Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Junkyard Dogs

One had to be fairly crazy to want to travel to Lotho Minor and actually get out to dig around through refuse and various discarded bits. Most only saw the planet from the atmosphere as they dropped off whatever junk was in their cargo holds and kept moving. There were regulars as well, those who made a living digging through the metal and rust looking for something valuable to trade or sell, living their lives in a never ending junk pit.

Makai had his reasons for hiring a small crew and venturing out to the odd planet. Rare metals, abandoned technology, one-off casts long forgotten. He didn't expect to encounter trouble but made sure to hire those who were well versed with a blaster. Considering how war-torn the 'verse was as of late, it was probably wise even if he was off on a holiday on some resort world. Lotho Minor was a resort world for junkers. If you thought about it.

Well....resort-like if you avoided the angry local Junker folk.
It had been quite some time since Thesh had ventured out into the Galaxy, and much more time than that since he'd worn what many would consider civilian attire. No robes clad his body that day, as they made their way through space toward Lotho Minor, in fact to look at him one might instinctively believe him a smuggler, scum of the underworld. That was of course until he spoke, as much as he'd let his appearance go he'd never lose the propriety he'd worked so hard for.
When he'd last been hired in such a way he'd ended up through the undercities of Coruscant, in some high speed chase. Other times he'd been pawned off to fellow Sith, to hunt down Rancor, or holocrons, and help to dispatch of those who lay in the way. Strange in truth, for he had been a mere child at the time. And yet none had questioned it. Perhaps they had known that his façade was precisely that.
He felt for the blaster at his hip, confirming its presence, as they came upon the junker's paradise. His lightsaber had been left behind at the rendezvous point, upon the ship he'd borrowed for this task alone, but the dagger he'd forged under the watchful eye of his master was much more difficult to dispense with. It lay upon his belt too, though it was covered by the leather jacket he wore. He hoped it was enough to keep prying eyes and curious questions at bay.
As their vessel descended to the scrapheap of a world, he pondered on what exactly it was they were here for. In the line of work he'd been hired for it didn't exactly pay to ask too many questions of one's employer. He was here in case things went awry. Still there were no rules to keep him from scavenging to while they were at it. At least, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell had not given such instructions yet. In a place such as this, who knew what treasures might lay hidden, remnants of an era long forgotten...
Perhaps that was why he'd accepted the job.
While the other felt around for his blaster, Makai did the same. The weight was there yet he felt the need to check and second guess its presence. He would hate to leave it behind and be stuck with only a screwdriver for defense. Bit of a one-shot and last chance weapon and he preferred to use it more for its intended, industrial use.

Vessel quietly slid towards the scrapyard planet, pilot quietly communicating with Lotho Minor controls.What little control was out there, the voice seemed disinterested. Makai suspected controls were there more for ensuring vessels didn't slam into one another than any real regulation. No registration was asked for and he suspected if the planet did indeed ask for registration most would be forged or stolen.

"Ramp down in five minutes."

Probably best to talk to his hired gun then. He had reached out through the user spacer channels, knowing he would find someone who wouldnt shirk from such a job. Not that it was hard. It had the potential for danger. Scavengers tended to be a ornery bunch at times. Add in the fact salvage and scrapping could be controversial at times - picking over the bones of the dead or something like that. He just considered it trash collection.

"No restrictions on this job - I hired you to have my back. Beasts, fellow scavengers,government types. Any threat to our safety. Feel free to poke around yourself and grab what you want, if you're the scavenging type. Ideally I'd like us to keep a low profile unless needed. I've heard rumors of outsiders being attacked on Lotho Minor and with no real government in place..."
He was drawn from his thoughts as the voice informed them of how soon they'd be reaching their destination.
With his check of his arsenal over he hummed slightly under his breath and glanced over the others present. Set some of their faces to memory, and tried to understand the role each had. He didn't get long before the one who had hired him spoke up to clarify a thing or two, and naturally he gave the man his full attention. Man... They were of a similar age really, barely out of boyhood, but that didn't rightly matter.
"Don't worry," he said, though he doubted that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was really worried at all, "I'll keep the mad dogs at bay. Are you looking for anything in particular?" None of his business, he knew, but Thesh had an eye for detail and maybe he'd be able to help the man find what he was looking for amidst the piles of salvage the world had to offer.
The notion of him finding anything for himself was a strange one, there were always a few things Thesh was on the look out for but the chances of them being here were slim to none. Still, it might surprise him. He might find something to add to a project.
"How'd you want to be addressed, by the way? Never really know how formal to be with such things..."
"Nothing massive - rare metals. Pyronium, electrum, aurodium, orichalc. Typical metals found in finer droids and higher end vessel consoles and components. No idea if any will be found on planet....from what I've heard and read the local scappers stuck on planet wouldn't have much of a use for them. However...I'm sure I'm not the first with such an idea, so."

Makai trailed off and shrugged. He was hoping to find enough rarer metals to make it worth his while.

"Makai is fine. I don't expect to be addressed by anything else. What about you? What are you looking for? Do I need to address you by a military title? Captain? Sarge?"

He would guess they were near the same age but suspected the other in front of him had greater experience in battle and hand-to-hand combat situations. Just looked the type to have had a less sheltered experience than himself. Then again, Makai supposed if the man had been sheltered then he would be quite useless in terms of security.

Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn

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