Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kalinai Soluza; Empress of the Universe

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
NAME: Kalinai Soluza
FACTION: The Bootylicious Pirates. Wait...that name means something different than I expected!
RANK: Supreme Goddess! Or possibly Captain.
SPECIES: Probably human. My father was a vase and my mother a wall fitting.
AGE: It's not polite to ask a lady her age. Lucky I'm not one! I'm like 26 or something.
GENDER: Omnisexual. Oh wait, female. Yes, definitely, I checked.
HEIGHT: About this high *waves vaguely*
WEIGHT: 235500 carets.
EYES: A sparkling and limpid blue.
HAIR: As golden as spun straw.
SKIN: Dunno...sort of pinky? I guess Caucasian would be right if that was in the right universe.
FORCE SENSITIVE: I'm very sensitive. Sometimes with the Force too!


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • A special snowflake.
  • Perfect in every way.
  • Rescues lost kittens.
  • Dislikes cream.
  • Has an aversion to Ewok fur.
I have a pirate ship! It's like know...thing. With engines and stuff. *Waves hand vaguely*

I was born.
I did stuff.
Here I am.
Want more detail? Click here!


Bio done! :D


Well thats the most..... unpredictable Bio ive seen. And the *Waves the hand* thing made it all the better. lol

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress

Thank you, thank you. I did promise the best bio ever, and I have delivered!

I plan to continue by doing my history entirely in haikus!

I have nice blonde hair
It shimmers like golden straw
I hate similies

Or something like that! :D

Also, Alli, I'm sorry, click here for the real info.

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