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Approved Tech Kaine's Second Lightsaber

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  • Intent: To create a sub for one of Asha Seren's dual lightsabers that was kept by Kaine after her death.
  • Development Thread: Click - Thread where Kaine dueled and killed Asha Seren, and kept one of her lightsabers.
  • Image Source: Click
  • Manufacturer: Asha Seren (Self-fabricated), Kaine Zambrano (Sith-esque additions to hilt and crystal)
  • Model: Custom Jedi Lightsaber turned Sith Lightsaber
  • Affiliation: Kaine Zambrano; formally Asha Seren
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Durasteel, Lightsaber Components, Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Standard Lightsaber
  • Size: One-handed / Two-handed
  • Length:
    Hilt - 28 cm
  • Blade - 139 cm

[*]Weight: 1 kilogram
[*]Special Features: While the hilt is one of a standard lightsaber, albeit with added Sith modifications to it's design, it is the blade that is the most striking feature. The blade of this lightsaber was roughly two inches shorter than the blade of a standard lightsaber. This lightsaber could also interlock at the hilt with it's twin blade, now in the possession of [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Description: The second lightsaber of Asha Seren was created in conjunction with it's longer sibling, and was by design made to interlock with the other weapon right at the hilt to create a lightsaber staff. She would go on to use this lightsaber in all of her exploits as a Jedi, but during the confrontation with the Panathan Emperor, Kaine Zambrano, in his fortress on the jungle world of Panatha she was struck down in battle. Her body disappeared into the Force, leaving only her clothes and both of her lightsabers behind, and a final wish spoken to the Epicanthix Sith Lord before she departed from the mortal realm.

"My life is yours to end, Kaine Zambrano, you admitted your guilt, in the view of the Force; just do me one service, and the Galaxy will know how you have slain me. Send this to Midvinter, they will know what to do with it. Take the other as a trophy, if you seek such trinkets."

The Sith Lord granted Asha Seren her dying request, and sent one of the lightsabers to Midvinter as proof of her demise, and kept the other as a trophy of his victory. He enhanced it with Sith-inspired cosmetic designs on the hilt, and replaced her yellow crystal with a synthetic crimson one.
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