Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Judgement day


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Alright, sit down and relax, they'll be here soon," Valery said but her tone probably made it clear she wasn't exactly relaxed herself. She had invited Aldric over to her home on Coruscant, a small apartment where she now lived with Vera after Amani helped her move. But bringing him there wasn't what made her nervous — she had invited two of her Padawans and a former Padawan to come over and meet him. A moment for introductions, to catch up and just enjoy a small break from all the battles and problems in the outer rim.

It was a purely fun and relaxing moment in theory, but she knew they were going to use the opportunity to judge him. Whether they liked him or not, if he was a good match for their Master and they were going to be honest about it all. Iris was never one to sugarcoat things too much, whether intentional or not, and Briana was brutally honest as well, much like Valery was when she needed to be. Then there was Silas, who had the closest relationship to Kahlil — how would he feel about a new man in Valery's life?

Questions that would soon be answered.

"I've made tea, some snacks, and cleaned everything. So it should be fine, yeah?" She looked at him again and realized that she was rambling a bit. It got her to smirk, and she finally plopped down on the couch with him, while they waited for the others to arrive.


Aldric Laurent

Aldric sat down as suggested, rubbing his palms over his thighs in a bout of nervous fidgeting. He thought he was done feeling antsy about it, but now that the moment was finally here he couldn't help but wonder. It was a strange situation for the usually cool-headed secret agent to find himself in. Infiltrating a crime-infested casino or an Imperial blacksite brought him less uncertainty than this.

Her padawans were no doubt close to her, so no doubt first impressions were going to mean something. One of them had very recently graduated to Knighthood in her own right, so he could only imagine the amount of personal history there. Even more nerve-racking was the inevitable meeting with Vera. For today, she was off with one of the babysitters, but sooner or later that time would come as well.

As Valery spoke again, it brought his thoughts back to the present. Aldric reciprocated her smirk, and made room for her to sit down beside him, "Should be fine. Yeah." He echoed, sighing deeply as if to expel his unnecessary concerns. Things were going to be fine, right?

Still, his gaze kept flicking to the door, waiting for that first knock.



Location: Valery's place
Objective: Interrogate the new man
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Aldric Laurent / Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren / Iris Arani Iris Arani


Silas, dressed in smart casual wear casually walked down the corridor towards Valery's apartment with a sense of caution. Today he was going to meet the new man in Valery's life, something which the padawan wasn't all too excited about. The loss of Kahlil still stung him, and the fact Valery had found someone else was a fact he couldn't get over right now. At this current time, he just didn't know what to think of the whole situation.

Coming up to the door, he took time to roll up his sleeves before knocking three times on the door. Iris and Brianna were sure to join him shortly, but it gave him a chance to size up and examine the man before the rest of his fellow padawan arrived. He just hoped Master Valery wasn't too fast on this judgment.

For now, he put two hands behind his back and awaited for the door to open. It was better just to get it over with rather than let his thoughts linger.

Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Knock, knock, knock.

Valery felt her heart skip a beat, but quickly calmed herself when she looked in Aldric's direction. She already knew Silas was standing in front of the door because she could feel his presence, and it was hardly surprising that he had made an effort to arrive just a bit earlier. He was likely the most difficult one to accept all of this today, after all.

"I'll open up," Valery then told him with a smile that she hoped would help ease nervousness, before she got up and walked over to the door to open it.

"Hey Silas, glad you could come," she said with a dip of her head and her usual friendly smile. "Come in and make yourself comfortable. The others should be arriving any minute now." Valery, while a little nervous, knew she felt quite different in the Force already. Aldric had made a huge impact on her life, and there was no way she could hide it. Iris Arani Iris Arani had already picked up on it when she visited to ask about relationships, and she knew Briana and Silas would too.

Hopefully, it would help convince them.

(quickpost to let the early arrival in)



Iris hummed a little tune as she came down the stairs. Perhaps she was a little too casual with her former master, but then again, this new apartment was now like a second home for her. Completely forgetting that Valery was having a rather important meeting she just did what she always did. Came in through a window, took a shower, wandered down stairs as she dried off her hair to go get a snack from the fridge.

And blinked as she glanced towards Valery. Aldric. Silas.

"Oohh that's today. Riiight. Uh. I'm gonna make a sandwhich. Anyone want anything..?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Location: Valery's place
Objective: Interrogate the new man
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Aldric Laurent / Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren / Iris Arani Iris Arani


Silas was pleased to see his master once again and smiled, following her bow with one of his own "Thank you for inviting me, Master" he said respectfully before walking into the room to have his first look at the man. The teen looked at him expressionlessly and only offered him a small nod if he looked his way. Right now, he just wanted to take things slow.

Quietly, he walked over to a seat and made himself comfy on the sofa. Not long after, Iris herself made an appearance. It appeared she had just come out of the shower, seemingly forgetting the important meeting was today
"Hi Iris" he said with a funny wave and grin.

