Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kassa Sahl

"I may not like you as a person, but that doesn't mean that I won't help you as another."
Basic Statistics
Name: Kassa Sahl
Age: 13
Origin: Eshan

Familial Ties
Mother: Maraline Sahl
Father: Jerob Sahl
Other relationship(s): N/A

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 105 lbs
Species: Miraluka
Eye color: N/A
Hair color: Light brown
Skin color: Caucasian
Distinguishing features: The only thing that truly sets her apart from other individuals her age is her distinct lack of eyes, which is almost always concealed by the wrappings she wears about her head.

Mannerisms: Kassa is, at her core, a respectful and honorable individual. She demonstrates basic kindness to any individual regardless of their standing, but isn’t above rescinding it if they prove themselves undeserving. From a young age she’s been taught to be extremely disciplined and enduring, and this attitude has the tendency to sometimes come off as unnecessarily cold or callous, when in reality this is untrue. She holds strictly true to her code of honor and the Jedi Code, refusing to deviate from either.

Greatest flaw: Isolation comes naturally to the young girl, and as such she has a difficult time reaching out to and bonding with others. This has the potential to hamper her in certain areas of her life, whether in regards to simple companionship or fighting in a group. Above all she will always prefer her own company, something that any would be hard-pressed to change.

Best quality: Easily enough, Kassa’s best quality is her all-around self-sufficiency, as she has spent her entire life primarily in isolation. This has led to her being very skilled at taking care of herself, from finding food to mending her own clothes. Her discipline knows no bounds, and it’s what she’s relied on nearly since day one to make it through her day-to-day life.

Are you Force-sensitive? Yes.

Emotional and Mental Characteristics
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Language(s): Basic, Tusken (understood, not spoken)
Positive Traits:
+ The Combatant; Due to having been raised in a heavily combat-orientated environment, Kassa is more than able to handle herself if matters turn violent.
+ The All-Seeing; Due to her Miralukan heritage Kassa is able to view the Galaxy through the Force, giving her a visual advantage over those with limited eyesight.
+/- The Unyielding; Due to her Echani upbringing, Kassa upholds many ideals which when combined make it almost impossible for her to give up a noble cause.

Negative Traits:
- The Isolated; Due to the nature of her upbringing, Kassa is not the most world-wise of people and as such would require a fair amount of teaching.
- The Technophobe: Due to the nature of her upbringing, Kassa is unaware of, and thus fascinated by, even the most simplest of technology, yet is rather wary of it too.
- The Unseeing: Due her lack of eyes Kassa sees only vague impressions and Force signatures, which while useful limits her ability to see specifics such as colour.

Born a Miraluka, yet raised an Echani, Kassa began her training aged four and a sword was placed in her hands at a young age. Being a known Force Sensitive she began instruction under her Elders in usage of Force techniques such as Speed, Leap and Body, all used to enhance her physical capabilities. Her knowledge of the Force never extended past Control abilities, save for her innate use of Force Sense.

At the age of eleven she was chosen to train under the Firedancers, having already proved her prowess with both Echani and bladed combat. Her daily routine was rigorous, she rose to two schedules already mapped out for her, one which continued her general studies towards obtaining the tier of a Warrior and the other her induction into the Firedancers. Meals were very carefully planned and any other food was completely off limits, something she soon adjusted to.

Shortly after her twelfth birthday Kassa was sent away to Tatooine where she spent a year training under the fierce heat of Tatooine's twin-suns, and there she fell under the guidance of several Tusken Warriors. Deeming her a worthy and admirable opponent in combat they openly welcomed her into their society, but the Echani remembered the lessons of her Elders. Loyalty to her people was the path she was presently on, and she would uphold this alongside her honor.

After the year was up on Tatooine Kassa was shipped away to Coruscant for two months where she met with one of her Elders. The planet was strange, the technology fear-inspiring, yet there she was asked to recall all she had learnt upon the sandy planet, and upon her mentioning the offer of the Tusken, who had attempted to adopt her into their society, the Elder was surprised. At a younger age than most children Kassa was elated to the second tier of her Echani training, to that of a Warrior's status, and sent on her way again.

This time it would be Mygeeto that the girl was sent to, a stark contrast to the heated planet she had spent a year upon. She had to adjust quickly, and spent much of her time training out in the ice fields with little more than her training garments for warmth. By this point Kassa was thirteen. She stuck to her old diet and regimes, training day in and day out with or without the company of a sparring partner.

The weather acclimatized her and soon she did not feel the cold. Her world revolved around herself, her honour, her unyielding loyalty to her people and their way of life. If she was injured she would tend to her own wounds, if she was hungry she would prepare her own food; she paved her own path in life while upholding their ideals.

Echani vibrosword (Image)

@[member='Carn Dista'] is my Master (or will be when we sort out this roleplay) and I don't know if I will be in the event yet - it depends on if I'm in the Order by then or not @[member="Syn"] but thank you anyway.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Kassa Sahl"] we have about a week and a half for the event... which goes for a month and you can join at anytime. Still Carn seems like a good one so much luck.

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