Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knights of the Light [White Flame Origins]

"The moral high ground is an easy position to take, but it's not enough to be merely 'good Jedi' at this time!"

Ceska was filled will a tremendous sense of frustration at the Grandmaster's insistence on being perfect. It could hardly matter less during such a time when the Sith walked in the very halls of the great Temple on Coruscant! She said this.

"All of it is secondary when the scions of the Dark Side corrupt our very heart on Coruscant. I know beyond any doubt that they stain existence itself with the blood of innocent beings. More and more do I feel it, the Force speaks to me every place where I have been and the Dark Side has touched."

"You say that I speak of absolutes. How is a Sith anything but a bringer of death and destruction, no matter their motives. The biggeet difference between me and a Sith; I don't want power, I want peace!"

Ceska realized, if subconsciously, that she too wanted that peace within herself. Her frustration vented, she bowed her head.

"I apologize, Master. I was out of place to speak to you like that. "

And indeed she was, Ceska knew, a Padawan of any time shouldn't speak to a Master in such a way. A Padawan asked, not demanded. A Padawan was the student and not the teacher.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
@Au'Rus Rhaeyns
Corvus’ face was impassive. A smile might be misconstrued but on the other hand she was not cross by the discussion, rather she appreciated the full truth coming out.

“There is no moral high ground, believe me. I am simply stating what the Code dictates. The same Code that the Army of the Light followed in their fight with the Brotherhood.”

“Do you know where the Sith came from? From the Jedi. Disaffected Jedi that refused to believe in following the Code in its entirety. The rest, as they say, is history. And please don’t think I am ambivalent to the Sith taking residence on Coruscant or their current activity on Tython. A famous Jedi once talked of bringing peace, freedom and justice to the galaxy. He did not seek power. His name? Anakin Skywalker. Darth Vader. He did not believe he was evil, in fact he thought he was being benevolent.”

“Once more, I am not trying to tell you what to do, I am merely reflecting your thoughts as I hear them. And never apologise to me because of my title. We are both Jedi. I am just fortunate that someone has already shown me the things one day you will learn. Kiskla’s lasting legacy, in my eyes, was to ensure the Jedi were a meritocracy. There are no levels. Titles are no more than that, titles.”

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska reflected on what she knew of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi hero turned Sith Lord. He had come into the Order very late in a time where that was frowned on. He had had a deep, personal attachment to his friends and loved ones. Grandmaster Luke had not eschewed such attachments but taught that never should they precede moral behavior. Anakin, later on Vader, had in fact put his own desires above what was right. Was she doing the same?

No, she was righting a wrong inside herself and in the Galaxy at large, she told herself. It was true that no villain ever thought themselves evil; take for example Dooku, killed by Skywalker. He had left the Jedi over ethical concerns with the Republic Senate, and in his pride, he had fallen to the Dark Side, seduced by the future Emperor. In spite of this, he believed himself inviolable, committing atrocities for his warped beliefs.

It had been the same for Vader, his beliefs twisted by the Dark Side, coming to truly think the Jedi evil. He thought the Jedi stood between him and his own selfish goals. They had but only because they were evil and unnatural, having held Anakin in check during his time as a Jedi Padawan and Knight. There were parallels, uncomfortable ones to be sure, but her motivation was different. It wasn't just about her.

She shook her head.

"I am not the same as Vader was. I don't seek power or to change anything, I seek to right a wrong in the balance of the Force. Surely you can feel the corruption, as even I can."

The Jedi were not evil, she had discovered in her walk in the shadow, but not active enough.

"Vader acted against the Force, seeking to dominate it. I am following it's will, and it wills me to act, to cleanse the rancidification."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
“I am not saying you are the same, of course not.” She glanced around, wondering who else had come within earshot. “I am merely reflecting that the path to the Dark-side from a Jedi’s perspective is rarely a deliberate one. It invariably starts with a belief the Jedi are wrong in some way. And that behaving less like a Jedi is the solution. You should do what you need to do and if you honour the Code you will be safe. But compromise it and you’ll become the very thing you sit here and despise. And another promising Padawan will be sitting here in a few years time looking to seek you out and stop what you are doing.”

“And I am not saying you are not strong, or that you are guaranteed to fall. I am merely telling you what history has told us. What it would be prudent for you to hear. I would never judge another – it is not in my psyche. Any Jedi who thinks he is more knowledgeable than the next only demonstrates his opinion is not worth listening to.”

“For I definitely feel the Sith are growing ever more powerful and we need to be more vigilant in stopping them. And we will. The tide will turn – it always does. We will not take it for granted but through hard work and honouring the Code, we will overcome the Sith’s offensive.”

