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Character Kishimoto Nakaioma

Kishimoto Nakaioma



ULTIMATE 007 — Harold Sakata (Tosh Togo) as Oddjob Goldfinger...

Kishimoto "Black Hat" Nakaioma

    • Aliases & Nicknames:
      • Mister Kishimoto Nakaioma
      • SEO of Onomato Holdings
      • Oyabun of the Eitosōdokuran
      • First Cousin to Saro Nakaioma
      • Senior Member of the Nakaioma Corporation
    • Species:
      • Human
    • Homeworld:
    • Gender:
      • Male
    • Age:
      • 62 Years Old
    • Height:
      • 6'6"
    • Weight:
      • 380 lbs
    • Hair:
      • Black but greying
    • Eyes:
      • Brown
    • Skin:
      • Tanned
    • Languages:
      • Galactic Standard Basic
      • Huttese
      • Heaven-Earth Language
    • Force Sensitive:
      • No

  • Kishimoto "Black Hat" Nakaioma was born on the Dragon Constellation to the Long Xingzuo Branch Family. Staring life within the Capital City of Zongmen City in his grandmother's care for the time being while his father served as a dedicated colonel within the Grand Imperial Army underneath the Heavenly Emperor of Long Xingzou. His mother was a strict woman and drilled the local customs into his brain at an early age although he recalls her fondly. Always a sort of troublemaker within the eyes of the Branch Family. Young Kishimoto was sent to the Monastery of Fortitude run by the Ru Xing Order of Monks in order to take up martial arts and tap into the secrets of the 'Way of the Dragon'.

    Kishimoto was beaten into a warrior monk within a few years and eventually joined the ru lung dojo within the Merchant City of Kaizong. Rising through the ranks of the dojo by defeating current and past students in a fierce competition. He discovered that he was force sensitive due to accidentally tapping into the dark side power of force rage. Which augmented his martial arts ability expedentionally enough for him to defeat the master of the dojo in a single strike.

    Afraid that his honorable soul would be corrupted; Kishimoto left the dojo in shame for what he was becoming. Vowing to never again use martial arts to prevent him from becoming a monster. This promise was broken during a night of heavy drinking with a couple of friends as Kishimoto struck out against others while drunk and defeated an entire ale house. Arrested by the Grand Kaizong Police Department for reckless endangerment. He would encounter his future gang while in prison. The Eitosōdokuran otherwise known as the Eight Sword Clan due to the Eight Swords of Crime wielded by their leaders. He would join the prison gang and get a tattoo of their symbol upon his left arm.

    Leaving prison at around 20 years old; Kishimoto would attempt to restart his martial arts career but his arrest shamed him and his family reputation on the world. His father almost banished him from the family until a plea from his brother saved him from such a fate. Knowing that the branch family would not accept him anymore due to his criminal record. Kishimoto would head to the Fortress of the Eight Sword Clan and join their ranks.

    Becoming an enforcer within the criminal cartel; Kishimoto would use his martial arts ability to defeat foe after foe until the Eight Sword Clan became the most powerful syndicate within both the Heaven System and the Dragon Constellation. He was second in line to the Oyabun Musumi Nougo who had chosen him as his heir despite having the more capable Eight Sword Daimyos. The Daimyos were furious at being passed over and attempted to slay Kishimoto but his size and strength beat them into submission to claim the title of Oyabun of the Eight Sword Clan.

    His reign over the Criminal Syndicate came to an end when he was arrested by the Grand Imperial Army on grounds of corruption and criminal activity and served a life sentence in the military prison. This sentence was reduced with a plea bargain made by Kishimoto as he handed over the names of the Daimyos underneath his control. Allowing them to be arrested and him to go free after 12 months.

    Forming the Onomato Holdings Company shortly after; Kishimoto would purchase several other companies around the galaxy and become a considerable corporate influence. Taking to the stairs on board a yacht; he would head to coruscant to meet up with his Cousin Saro Nakaioma and become a high enough member of the Nakaioma Corporation. Although he is mainly a legitimate businessman now he still has control over his criminal syndicate and numerous criminal connections throughout the galaxy.

    • Martial Arts Master
      • Kishimoto has been training in martial arts since his very childhood and has gathered a considerable number of martial arts technique. He has won several martial arts tournaments throughout the galaxy; beating the best of the best through blood and shear determination. Those on the battlefield should be careful when opposing him.
    • Business Man
      • Due in part to being apart of the Nakaioma Family; Kishimoto has been taught to operate a business through creativity and determination. While not as efficient in corporate operations as his Cousin Saro Nakaioma. There is no business that he has run that has not made a considerable profit. His underworld connections have helped him make deals with crime lords and spice runners all over the galaxy. Providing him the capacity to get anything he wants through illegal or legal means.

    • Brawn over Brain
      • Kishimoto may possess those Nakaioma Smart Genes; but his life in prison has shaped him into an enforcer mindset. He is more than likely to get angry and settle things with unbridle violence should things not be going his way. Believing that the strong survive and the weak will be crushed underfoot.
    • Honorable Mindset
      • Although mostly a crude enforcer; Kishimoto has his own ideals of honor. As such he will not fight those who cannot fight back as he finds that a cowardly tactic unbefitting to his martial arts training. His strict sense of this honor has allowed opponents to escape when they will no doubt cause more harm to him in the future should they be allowed to live.

    • Arc 1
    • Arc 2
    • Arc 3

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