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Kaine's Tyrant Armor

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  • Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide a unique redesigned armor for Darth Vornskr/Kaine Zambrano
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Image Source: XRobinGoodFellowX @ Deviantart

  • Manufacturer: Custom work
  • Model: HYDRA S-1 Elite Commando Armor (Phrik components)
  • Affiliation: Darth Vornskr
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Boiled Leather, Durasteel, Phrik

  • Classification: Multi-Role
  • Weight: 15 kilograms
  • Quality: Class 9

  • Eye Sensor w/Internal Overlay
  • Infrared/Ultraviolet Vision Modes
  • Broadband Antenna w/Rangefinder
  • Encrypted, Internal Comlink
  • HUD (Heads-up-Display)
  • Audio/Visual Recorder
  • Photochromic Visors
  • Motion Sensors

  • Protective boiled leather under-armor
  • Duraplast chainmail shirt
  • Phrik battle plates (Helmet, shoulderpads, breastplate, rerebrace, gauntlets, cuisse, greaves, sabatons, etc etc)

This new set of armor was constructed from the old HYDRA Commando Armor that Kaine had kept and utilized on a number of occasions in combat, but to him it was not his own work in reality. Thus he had deconstructed the suit of armor, and went to work forging it into his own monstrous creation to suit his own tastes. The inspiration for the armor came from the ancient armor his ancestors had used thousands of years ago, but created with materials from the present such as durasteel. First he created a shirt of chainmail from the durasteel, and under that was boiled leather to add a further layer of protection to the wearer not only from outside force, but from the chainmail possible harming the skin. The phrik plates were melted down and reforged into new, wicked design that set just right with Kaine's imagery. The phrik plates were then connected to the body by thick leather straps across the most vital areas such as the chest, arms, legs, and groin.

A helmet was then constructed from the remaining phrik material, and outfitted with top-of-the-line equipment both visual, auditory, and respiratory, along with other gadgets. The helmet itself was fashioned in the image of a horned skull with blazing crimson eyes, an obvious call back to more Gothic pieces of art that would hopefully inspire fear in the soldiers who laid their eyes upon it. With the entire ensemble completed, it is truly a terrifying set of armor to behold.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Vornskr"] - Since this is re-use of metal from an existing submission in Kaine's possession, I have no problem with it getting re-forged. Approved pending secondary.
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