“And to follow the will of the Force is a noble cause and one you should be commended for. If I have one request, it is that you trust in the Force. Do that, and you shall not go far wrong. As you say, the moment you command it to do your bidding, you will have fallen. And then I would have to find you. And then…I would bring you back to the Light. You have my word on that.”

[member="Ceska Starshield"]

(ooc – I’m slowing down posts to give others a chance but don’t want to leave you hanging either)
Turning to face the newcomer, Ceska spoke.

"What's your name, Jedi?," she continued respectfully "You spoke of Ashla, an old name for the Light side."

Though no great seer or scholar, every Jedi Initiate was taught of Ashla and Bogan. In actual fact, they were the moons orbiting the ancestral homeworld Tython. Symbolically they were the Light and Dark sides. Ceska had heard that the Nightsisters of Dathomir referred to the Light and Dark as the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God. In the end it didn't matter because they all were representations of the same things.

"Your words were...," she shook her head as she tried to describe "They expressed what I truly feel."

OOC: I tagged you, Hauntruss as I don't know that the mention for Au'Rus is working.

@Au'Rus Rhaeyns
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]
Ceska was silent for long minutes as she ruminated on Corvus' words. Her eyes appeared fixed on nothing in particular but they in fact looked inward. She nodded slowly, more to herself, as she began to draw conclusions. The Code could be followed at the same time as Ceska worked to right things.

The Dark Side stood against peace, harmony and serenity. It operated from fear, anger, hate, jealousy and other baser emotions. The teachings of the Sith put the individual above the whole. She couldn't afford to be too much like them even as she set out to cleanse their stain upon the fabric of existence.

Ceska Starshield was simply an apprentice and who was she to know better than the wisest of sages. She could let the Code guide her actions while at the same time acting on the Force's call. The Code was a guide, not laws set into stone, and the tenets allowed for certain freedoms to act. Her lips twitched into what was becoming a rarity; a smile.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

OOC: I am trying to keep this as much a side discussion as possible and give the others a chance to join in to progress the story. I'm not sure where the others are, though :/.
Corvus noticed the smile. Sometimes she wondered if she came across as overbearing, austere or even pious. The more Jedi she spoke to, she hoped to dispel that illusion – but sometimes she wondered if she just reinforced it.

“I am sure you will do well, and please, never stop asking questions or challenging conventional wisdom if it makes no sense to you. I am always available and I’d like to think other Masters are too. So wherever you end up in the vast galaxy, please remember you only need to ask a question and I’ll give you the best answer I can.”

And then her attention focused on the other Jedi, keen to hear what she had to say.

[member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]

Jeela Tillian

@Au'Rus Rhaeyns

Jeela lingered neared the obelisk, watching them all. It was strange to see this discussion. This Corvus, grandmaster apparently, was very different than the Saarai-Kar. Not quite so different from the Silver Jedi grandmaster, perhaps. More traditional, more centered, perhaps. She wasn't entirely sure. Then one asked her a question and Jeela had to stop and consider it.

"The Force led me here for an unknown purpose." Then something began to happen and she took a few steps back as the Force surged through the Miralukan and she began to yell and shout about reunification and reformation and purification. Jeela raised an eyebrow. She didn't care about the Jedi orders. It didn't matter to her if they reunited or not. But what if that was part of the purpose? She frowned. Why could the Force never be more precise in what it wanted her to do? No, it's always go to this planet and figure it out from there.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska turned her head to regard the newcomer and nodded politely. This human female, she hadn't seen before, perhaps a new Padawan? No, upon closer inspection, she was older than Ceska and she remembered the older Padawans. The Padawan felt a sense of curiosity as she felt for the human female within the Force.

She felt the grim determination in place of the serene peace of a Jedi adept. This one was not a Sith but neither entirely a Light sider either. Who was she, who had she trained under and what did she stand for? Not a Sith, no, they would stand out amongst all of the Light side energy. She too would be able to feel that darkness especially.

Indeed, she wouldn't have exactly been invited to tea at the Temple and allowed to roam free about the Valley. Ceska was left to puzzle it out as she stood there.

[member="Jeela Tillian"]
Kian didn't come to Ruusan that often.....he wasn't on Ossus that often come to think of it! Kian use to spend as much time as possible at the traditional temples of the Jedi Order, but lately, with his work with the Jedi Shadows growing steadily, he had found himself off world on the Gnost Dural most of the time. It wasn't a bad thing....but it bothered Kian none-the-less. Kian use to love teaching the younglings, but there weren't many younglings on the Gnost Dural just those that were sent there because they showed 'promise' in the skills of the Shadows.

On his walk through the landscape, Kian saw Grandmaster Corvus Raaf and made his way towards the group. He walked slowly, as not to interrupt the conversation that was going on. The two Jedi with her were unknown to Kian, but he could feel their force signatures and was confident that the meeting was a friendly one.

