Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kai Enbaru

NAME: Kai Embaru
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
EYES: Black
SKIN: Skin color may vary.

Strengths and weaknesses.
Level-Headed- Kai usually has a clear mind,even in intense situations.

Combat- Kai is adept at several versions of hand to hand combat and proficient in swordsmanship.

Impatient- Kai can extremely impatient sometimes.

Shyness- Kai is a shy person,especially in front of new people.

Observant- Kai has a keen eye in his surroundings.


Kai Embaru was born on the water world Glee Anselm with 2 brothers. At around age 2, his oldest brother,only 12 was taken away from the family. Kai at that age didn't know why his brother died. Just that he did.

Kai discovered his own force abilities at age 5. He began slowing with telekinetic exercises with no formal training. Though his abilities were rather limited,he was in tune with the force and could predict events.

Kai was discovered by the Jedi Order and his parents gave him up to the order.
Kai began formal training as an Youngling.
Headtresses, lekku, tails, whatever they be. "What's a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet." The point is I need them for my collection. :p
[member="Darth Vidar"]

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