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Approved Tech Katarr's Edge (Lightsaber Crystal)

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Intent: To give Saran a unique and personal lightsaber crystal for story proposes.
Development Thread: Here
Manufacturer: Saran Drast
Model: Synthetic Lightsaber Crystel
Affiliation: Saran Drast
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique
Material: Carbon, Silica.
Description: After her time wandering the galaxy, Saran discovered that the synthetic crystal was not only a Sith tradition, but had been used by the Jedi as well. Intrigued, she decided to attempt to make her own. The process, once completed with the help of both [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] and [member="Enigma"] (the former for supplying the forge, and the latter for guiding her to it), took three days for the Knight to complete. Afterwards, feeling drained, Saran noticed how close the crystal's force signature was to her own.
However, the forging did not go perfectly. The Crystal was compressed too much, causing it to produce a thinner blade that is easier to control. Such a weapon is recognizable by a series of regular oscillations of energy that run rapidly down the blade.
The crystal, beyond the above, is attuned to Saran better than any other crystal could be. It responds to her as if it is part of her. Although this is a nice bit to write about and explore IC, it provides no combat benefit.
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