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Jeela Tillian"]
There was a familiar presence in the near distance that caused her to look up. Kian Karr, the Kel Dor Master, approached. She didn't know him well but her Master had certainly been acquainted, being of an age with Karr. He radiated calm and his aura made Ceska feel a sense of reassurance. Beneath his serenity was a fierce bladesman as Starshield well knew. Her own teacher had commented on his skill with Form V more than once. Himself an excellent swordsman, the Twi'lek Master's praise meant more than most.

Ceska inclined her head respectfully.

"Master Kian, I haven't seen you in a long time."

It was true as the Kel Dor had often been absent in the last while. Work of the Council, no doubt, perhaps diplomatic missions. He was a skilled mediator in addition to his skill with his lightsaber.

[member="Kian Karr"]
Kian turned to the padawan as she spoke to him and he searched his memory for a moment. He knew that he'd seen the young female around the academies, but it had been some time since he'd last seen her. Kian bowed his head to her and when he looked up at her face, the name came to him.

"Padawan Starshield....if I'm not mistaken?" Kian inquired, unsure if he'd gotten it right but hoping he had. "I apologize if I've gotten that wrong. It has been some time since I've been back at the academies....and even longer since I've been to Ruusan." Kian admitted, smiling warmly beneath his mask.

"What brings you all here?" Kian inquired, hoping he wasn't prying.

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
"Yes, Ceska Starshield," said the apprentice "You...knew my Master."

She became introspective at his well-meaning query, pausing for a long moment and looking at nothing in particular. Ceska couldn't really say why she was here, personally, beyond the guidance of the Force. Her eyes focused back on the masked face of the Master. She would answer in the most literal sense, as perhaps that was what he'd meant.

"I'm not certain, Master Kian, I was just speaking with the Grandmaster. The Miraluka Knight spoke out and I felt the Force itself behind her words."

[member="Kian Karr"]
Corvus sat back as Kian spoke. She sensed a few gathered here were at a cross-roads and the route they took had to be their own. All she could do was offer them whatever directions they asked for - no more and no less.

So she relaxed and waited to see if she would be called upon again.

[member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jeela Tillian"] | [member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]

Jeela Tillian

Jeela pushed her hat up on her forehead and slung her pack down on the ground before dropping down to use it as a seat. She wasn't entirely sure what all was going on here, but it seemed that it would take a while. She'd spent enough time hitchhiking to know to take a seat when one was available and catch a nap. Not that there'd be a need for a nap here. Things were rather too interesting. Jedi politics and quibbling was rather interesting. It wasn't quite as intense as Jensaarai politics, so they were almost boring by comparison.
"Ah yes," Kian said nodding along to what Ceska had to say. He remembered her mast, although it had been a long time since they'd met. If Kian wasn't mistaken, he'd fallen in battle.....a tragic loss. "A fine Jedi."

At Ceska's words, Kian turned his head in interest and eyed the Miraluka. "Interesting." Kian said and bowed his head to her. "Greetings." He said, unsure of her name. Kian had stumbled onto the tail end of the conversation and had thought he'd heard her correctly.

"The force has lead you here?" Kian inquired. "Care to elaborate?"

[member="Jeela Tillian"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Ceska Starshield"]​

Jeela Tillian

Jeela looked up from where she was sprawled on the ground, rolling a blade of grass between her fingers. That was an interesting question. It was rather difficult to explain, in words, anyways. She knew what it was like, exactly, but how to translate it was tricky. She took a deep breath to begin.

"It is.. a fervent need and awareness that something needs accomplished and a journey needs undertaken, with the need getting stronger as I travel in the direction I should be going and then upon arrival, it vanishes."

She shrugged and set the hat down beside her.

"It led me from Togoria to Voss and from Voss to here."

[member="Kian Karr"]
"Fascinating." Kian said nodding his head and considering what she said. Kian was certainly not one of the stronger gifted Jedi in the art of foresight or farsight, but he had followed the guidance of the force in the past. Turning toward Corvus, Kian wondered what the Grandmaster's thoughts on this were, she was a more rounded Jedi than Kian and would likely have more insight.

"Well," Kian said after a moment of silence. "What conversation did I interrupt?" Kian asked as he settled down on the ground, kneeling down in a meditative, seated position.

[member="Jeela Tillian"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Ceska Starshield"]​
"Well, if you will excuse me," said Ceska "I should go."

The Padawan felt the need to exit this situation. It was apparent that the Masters would need to discuss things before anything would happen. It always went that way and not a thing that could be done about it. She bowed her head respectfully and headed back towards the Temple.

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