical droid, there’s a deceptive amount of intellect concealed beneath what is an otherwise ramshackle frame. Capable of adapting quickly to situations, learning from past experiences and even predicting likely outcomes. He’s also fluent in several thousand languages. Unfortunately, due to an error in his coding, he’s also constantly compelled to lie in all of them, ranging from what could be considered a basic white lie all the way through to outlandish exaggerations and fanciful tall tales.

In addition to his protocol droid capabilities, L1-4R is capable of performing basic maintenance and repair tasks on various automata, ranging from speeders, starships and even fellow droids. He also possesses a remarkable amount of strength despite his relatively small frame, drawing unfavourable yet apt comparisons to pit droids.

Unsurprisingly given his origins, L1-4R has a quite limited combat potential. His primary means of defence is a built in deflector generator salvaged from a Droideka model that, while powerful, quickly drains his secondary generator and leads to serious overheating issue that Anais hasn’t quite managed to correct. As for offensive weaponry, L1-4R has been only been equipped with a basic audio-radial stunner and an electro-prod as a means of deterrence.
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