Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit: http://s702.photobuc...-Plat2.png.html
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Asobi
Language: Coda
Average height of adults: 1.2m
Skin color: Pink
Hair color: Coarse Brown and tan hair
Breathes: Type I
- Strong Swimmer
- Talented Smiths
- Limited technological aptitude: Their stature and hands make using conventional galactic technology harder. They usually have to make their own versions of standard technology.
- Zealotious: They are deeply religious and follow strict codes set forth by their gods. It is not out of the realm of reason for them to try and kill that which they believe is unclean or against their gods.
- Forcephobic: They are afriad of the force, hoodoo that should be wiped out, often to their dangerous end as they have launched several campaigns of genocide against force users and are often stopped when someone holding them back with an arm.
- Lack of physical strength: Their bodies are strong in the water for swimming but out of water they have small arms and legs making running very hard as they are squat and tire quickly.
Average Lifespan: 60 years
Races: There is only one type of them
Estimated Population: 50,000 in the Asobi System, 20 million galaxy wide
Diet: Meat, herbs, allergic to dairy
Communication: Quacks, Verbal
The Holy Pantheon:
Ka-Man-Di: The Great Owl, Goddess of wisdom and wine. Whose great shadow over the fields signals the proper time to harvest the grapes and whose hoots signal the punishment for incorrect grammar.
Pet-Err-Ules: King of the Gods and all powerful, his distaste for the ones known as force users has led to several purgings of those who can feel the force within the species usually to their detriment for spreading the doctrine.
Del-Ls: Goddess of the Crimson Order the ones who carry out the gods will and put to death the force users of the galaxy.
Rev-Er-Ance: God of War and Fertility often seen in the guise of an armor clad warrior who leads the warriors charge against those who stand against the Ki.
Cai-Tlin: Goddess of Love and Lies generally seen as a canine who will spead the infection of love with light from her eyes... but it is not certain if she is just messing with you to make for her own amusement..... you mmight be made to love a goat.... Bottomline gods are dicks.
Mr-rew-Ka: God of the hunt and seen as a cross between a harmless bunny or a fierce mountain cat. Deadly and preyed to before great hunts for force users.
The Holy Order of the Blue Hawks: Their religious church praising the gods and holding the pantheon above all else. All members must confess their sins to the Head of it and any mention of impropriety is met with pay off and secret police.
Leadership among the Ki is by holy doctrine. The head of the Holy Order of the Blue Hawks is their leader, chosen by the divine hand of the gods and given his authority on worlds. He is their religious leader, the one who launches crusades against force users and who hears directly from the gods if they are displeased. When he dies there is a time of mourning and a new holy leader is chosen from among the most faithful by vote. The final decision however resides in who the gods choose. Whoever hears the divine's voice will become the next leader of the Ki.
There are two important Holiday's among the Ki, the first is the birth of the gods from the darkness that was the universe. Their day is given a large week long celebration that must be honored with wine, cake and dancing. The second comes as the mark of the first crusade celebrating the brave male and female Ki who fought in those five days rising up against the oppression of the force users and stubbing the toe of their heretic leader the one called grandmaster. Prayers that he got an infection in his dirty foot are given but the celebration also bring gifts to the people allowing them a rare chance to be with their families and honor the gods for their bounty.
Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
General behavior:
To each other they are friendly, a community driven group who help and support one another... unless one is born with the force in which case they are put to death before they can become a corruption. There are ones within the teenager and child demographics that are offered incentives for turning in force users or known force user collaborators.
With force users they are hostile, usually they might not always outright attack but they might deny services, persist and demand they move from spots on transports or not be allowed to drink from the same water bottles as them. They treat them as less then anything else including their livestock which to them has more value... unless it is force sensitive livestock which is burned to ash, then scattered in four rivers.
To those who sympathize with their cause and their viewpoint they are friendly even willing to come and support them while ensuring that protests against force users are loud and vocal. Their knack for launching crusades in the name of their gods that are deterred by more advanced technology has them learning how to make technology work for them and they have made strides in force detectors.
The history of the Ki is one steeped in war and bloodshed.. mainly their own. Billions of years ago according to their oral history the celestials were aliens throughout the galaxy and an overlord wiped them out. Capturing and imprisoning pairs of them on his great ship which was then brought to this galaxy. Then he killed them all by throwing them into a black hole and captured their souls brainwashing and seeding them throughout the galaxy to give life to other species as well as the gods of the Ki.
They have moved throughout the galaxy leaving their home system when they realized there was to many force users to fight and kill. They followed the advice of their gods to where they could serve and do things. They spread out of the galaxy taking on what they could find within the galaxy.
One of the earliest sightings of them was in Wild space as their religious order went after the decadent zeltrons. To protest and cull their dangerous and corruptive ways. An army marched on the royal palace over taking a kitchen for several hours before the zeltrons overcame them with pheromones and trickery. They had failed in stopping the corruption that was the zeltrons. They moved on looking to find a new threat to decency and an affront to their gods.
Later they started to spread more and more across the stars finding planets that would allow them where force users had caused trouble. Whenever a jedi or a sith fought and destroyed something they were there to ensure the words of the gods about the evils of force users were preached. When a force user died they were outside his funeral with signs and picketing it. When force users married they would be protesting the wedding.
Eventually some people grew to take notice, grew to try and if nothing else stop their venomous ramblings. But an extinction against a religious group was extreme at times and with groups like the Pius Dia having done the holy crusade following in their foot steps would be a dangerous thing. The first holy crusade became a matter of rallying together to fight the oppression of the force users and lasted for five days until they marched into the police headquarters and were arrested.
Other such holy crusades would come, until the tenth that went against the Galactic Empire on Coruscant, in the wake of the rebellions success on Endor the tenth holy crusade of the Church of the Blue Hawks was launched. THere was scratches and hammer smashed toes in the streets, blood from some minor wounds everywhere but the leaders had miscalculated. The Empire still maintained a hold on the planet and the crusaders were gunned down outside the Imperial Palace after five hours.
As the time went on, the Gulag Plague came to the galaxy, the Ki not immune to it saw it as an act of the gods that would finally allow them to rise up and overtake the galaxy to purge the force users. Gather a small army of twenty Ki they marched on the capital and boarded a transport in the name of peacekeeping. Their transport was destroyed when the pilot sick spilled his tea on the console crashing them into a statue of a long dead governor.
The eleventh and final crusade came to an end with the onset of the darkness after the plague. Now the Ki are still quiet and still rallied together, their gods wishes to purge force users from the galaxy not stopping. They have been quiet but wanting to move and become a major power within the galaxy again.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To give one of the coolest creatures a chance to shine in the star wars universe, to make a fun and unique species that has been requested.