"Can I have some water please?"



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Valery's Apartment, Coruscant
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Aldric Laurent

It wasn't like Briana to run late, having been a very timely and prompt individual ever since she was old enough to understand the concept of what that meant. It was one of the very few attributes of her mother that she actively tried to embody, secretly envying the way that the Sal-Soren matriarch effortlessly seemed 'with it' and 'put together' at all times. Almost like she was born that way.

Briana never quite mastered that particular trick, which was evident in the flush of her cheeks and the way that she attempted to smooth down the myriad strands of fly away hairs that'd pulled out of place in her rush to reach Valery's apartment. Closing her eyes, Briana inhaled, thankful that Brandyn wasn't here. She'd worked hard to establish a particular image over the years that now, were he to see his sister flustered, would no doubt allow him to change his attitude and opinion of her, and quite frankly she liked being the more dominant one in that relation.

With a long breath out to quell any last anxieties, she opened up her eyes and reached up her free hand, curling her fingers into a fist and rapping lightly against the door, waiting for it to open.


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Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Iris Arani Iris Arani

After letting Silas into the apartment, she turned around to see Iris making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. It wasn't the first time she had gotten in here without saying something, but today was definitely quite an interesting choice for it. Still, though, Valery offered her former Padawan a kind smile before looking over at Aldric.

What was he thinking?

"I'm good, Iris, but thank you for coming," she said but right before she could step away from the door, she felt the brightness that was Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren 's presence in the Force rapidly approaching. They had all come, and while that was quite exciting, it also brought back that brief wave of nervousness.

They were all here.

When Briana knocked on the door, Valery was quick to open it and greeted the woman with a bright smile, "Glad you're here, Bri! Come in and make yourself comfortable."

Finally, Valery made her way back into the living room, and sat down on the couch beside Aldric, close, to make the point of this little meeting even more clear. "Alright, everybody, so uh... this is Aldric," Valery began, not sure what else to really say yet. "Briana and Silas here are currently my Padawans, and Iris was until I recently knighted her."


Aldric Laurent

The padawans all descended onto the scene rather quickly. Silas was first, the one Valery had voiced arguably the most concern about. Kahlil had been something of a father figure for the boy. He was in all likelihood going to be the hardest sell.

Aldric stood up from the couch as the young man stepped in, plastering a flat smile across his face, before opening his mouth to speak. But right around then, an older woman stepped in. Or rather, appeared from a different part of the apartment all together. His attempt to speak simply transferred into a mouth agape, his head cocking to the side in confusion. He looked to her, then Valery, then Silas, then back to Valery. For the first time in a long time, Aldric felt genuinely, truly awkward. The reality of the situation settling upon him with one final nail in the coffin: The final padawan walking in not long after.

It was a very strange circumstance for the agent to find himself in. And when Valery walked over to sit beside him, he joined her, though his body language was a bit more stiff and upright. He just thanked his lucky stars that Valery spoke first, because he had no idea how to introduce himself without it sounding painfully stilted and strange. Aldric raised a hand and gave them a single wave, “Hello…” He managed to find that smile again, “It’s uh, good to finally meet you all. Val’s told me a lot about you.” He gave Iris in particular a nod, “Congratulations on your knighting, by the way. Must be exciting.”

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Iris watched for a moment.

Not them, specifically. The colors around them. The awkwardness, the tenseness. Unsureness. She frowned, for just a moment. "It's.. Something. Exciting, for sure." Then disappeared into the kitchen. No point in overwhelming him with too many faces. And, well. She didn't like the atmosphere. So.. Time to fix that. She rummaged around the kitchen, ignoring the fact people said they were fine.

No, it was time for food. Spicy food. That'd get them to relax.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Aldric Laurent


Location: Valery's place
Objective: Interrogate the new man
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Aldric Laurent / Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren / Iris Arani Iris Arani


Silas looked over to the door and gave a quick wave over to Brianna. He had gotten to know her recently through a training spar, so far he had no complaints to say about her "Bri..." Silas smiled and turned back to Valery, a woman who was trying to sell her newest hubby to them.

The teen looked at Aldric throughout the process and seemed to examine him further. Valery seemed to give the same look of love he did to her, which showed they were very much into each other. He promised himself beforehand that if his Master was happy he'd have to take it as it was. However, it didn't mean he'd have to like him right away. Aldric still had ways to go if Silas was going to truly accept him.

One thing for sure was the awkwardness, he could feel it clogging the air in the room they were sitting in. Nodding in thought, he finally forced himself to ask the man a question. He had to at least try right?

"So, Aldric. What do you do within the alliance?" he asked in his ususal stern tone.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Valery's Apartment, Coruscant
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Aldric Laurent, Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

A broad smile flashed on Briana's face, pausing at the threshold as her and Val exchanged greetings.

