Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just a noob passing by. PD: I need help!

Helion Idbraska said:
Thanka everyone, I feel really welcomed, I didnt knew I would get answers so fast
We are a really active site as of the current moment. So yes it happens fast.

Helion Idbraska said:
You may want to talk to my girlfriend about that one mate. She'll kill you before you will get anywhere near me with hugs.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"], *stares at her as she tries to desperately keep her Photoshop shop alive* Good luck.

Quil Narro

You need fifty posts first....but it is in the Character Creation section

[member="Helion Idbraska"]

Quil Narro

....thats because you a wannabe :)

All the same we should rp sometime. ?..

@A Pimp Named Magoo
Mallory Pryde said:
@A Pimp Named Magoo

Oh but I am sure I can fake an orgasm err -ahem- I mean Pimp-jitsu, ya know.. being a Rogue Jedi and all.

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