Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kal'Shebbol: Running Out of Luz

Luz, Kal'Shebbol
the Recently Liberated in the Outback...
It's a quick job, and Min told Ria that she had tagged two other people to assist her. [member="Kassey Daklin"] and [member="Zef Halo"], although at this very moment. Ria doesn't know them from the Goddess Ashira. The slicer crept through the massive back allies of the newly renamed capital. Luz, light and yeah, for a minute - there was light here and now there's nothing but uncertainty the Kathol Outback had come through and 'liberated' the planet from GenTech. Running her hands through her hair the blonde pulled her coat tightly over her shoulders as she paced for her two contacts to join her.

It was supposed to be another simple smash and grab, this time. They were smashing through a bank, Varittka Credit Union, based in the second city of Varittka which was still holding onto some allegiance to GenTech. Ria wasn't interested in playing hero again, no, this time she was eager to grab a few quick credits and whatever Min Saigon of the Runners wanted. Min only said that it was vital to their client, whoever their client actually was, anyway. Not that Ria got paid enough to ask these kind of questions, Min provided the ride to Kassey and Zef out to Luz, but that was it.

Any glitter or pay that they'd earn from the job would be given after it was complete, not before.

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