Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keira Ticon

She isn't the character I've had for the longest time, but she's gotten the most development over the months that I've had her, thanks to a few special people. *cough* [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] *cough* I've always been curious about what everyone else thinks of her, and this is the place to do it.
[member="Keira Ticon"]

I'm still can't tell if she's crazy or not. But I really like that you progress the avatar from normal to that "I'm going to kill you if you eat my ice cream" look as she developed. Keira has been my first and only rivalry on the site and thus I feel it is my responsibility to speak up.

I love the way you write her, mainly because she's the first FU I had the pleasure of fighting and if I can say one thing it's that you know how to balance usage of the force in combat. Do I have any criticisms? Not really -- I mean, she's pretty developed but I guess I'd like to see some more of her personality, but then again you probably do that just not when you're getting swords swung at you!
[member="Keira Ticon"]

I've seen your writing around as Colap lol. Honestly pretty good. I'd like to see you develop a character goal beyond just faction interests though. As a dark Jedi, you have a multitude of skills and end to put them to. Keep adding depth to your character. Become truly great!

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