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Approved Species Kulon, the Yawlers

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  • Intent: I'm a queen.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Canon: Not Applicable.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Links: Not Applicable.
  • Name: Kulon.
  • Designation: Non-Sentient.
  • Origins: Valythor, the Mythic Elzeri Homeworld.
  • Average Lifespan: Up to 30 Standard Years. Although they barely see more than 15.
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary.
  • Description: A highly aggressive species of avian reptiles from the ancient past of the Elzeri species. It was brought by them from their homeplanet, as they were a major part of their alimentary societal customs such as breeding these ancient creatures for their hide, their soft meat, their organs, which are still highly sought for the production of stews and pate, and their greasy cons on top of their heads. But although these creatures can become quite costumed to the presence of other aliens if raised in captivity ever since they are newborns, even still, they should not be mistaken by simple stupid animals, the Kulon are ridiculously dangerous animals when raised in the wild, capable of digesting any sort of organic meat thanks to their triple stomaches, and are noted for being one of the few species with any desire of eating Hutt meat.
  • Breathes: Type I & II.
  • Average Height of Adults: Members of the species can grow up to 1.2 meters.
  • Average Length of Adults: Not Applicable.
  • Skin color: Grayish green.
  • Hair color: No hair is associated with this species, however, the wattles on top of their heads are always red.
  • Distinctions: If not by their genitals safely kept by their hemipenes, it would be almost impossible to distinguish a male member of the species from a female member of the same kind. Their sense of smell is very sensitive, wild Kulon's can easily identify prey from foe, of sly nature by itself these animals are natural aggressive hunters, that pursue their prey through great miles until they find a way to surround them and use their powerful jaws to tear every piece of their bodies. The Kulon are also curiously bearers of gristle cartilaginous bone structures through their entire bodies, with the sole exceptions of their skulls and powerful running legs.
  • Races: No subspecies are associated with this species.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare.
  • Greater Stamina - With strong, and solid bone structures, the Kulon are beings capable of surviving on nearly any sort of environment on its packs. While some say that the animal carries enough stamina to run for twenty days and twenty nights without having little need for stopping and refreshing itself.
  • Harder Exoskeleton - Known for its harder quality when slowly sharpened over the years, their legs can provide useful bones that can become quite the dangerous offensive tools, usable on even piercing through durasteel at ease when applied handled with enough force. This same structure surrounds their sharp talons and teeth, which can kill an adult dashade to pieces quite easily, and as some have noted, a group of seven starving Kulons can devour an average male Hutt in fifteen minutes.
  • Deadly Biting - Their jaws are almost as dangerous as their claws. Formed of a similar material as their bone structures, these reptile's teeth are sharp and made for carving out meat, while its jaw possesses can carry enough strength to ripping a wookie's arm off.
  • Copycat Bastards - A Kulon's vocal cord can replicate with perfection almost any sort of avian, reptile, and humanoid sounds made close to them. Usually, those are of animals smaller than they are, sounds they hear during their lives at their cages, replicating them out of fun, or when in the wilds, used by them to deceive their prey into falling onto a terrible trap.
  • Sensitive Snouts - While using their olfactory senses to their advantage, this can also serve as their greatest weakness. For instance, very strong scents such as those of a smelly bog or certain types of grenades can easily incapacitate their snouts and confuse them.
  • Poor Vision - Accustomed to seeing clearly in the dark, Kulon has a very weak vision regarding daytime, resorting entirely on their snouts to finding their way as they moved. The steed is considered able to only seeing moving objects for telling the difference if they are indeed alive, otherwise, they will not be able of seeing their mark.
  • Fragile Joints - The joints between their legs are considered the weakest link on their bodies, as they are not surrounded by the same tough hide that involves their entire bodies. A glancing blow of a plasma blade is more than enough to completely severing their legs.
  • Wild Beasts - Very hard to train when caught in the wild, the Kulon represent difficulties not only for being non-intelligent, far from it, the steed is highly intelligent and is considered very willful and resentful toward others.
  • Old Age Issues - An ordinary problem found on the Kulon species is that when very advanced in age, the Kulon can slowly grow mad due to its wild and harsh living conditions, causing it to go on a rampage and trying maiming and killing nearly everything and everyone in its path. Usually, when raised in captivity they are separated from the main herbs upon reaching the age of twenty years old
  • Diet: Omnivore creatures by nature. The Kulon are so kindly nicknamed as yawlers, for they are quite the scavengers themselves.
  • Communication: Kulon's talk with each other through a series of fast, angry chirpings, or else they can replicate sounds such as those of a chicken. The elzeri have fabricated ocarinas that replicate this sound when traveling in the wild, in order to scare them away, farmers also use these tools to direct herds through their day-to-day care of them.
  • Technology level: Not Applicable to these species' evolutionary place in society.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Not Applicable to these species' sociological place in society.
  • General behavior: The Kulon are clan-based creatures, they do not elect leaders nor do they form complicated societies. Highly independent, Kulon individuals usually take up upon themselves to perform some tasks as its need appears, researchers believe that the largest and fastest members of the species are 'rewarded' with the hunting tasks, not caring for their gender, both male and females can perform their tasks as hunters. The weakest members of their kinds perform scavenging duties, hunting the carcasses of other animals and bringing whatever they can back to their colonies with the purpose of feeding their young and elderly. The Kulon have no disagreements about eating their dead and highly wounded, in fact, they can judge by themselves if members of their kind are beyond salvation when wounded, considering as they are immune to most diseases in the known galaxy. A Kulon Colony is usually dominated by the strongest, although they so rarely perform any injustice against their brethren as Kulon are very attached to their own kind. When raised in captivity, they can grow into kind and friendly creatures that can be very easily offended if not properly treated by their owners, even if raised in slaughterhouses and breeding farms for food and eggs.

The Kulon were bred by the Elzeri during the Famine Years on their Great Pilgrimage throughout the stars, after being cast out of their own homeworld. As they were left to their own devices on the greater galaxy, the Elzeri soon discovered how cruel, and unfair life outside their land could really be, they were betrayed many times and deceived by many aliens in many different ways, which soon brought upon them great mistrust upon all non-elzeri species, they soon developed disgust and deep hatred over some kinds, such as rodians and wookies, although humans would be the one race that all elzeris are taught to hate ever since they are born.

On the Famine Years, as they could not find work that paid them enough to feed their kind. One elzeri called Erasmus was responsible for their creation through the mixing of a few avian and reptile species brought by him from his homeplanet, Erasmus went as far as infecting one of the planets they had visited with his new race, only to return fifty years later to check on their progress. As he returned, Erasmus discovered that his species had evolved and continued to reproduce until they had formed a large population, enough to feed his brethren and thus bringing the Famine Years to a swift end. The Kulon were then kept by the Elzeri due to their nature, raised like cattle, harvested for their meat and eggs into large colonies and farms on the planets currently occupied by them.
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