Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kora / Bane Wedding - Bridal party

So the tiny dancer [member="Echo Kora"] was getting married so now Claire let the Alderaan Navy know that she was coming and to give her safe passage to the spaceport on the Apalis Coast, and then Claire arranged for a transport to bring Echo and her party to the shop in New Crevasse City.

Claire already had her sketch book out, as well as some very fine top of the line dresses in the shop. Claire could get any dress in any color all Echo had to do was try on what she liked and Claire would see to it.

Or design her something original.

Victoria had already chilled several bottles of Alderaan Honey Wine, and Champagne ready to serve the bride and whoever else came with her. Claire smoothed her own outfit a simple light blue dress with short sleeves, scoop neckline and flats. She looked like the designer and the seamstress.
Echo had been taken by surprise when her old friend Claire invited her down and offered to make a dress for her. Echo didnt have time to find her bridesmaids or her maid of honor instead she just had to come down to alderaan on her own to see Claire. As soon as she stepped off the transport and into Claire's shop she smiled "Claire!" She said running to her friend

[member="Claire Organa"]
Claire crossed to Echo, "Echo how are you" she drew the young woman into an embrace, "Well now I heard about this engagement, is there a ring?" hmmm She smiled she wanted to make sure that Echo had everything she wanted or needed for this upcoming ceremony.

A wedding was something special, course now she'd have a dozen or so questions for Echo about what she wanted, where she wanted, how she wanted it so much to do, and who knew how much time.

[member="Echo Kora"]
As Echo was pulled into her hug she smiled and as she was let go she would hold up her ring. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

[member="Claire Organa"]
[member="Echo Kora"]

"Oh now that is a stunner!, and was there a romantic setting, you know down on one knee, or something special?" Claire had never been engaged, and attended a few weddings, so hearing about it all from someone else might just fill in the gaps for her as she waited her turn to for the right person to come along.

It really was a stunning ring, so clear, so bright.
[member="Echo Kora"]

"that's wonderful Echo, have you thought about what kind of dress you would like, and are you going to have attendants, is this a big wedding, small intimate?" All details mattered to make one event perfect.

Claire just kept smiling.
[member="Echo Kora"]

"Well let's think about that too, so right now tell me what color would you like your dress? and do you want it short or long?" Claire needed to deal with the obvious things first and then she'd move into the details.

This was exciting this was her first wedding dress.
"I think since you have a very lithe body type sleeveless would be better we want to accent your best features."

Claire accessed her database on wedding dresses, "now i might show you something in white, but that just means the designer doesn't have it in black we can get it made with black fabrics. So try these, tell me what you"

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

"If these don't appeal we keep looking, while you look do you want some wine? It's cold and helps keeps the stress away"

[member="Echo Kora"]
"Echo you're going to have to give me more details on what you envision, just describe it to me besides short black, and sleeveless maybe you want sleeves" She smiled as she poured the wine.

'This should be a fun time a time of be happy, like when she asked you."

Claire had access to hundreds of dresses, and could design almost anything.

[member="Echo Kora"]
"I think I have an idea" Claire flipped through some images

Choice 8

Choice 9

"These keep the wedding feels, are very classy are short, and yet the skirting attached can serve as a train, what do you think of that?" Claire took a sip of wine, "Are you hungry? Are you sure you dont have a witness or two that needs something to wear?"

[member="Echo Kora"]

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