"Thanks for inviting me!" she started, "I'm just going to drop these off real quick and then I'll meet you guys in the living area." Briana gave a jerk of her chin towards the kitchen to indicate where she was going before waltzing fully inside.

Her gaze panned through the apartment, paying a quick wave to Silas and a... through sizing up of Aldric, before heading off to deposit her contributions for their little shindig, bumping her hip against Iris'. "Hey, you," she quipped, "I brought some drinks and a few snacks, if you want to put 'em out with whatever it is you're making."

She stuck around for a few minutes extra to make sure Iris didn't need the help before emerging with drink in hand to where everyone else was sitting, taking up residence next to Silas who seemed... tense.

Valery Noble said:
"Alright, everybody, so uh... this is Aldric," Valery began, not sure what else to really say yet. "Briana and Silas here are currently my Padawans, and Iris was until I recently knighted her."

Aldric Laurent said:
"Hello…" He managed to find that smile again, "It's uh, good to finally meet you all. Val's told me a lot about you." He gave Iris in particular a nod, "Congratulations on your knighting, by the way. Must be exciting."

Briana leaned forward some, passing glances between Valery and Aldric as the two of them spoke, paying attention to their body language with sharp-eyed scrutiny. Valery was a good judge of character, but Briana still felt a certain level of protectiveness over her, especially after the loss of her husband Kahlil. Ultimately, she wanted her to be happy. "It's good to meet you as well, have you and Valery known each other long?" she replied, cordial-like, before Silas cut in with a question that broke straight to the point.

Briana took a long sip.



Aldric Laurent

Iris' half-hearted answer and subsequent escape into the kitchen was interpreted less as freeing him from being overwhelmed, and more as a sign that he had struck the wrong nerve somehow. If it was enough for her to slip away without so much as a parting explanation, he must have done something wrong. Aldric swallowed, and recomposed himself with a flat smile to the remaining padawans.

Bri started with a simple enough question, but before he could muster an answer, Silas added in a question of his own. "Um- Well, I work for the SIA. Senior agent, reinstated." He nodded, "That's how Val and I met, actually. Worked together quite a bit during her time as a Shadow. So, we've known each other for several years now." Aldric then turned to Valery and smiled, a bit more genuine than the strained one he had offered the padawans. She was keeping him grounded over the course of this interrogation.


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

What happened after introducing him was to be expected — Briana really wanted to make sure he was treating her right, and figure out his connection to her. At the same time, Silas seemed most critical and came forward with a direct question right off the bat. Then there was Iris, who she knew would feel the tension in the room and see it through her world of colors.

Aldric worried about her leaving to head into the kitchen, but Valery knew why she did, so it hardly bothered her at all. But knowing it affected him, she gently placed her hand on his leg, searching for his to gently place her own over it. Not just to provide comfort, but also to be more open about her feelings for him in the presence of her Padawans.

"Mhmm, and recently, I decided to look for him again and talk him back into the SIA. We decided to partner up for a mission on Nar Shaddaa to get him back into the swing of things, and..." she turned her fiery eyes to Aldric, and couldn't possibly resist smiling as those memories resurfaced. "We ended up getting a lot closer, and now we're here."



Iris offered the smallest of a wave to Bri, hands covered in a mix of different spices and meats. Ground meats. Spicy meatballs tonight. They could practically feel the heat coming from the bowl as she continued to roll em up and set them on the nearby trey. There was nothing like spicy food to melt the ice. Literally, if Iris had a hand in it. "I'll mix in what I can. Make sure Silas is alright for me, though?"

He was the one she was most worried about. She could see it in the colors around him. Valery was ready to move on. Silas, not so much.

"I'll be in in a little bit."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aldric Laurent | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Location: Valery's place
Objective: Interrogate the new man
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Aldric Laurent / Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren / Iris Arani Iris Arani


Silas nodded slowly to what he had to say and raised a brow to the fact they had known each other for seven years. In terms he wasn't a new man by any means, they just decided to take things further after Kahlil had died. An agent for the SIA too? it made sense considering his Master used to be a shadow. Silas continued to remain silent as they spoke, and when she placed a hand on Aldric's thigh he could help but lower his gaze.

His mouth curled into a small frown as he looked at their affection, seemingly torn on what to feel about the whole situation
"I... I'm happy you're both getting along well" he released silently, giving Briana a brief look that showed it was more forced than anything.

Silas was truly supportive of Valery, and he certainly wasn't going to stand in the way of his master's relationship with others. But when it came to himself, his mind wrestled with how to really react. Aldric was probably a very good man, he just needed time to digest what was happening.

"I'm feeling parched already... excuse me," he said as politely as he could before getting out of his seat to head into the kitchen. Silas released a long sigh and walked up behind Iris, his hand grabbing a cup from the counter "What you cooking there Iris?" the teen asked calmly, taking a sip of the water when the container was full.

For now, he just needed to steady himself. A small distraction was needed, and Iris with her spicy food was a good one.


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