Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judge, Jury and Electrocutioner (Training OPEN to SJO & NR)

Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
Objective: Train Force Users in Electric Judgement

Rhane paced around the interior of the training room, awaiting the arrival of the various students, knights and even masters who would be attending the training session. He expected quite the large crowd due to the fact that Electric Judgement was a restricted Force Power, requiring approval from The Council, as well as New Republic Jedi being invited as well. He was hopeful of improving others abilities with such a rare power.

The room was divided into two sections: a lobby and the actually training area. Trainees would be warned by service droids to deposit all electronics, metals and conductive material into a secured cubby during the lesson. Electric Judgement from a trained master would not damage such items, but a stray bolt from a learner could prove disastrous. Rhane himself deposited all of his lightsabers and armor, wearing only a set of black, form fitting shorts. His chest, arms and legs were bare revealing his muscular physique. He body looked as if besalisk skin was placed atop durasteel cords.

He went to the far side of the room to inspect the dozen targets set up for measuring power levels as well as consistency. All of them were on, appearing to be in working order. As he did so, he heard the durasteel door open.

The first trainees were arriving...
Starchaser may ot be completely sold on learning Electric Judgement, but he knew he could bring some Jedi here to help them. Having been a Dark Jedi, an enforcer in the dark side, where lightning was his preferred method of dispatching his enemies. He had no issue with other Jedi using it, sometimes offense was the best defense, after all, but it was too close to the edge for him. He did fly his own freighter, the Tachyon Rising to help bring supplies out to Kashyyyk and had made it known that if any Jedi from the Praxeum, or the New Republic Jedi, that he’d at least give them the lift into Silver space.

Landing his ship and directing the ground crews to getting the cargo, he made his way through the complex, interested in seeing what Master [member="Rhane Varless"] was doing. Sitting off to the side, the Jedi Master excuded a light side essence that was known to most that called themselves Jedi, if because of their own choice, or Coren just pushing himself into getting to know all the Orders.

Still, the Master was relaxed, and watching, waiting for the trainees, and seeing what this lesson would evolve into.
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk.
Objective: Watch & Learn.
Electric judgement, now there was a controversial practice among many various branches of the Jedi Academy Network, and the Order of today. Many associated the ability with that of the Dark Side's Force Lightning, and Bekk didn't find it difficult to imagine why; yet the path of a Jedi is one of constant learning and trying to expand upon the mind, that which one shouldn't be so quick to judge. Through the Jedi Academy Network, as well as his association with the Republic and the Silver Jedi Order, he had received the invitation through [member="Coren Starchaser"], whom no doubt hoped to bring along some of their younger students too.

Back in his days as a Padawan, his former Master wasn't exactly the type to adhere to the rule-book, yet she had also discouraged him from looking into such practices knowing just how impulsive the Zabrak could be in his youth. Today, even as a Jedi Knight, he certainly had his moments, yet he had also gained a great deal of experience and insight since those wonderful years. So much so, that when the prospect of attending a lesson alongside the youth of today's Jedi came along, he couldn't rightly turn it down.

Dressed in a far more casual attire than what might be considered the Norm' for the Jedi of Kashyyyk, Bekk wasn't overly familiar with the rules of the Silver Order, whether they held a specific code of conduct around the likes of formal wear or otherwise. Still, his rank and unique lifestyle being what it was, afforded him a certain resilience to what had once been a strict rule back in his former Enclave.

"Master Starchaser..." Bekk would first offer the closest of the two Jedi Masters a bow of his head. He hadn't personally spoken with Coren, though the man had been present on both counts of the recent raids they had taken against the Sith Empire, recently. "...And Master Varless?" His gaze had befallen the Silver Master, and he soon offered the tutor of today's lesson, a respectable greeting before moving to the side of the room, so that other students might take the floor for the lesson to come.

