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Approved Starship Krakana-class Assault Cruiser

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Image Source:
Affiliation: The One Sith
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Krakana-class Assault Cruiser
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel, ship components
Classification: Destroyer, Capital ship

Length: 1400 meters
Width: 900 meters
Height: 600 meters

88 Heavy Turbolasers (Twenty-two batteries of four guns each)
96 Heavy Ion Cannons (Twenty-four batteries of four guns each)
90 Point Defense Lasers
60 flak guns (20 to the rear, the rest scattered around the hull)

72 fighter craft/bombers/mixture of both

Special Features:
Standard ship systems (navicomputer, com and sensor array, life support)
Power generator: isotope-5 (unstable and needs to be constantly watched and maintained to prevent overload)
Two redundant shield generators
Reduced power engines

Maneuverability: 17
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 2 with a back up hyperdrive of class 10

Heavily armored and shielded
Great amount of firepower

Slow as energy is diverted towards the shields more than the engines
No missile weaponry


Contracted out by the Red Raven military, Taeli and Krayt Industries began designing and constructing a capital ship that would be the main focus of the formal Red Raven Naval Force. Meeting with Admiral Tesh Aquer, Taeli and the admiral were able to hash out a design based upon the Mon Cal's personal taste and nostalgia for the old Mon Calamari cruisers and she leaped into the project with a gusto.

Based on the smooth curves of the old Mon Cal cruisers as requested, the Krakana-class Assault Cruiser is a sturdy and powerful addition to the Red Ravens. Equipped with eighty-eight heavy turbolasers, ninety-six heavy ion cannons, ninety point defense lasers, and sixty flak guns, along with a hanger bay able to fit seventy-two starfighters, the Krakana can hit hard, and at the personal request of the admiral, the ship was also designed to be very strong defensively. Two redundant shield generators, along with thick armor, allow the ship to take a major beating before coming into danger, but it is not with out problems.

The isotope-5 reactor is unstable and can be volatile if it overloads, resulting in the ship tearing itself apart. Also, because of the huge draw on the power supply by the extra shielding, the engines are not as powerful as can be so the Krakana is very slow. The Krakana also lacks any sort of missile weaponry, reducing its combat abilities only a little bit, but is still a weakness of the ship.

Because of the breakdown in relations between the One Sith and Red Raven crime syndicate, Krayt Industries has moved production of the Krakana back to their other shipyards, while also retaining the rights for development and production for all ships of this variety.

Development Thread:
Intent: To create a capital ship for the Red Ravens as per our contract
Who Can Use This: The One Sith
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