Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kal Dejara

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Kal Dejara
Young Lord; Jedi Commander

"This is not ideology; this is war. And it's time we stop fighting on the Sith's terms."

NAME: Kal Dejara

FACTION: The Jedi Order; Independent

RANK: Jedi Knight; Sentinel

SPECIES: Thyrsian; Echani Off-shoot

AGE: 27

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6' 1"

WEIGHT: 160 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Brown



The Thyrsian species, the dark-skinned and sun-revering mirror to the Echani people, are but one of many who have been shamed by the Sith - and their burden is comparatively light. Dating back to before the Gulag Plague, the Sun Guard, their people's elite warriors, fell under the sway of the Sith, and shamed themselves as the model for the now-legendary Imperial Guard. Compared to their reputation as terrifying mercenary killers, was it much worse to be considered totalitarian warriors? Both legacies weighed heavily on Kal Dejara when he learned the history of his people - he had sought to be a Sun Guard out of pride, pride of who he was. What was the point if it wasn't something worth being proud of?

Though it was against the wishes of his comrades, he decided to part ways with the organization upon learning of his own latent Force-sensitivity, determined to become something that would ease his conscience: not a soldier, not a killer who left a legacy of hate, but a Jedi who left a legacy of peace.

That, too, was not to be. There was no satisfaction in petty good works when it amounted to rebuilding what constantly was knocked down, shoveling ashes and burying bodies. What he wanted was for the Jedi to do what must be done - to go forth and make true, genuine war against the enemies of justice. Torn by indecision, the orthodox mars their reputation with atrocities born on accident, or stays its hand when it is most needed, or even simply reacts rather than acting. None of this can continue.

Torn between his determination to escape the dark legacy of Thyrsia and disillusionment with people trying to live in peace when war is marching over the bodies of the innocent, Kal searches relentlessly for the key to the end of what he is sure is the great age of darkness of our time.


SUN GUARD TRAINING: Considered perhaps second only to the Mandalorians, Kal is the heir to a truly ferocious martial legacy. As such, he is skilled at melee combat and martial arts, both unarmed and armed. He likewise applies this combat training to large scale battle as general tactical principles.

OBSERVANT: Keen-sighted and gifted with the Force, Kal is naturally suited for tactical combat. Beyond that, he also is talented at reading subtle cues in others' poise and expression to determine their mood or intentions.

COMPASSION: Kal has the best interests of the less fortunate at his heart when he acts. He may make difficult decisions, he may fight fiercely, but he does, at the end, what he believes is right.

OBSESSION: There is one group responsible for ruining the Galaxy with war, scarring it with tragedy, and profaning the legacy of his people. Well aware of Jedi teachings on mercy, Kal has little in his heart for the Sith and their servants - as far as he is concerned, destroying unrepentant evil is mercy to all those who would later be their victims.

COLD: Kal has a generally reserved demeanor, not one for inspiration or comfort. Though suited for command, he perhaps is not best suited to lead, and grows frustrated when people cannot simply recognize and obey his orders.

LIMITED FORCE: Kal cannot use the traditional Force power of Telekinesis outside of his Stasis Fields.


FORCE STASIS: Kal's favored ability to pacify a foe or swiftly dispatch them, he uses the telekinetic power of the Force to suspend them where they are, leaving them vulnerable. Sometimes, this manifests as a 'Stasis Field' which envelopes multiple foes.

ENHANCE: Kal is able to increase his strength, stamina, agility, and speed with this ability. His favored usage of this is to enhance his five senses, relying on superior perception.

CAMOUFLAGE: A natural ability, Kal extends his Sun Guard stealth skills by using the Force to wrap light around him and suppressing his own presence to fade to near invisibility. He does not need to use a mechanical device to hide in daylight.


SHII-CHO: Kal has received training in this basic lightsaber form, and is proficient in applying its principles to melee combat to defend himself and others.

NIMAN: Sun Guards hold pikes in particular regard, and Kal is no exception - he views the pike typical of a Temple Guard as the ideal weapon to wield, placing an emphasis on both defense and offense with a balanced form of combat.

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