[member="Rhane Varless"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Electric judgement was the kind of power that you didn't come across very often, in all her time with the Silver Jedi, Asaraa thought she might have only seen it once. Many Jedi seemed to prefer force light as an offensive power, but it never hurt to have more than one tool in your repertoire. Especially when one day being able to pull out a surprise could save your life, that was something she was sure of, had seen for herself more than once. So when she'd received a notification that Master [member="Rhane Varless"] was thinking about teaching a class on the subject she'd been one of the first to sign up for it

She just hadn't realised what it would mean, the young knight sealed the insulated locker with a final forlorn look, her hand twitching at her side. It might have only been a few seconds, but she could feel the loss of her trustee comm unit at her waist already. It was a kind of unusual, sad feeling, almost as if she were naked. The pink-haired Jedi took a deep breath and stepped back, forcing herself to turn away from the container holding her lightsaber and the rest of the technology which she was o used to using through her day. It was only a passing fancy she knew, and from the look of things, she'd be too busy to worry about what was happening outside the room soon.
For Tana the use of electric powers was nothing new, his family, being one that hailed from the dark side meant most knew how to use force lighting, a skills his mother and older sister used quite a lot. Still such a power was not always well received by other Jedi orders and the use of electric judgment was a skill that had other uses, mot notable it would subdue a person more easily then force lighting which focused on pain and killing. As one would say you could never learn too much, though this person, [member="Rhane Varless"], he had a feeling he had meet him before... oh that was right. Back before beeing a Jedi, in the days of a hired assassin Tana had tried to kill the Jedi on Corellia, this would make for an akward situation, though it did beg the question were had the man been for the last 3 years?

The journey knight had never seen him around the temple or on any missions, or had he been busy with some other loong event? Either way the Tana could contest that the Jedi master was certainly a strong and skilled person. Entering the hall his eyes scanned over those present, [member="Coren Starchaser"] was quite a notable arrival, he'd not think a Jedi or his reputation and skill would really need to be here, unless the man was just some other Jedi from the remnants of the New Jedi Order. Along with him was a black and blue skinned Zabrak of unknown identity, Tana giving the man a small nod to him upon entering the room, "Hello everyone, Master Starchaser, Master Varless, good to see you are not dead".

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
Objective: Train Force Users in Electric Judgement

''Greetings. It's great to see you all safe and well.'' Rhane said, looking around at the members of various strengths. He scanned them all, nodded individually at each. He gestured over to the training stations, assigning each of them a place facing one of the modules. He took the one in the middle for himself, positioning all of them around himself for optimal viewing. Suddenly, a bright orange bolt of lightning erupted from the pointer-finger of his lower right arm, striking the dummy and subsequently activating the screen above the dummy. He began to repeatedly strike the dummy with different power levels, from one finger or multiple fingers, for differing durations, showing his expertise of the skill. The screen above the dummy measured both power level and duration. While continuing to strike, he began to speak.

''Perhaps you have heard some of the foolish sayings of he ancient Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis..once such remark was ''A Jedi sufficiently strong in the Force can be trained to produce a facsimile, but not true Sith lightning.'' However, the problems with Plagueis' statement is two-fold. Firstly, Electric Judgement had just been discovered at the time he made this statement. Jedi Master, Plo Koon was the first to utilize the power. Secondly, Plagueis had never been a Jedi and thus did not know the extent of our powers. I'm here to tell you that Electric Judgement is one of the most powerful abilities a Jedi can possess. To start out, attempt to link a bolt of judgement between your two fingers.'' Rhane gestured with his thumb and pointer finger of his upper left hand, linking a bright bolt between the two fingers. He smiled.

''Make sure to focus. As you grow stronger in the ability, you will require less strain and focus. Push yourself always, after linking a single bolt, try to get more advanced.'' Rhane moved the fingers on his hand around, linking bolts from each finger to every other finger. A loud buzzing and cracking sound emanated from his hand. Rhane nodded and gestured for the rest to try.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Bekk Mag'ra"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

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