Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Species Kokku

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Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest


Foreword: I realize this may not be exactly what is wanted for a proper species sub, but I am terrible at covering details with species. So, I ask for your patience and just throw me big lists of things to fix please! :D

Name: Kokku

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Jivanada Dharaka (

Language: Basic, Purvika (Kokku language)

Average height of adults: 2.5 m

Skin color: Tans to dark browns

Breathes: Type II

-Cunning: The Kokku have lived lives oppressed by the Vidhvansakan race and have developed ways of overcoming most anything. They also evolved in battle abilities, with their race living in survival-of-the-fittest communities. They develop the deadliest poisons, the evilest weapons, and the dirtiest tactics. They are ruthless when given a challenge.
-Deadly: The way they live life makes them feel hatred to most everything. They find ways to kill the best ways they can. Their cunning-ness only goes to improve their deadliness. They use every possible tool to achieve the death of their enemies. No method is too gruesome for the Kokku.
-Agile: Very slight frame that allows movement easily as well as a natural minimum bone build that allows fairly decent flexibility despite their height.

-Hasty: Sometimes the Kokku aim to get things done quickly and sometimes things happen too quick. This makes missions fail and percision drops. The term "slow and steady wins the race" had never been heard of for most Kokku
-Weak: The Kokku focus on swift death rather than an overpowering tower of strength and this has been proved genetically and their muscle mass just doesn't build as well as other species. This makes them more susceptible when fighting against brute strength.

Distinctions: Beard-like beak, outer fangs for tearing meat apart, tough skin resistant to very minor wounds

Average Lifespan: 530 years

Races: No clear ones. Kokku come in many different looks depending on where they are but there are no clearly defined races.

Estimated Population: Spread throughout the galaxy after the planet was discovered. Numbers in the very low billions.

Diet: Almost strictly carnivorous, very few things are poisonous

Communication: Speaking

Culture: The Kokku have no clearly defined culture. They often live in small villages with makeshift houses that get added onto over time. There are very few fully civilized Kokku villages or towns. Most of the species must fend for themselves and make do with what they have. The normal life of a Kokku consists of birth, then a few years that clearly define whether or not the young one will grow up and have anything of a life. If the young Kokku makes it past the first years in life, then it is a learning process from there. More often than not, no close bonds are ever formed and the ones that do are tentative at that. The bonds that do form form through a common goal. Never through particular interests. In their culture, many bonds are formed when training to fight as some villages like having trained fighters in cases of emergency.

Technology level: Technology level, like most other things within the species is strictly dependent on where they come from. They have no unified culture and have spread and become different in very unique ways technologically. Through history there have been Kokku known to actually possess abilities to replace limbs with robotic elements. Other places they have been know to cut limbs off without working to ever replace them because of their lack of ability.

General behavior: Rude, arrogant, secretive, and prideful. The Kokku are very independent creatures that lack a need or desire to be socially acceptable creatures and fit in wherever society puts them.

History: The Kokku as a species never amounted to anything outstanding. They grew in parallel to the Vidhvansakan people and were oppressed by them from the beginning. Though many of the events that affected their oppressors affected them as well, such as the worldwide famine in 1020 BBY. Not much ever happened in the history of the primitive race. There were no grand leaders or major wars. The species just got by as well as they could with what they had and lived as independently as they could.

A few minor events actually affected them besides the famine in 1020 BBY. The virus that affected the Vidhvansakan population in 90 BBY had a few years later had an offshoot that managed to affect the population of Kokku. But rather than affecting the fertility of newborn males, it killed them. As the planet prospered, so did the Kokku, such as the farming revolutions in 1040 BBY. Then in 475 ABY the Kokku became somewhat unified and attempted to get rights to govern things on the planet. After a brief war it was not granted.

Notable Player-Characters: TBD

Intent: To create a species for my darker amitions of writing. They will produce a unique species focused on assassinating enemies and being sneaky, which is an element that I like and the Vidhvansakan can't do as a species. And, canon species are too mainstream.
Hard skin resistant to some sharp weapons? What can and can't it take? Also,t hat should probably go in strentghts.

You'll need a lot more for culture. Tlel m,e about their daily lives, holidays if they have any, religion if they have any, leaders, sports, anything really.

I'd like more for history, too. How about some species-wide events? If you like, list some of the events that effected their slavers, and how it effected them. Did they ever fight back? Any significant uprisings? Just flesh it out some, remember you're adding to Chaos' lore.

I like these, they're the small and quick units compared to Vidhvansakan's giant and strong. Just some fleshing out, and these guys will start popping up around the galaxy. :)

[member="Visvada Ondu"]

Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest
I changed terminology on the skin.

With culture I tried to include more, but they really are for the most part pretty individualistic. I might see about fixing this more as time goes on and make it so they become more unified in the recent years of Chaos' time frame.

I put in more on the history but as with the culture, they are largely not interesting. Just deadly, slightly animalistic sentient beings.

Thanks! I plan to make this guy my second main character :3

[member="Visvada Ondu"]- Looks good. Normally I'd like more in culture and history, but since they don't have much culture, and you've highlighted the most important parts of history, you're good.

Approved, pending secondary.
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