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Approved Tech Korolyev Acidic Warhead

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Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Image Source: None(looks like a normal warhead)
Intent: To create a warhead that can be utilized in weapons of all sizes and calibers to cause similar injuries to enemy craft as the grutchin torpedo, but in a smaller and more flexible package.
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Model: Korolyev Acidic Warhead
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Modularity: Yes(weapon it's fitted into)
Production: Minor
Material: fuel cell(power), fluoroantimonic acid(filler), flimsiplast(warhead physical body)
Classification: Warhead
Size: Ship-mounted
Length: Standard warhead size
Weight: Standard warhead weight
Ammunition Type: Acid
Ammunition Capacity: It's a missile, so one use.
Effective Range: Equivalent to the standard range of whatever ordnance it's fitted on
Rate of Fire: single use
Special Features: Warhead utilizes a fuel cell to power interior and exterior shields in the warhead. The exterior shield assists in being absorbed into and passed through the shields of an enemy ship, while the interior shields prevent accidental detonation of the warhead.
Description: The Korolyev Acidic Warhead is believed to be the first of its kind, a technological weapon designed to emulate the capabilities of the Yuuzhan Vong grutchin on a much smaller scale. Upon impact with an enemy target, the flimsiplast casing breaks and the internal shield is broken, sending a wide swath of liquid fluoroantimonic acid onto the target's hull. Fluoroantimonic acid is extraordinarily corrosive, and the enemy target's physical structure will begin to be broken down by the potent liquid in a matter of several seconds, similar to the effects of a Yuuzhan Vong grutchin torpedo. Unlike said bioengineered weapon, the acid will not run rampant after the craft is destroyed, attacking friend and foe alike. Individual weapons can additionally be made smaller than the standard grutchin torpedo, ensuring more widespread use. Still, creating these weapons is extraordinarily dangerous, and far fewer of them are produced than any ordinary concussion missile, proton torpedo, or proton bomb.
Primary Source: N/A
Company and Affiliation change
Original Section(s):

Manufacturer: Emeritus Industries
Affiliation: Open Market

New Section(s):

Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Mulitpurpose Manufacturing
Affiliation Sith Empire
Enigma said:
grutchin torpedo
Just wanted to point out that Grutchin are flying insect-like Yuuzhan Vong creatures capable of breathing in space, not missiles, which physically devour the hull of ships.

That aside, be wary with its use and be certain to ensure any who purchase this or make use of it do not abuse it. Depending on the material of the hulls of ships, this may or may not be very effective, and as always allow others to write out the damage inflicted on their own ships.

Pending secondary.
Normally i would point out that this probably wouldn't work due to the acid not 'sticking' to the outer hull of the Star Destroyer because of space...but this is Star Wars where we can make plasma swords so I'll grant you some leeway.

However, please do not abuse this or i'll retroactively deny this in a heartbeat.

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