Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jurr Awaud

NAME: Jurr Awaud

FACTION: Mandalorian Union

RANK: Alor of clan Awaud.

AGE: 50

SEX: male

HEIGHT: 1.90 m

WEIGHT: 90 kg

EYES: blue
HAIR: gray

SKIN: bronze



+Military genius

+Great organizer

+Experienced veteran

+A tribe of loyal warriors and noncombatants of the clan

+A ragtag fleet of generation ships and many secret hideouts

+hard, but just

-Mistrust of forceusers

-Hatred of tyrannical governments

-soft spot for orphans

-to honorable to be a good politician

Lean, muscular and fit despite his age. Shortcut gray hair. A burn scar on cheek and temple. A small slash scar at the square chin. Stern visage, ideal for a commander.
Jurr Awaud wears a green painted armor of beskar alloy. He does not believe to show off his wealth with shiny silver beskar , but to show his true colors like the Mandalorians of old.

Born into a clan of nomads Jurr was trained to be a soldier and soon also to be an officer as early as he could walk and put on an armor. He learned to survive on ice worlds and desert worlds alike. Always on the move hunting for supplies to feed the clan. Later he hunted for criminals and fought against the many dangers of Wild Space, Unknown Regions and the Rim alike. Pirates and marauders learned to fear him and his growing mercenary company. Jurr was more of a pragmatic warrior, using hit-and-run, technological advantages and dirty tricks. All for the survival of the clan. He believes in the adoption of foundlings to be the key of success. He even revives the old habit of absorbing defeated foes into his forces as penal companies. Jurr is somewhat conservative in the style of ships his fleet prefers. He loves to acquire old Mandalorian designs, but is not picky in using conquered or scavenged vessels.

He dislikes Sith, Jedi and any other form of force users and has trained to withstand their mind tricks and is fighting in old anti force user martial arts.

Jurr eventually was elected and not chosen by trial of arms to be the Alor, as the former Alor, a force using mystic abandoned the clan in this dangerous times to follow a personal religious quest. His people always believed the best ruler was the reluctant one who does not actively seek power like a lowly sith lord. And Jurr was the perfect choice. His clan, fractured and scattered is slowly becaoming a feared force in the turmoil of the war torn galaxy again.

Jurrs dislike of force users and other religious fanatics was intensified by this desertion, of course. The clan comes first in his opinion. Always!

Recently Clan Awaud helped the ambitious leaders of the other clans to liberate Mandalore. The role in the war was skirmishing and support. Jurr has no special connection to the planet and thinks attachments to stationary objects as very dangeous to the Mandalorians. His most famous quote concerning the importance of Mandalore was „Coruscant was the cradle of our culture. Is that polluted dust ball the next target?“

But he is suspicious of the force users to subvert this noble endeavor and founding a new totalitarian regime to oppress his people.

He is the loyal opposition, but also ready to take in refugees and misfits who will not fit into the new order that is slowly forming. Jurr fears the Jedi could subvert or manipulate the Mandalore and other Alors easily as „advisors“ like they did so many times before in history.

He has an extended biological family with four ex-wifes and ten children and some grandchildren (he really is not the marriage type but tried nonetheless) and a small company of adopted children of various species usually loving the charismatic father figure.

A fleet of many warship and transports. The Keldabe class Akalenedat is Jurrs personal command ship.



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