Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Denied Kricelos

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Srina Talon Srina Talon before I take the time to rewrite the description, I have a question. I'm going to state that this planet has been forgotten about for centuries. All current residence have only been on here about a year's time. Thus all of the run down buildings and settlements. So am I still allowed to have the temple creation around 130 ABY? Only putting this in here to show that it is very old and has not had contact for centuries.
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

You can still have the temple in there. Even if the history is only very recent - Be sure to flesh it out as best you can. What's it like for the everyday Jedi or Sith? Why are they there? How did they get there? How do they interact, etc? How do they live with no food production?

You had a good idea as mentioned before. We just need it to make sense.
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