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Approved Starship JS1 Transport Pod

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Affiliation: Open market
Manufacturer: Suvian Sciences
Model: JS1 Transport Pod
Modularity: Minimal
Production: Limited
Material: Normal materials, titanium alloy hull
Classification: Miniature transport shuttle
Length: 10 meters
Height: 10 meters
Width: 6 meters

Armament: 0

Special Features:
Powerful hyperdrive
Ion manuvering jets
Life support system
Tripod landing gear
Biult-in video game system (Entertainment for long travels...)

Maneuverability Rating: 3
Speed Rating: 1
Hyperdrive Class: 0.5 (if allowed. If not, 1)

High speed - The pod is meant to be quick and fast.
Edcellent hyperdrive - As a solely transport shuttle, the hyperdrive is as fast as possible.
Extremely small - The pod consists of one chair, a control console a bit of storage under the seat, and a small cubby hole for food, water, and the like. Though, as the pod isin't meant for multiple day journeys without stops inbetween, it is not equiped with any means to cook or prepare food. Food capsules are reccomended. Basically; the pod isin't meant for walking around, or living in. It's a pod.
Defenceless - No shields, minimal hull, no weapons. It's a transport pod.

Description: The JS1, the first ship built from scratch by Makkik, made to be solely a small transport to get to point A to point B. Not a freighter to live in, or ship cargo with. Not a gunship or fighter, to fight with. Simply, a transport. The JS1 resembles a small orb, much like a TIE fighter without it's solar panels, highly manuverable due to sets of Ion manuvering jets located around it's frame. Rather then any space for more cargo then prehaps a backpack, or a box, the JS1 is one of teh smallest ships in the galaxy (I think) equiped with a hyperdrive system- and a powerful one at that. As the ship is meant entirely for getting from one place to another at a decent time, the ship sacrafices any form of shielding of weapons for high speeds, and an impressive hyperdrive system. The interior of the ship is extremely simple; a door in the side of the pod opens to a small cockpit, containing a seat, a control console, and a small storage area under the seat, to fit something Ewok-sized. All the important systems can only be acessed externally, meaning you must exit the pod for repairs. The ship's hull is literally useless against any ship weaponry, and can only take normal wear and tear, and prehaps some lblaster fire, or light slugthrowers. It's about as well armored as a car.

In short: It's literally a transport. Nothing less, nothing more. It's a taxi cab.

Development Thread: If needed
Intent: For some reason, there is no ship i've ever seen in star wars just for getting to point A to point B. They all have a poodooooad of wepaonry, or secret storage areas, or areas for teh pilot to live, or w.e. I plan to change that. :p

This is the first ship i've ever made here, it's not as daunting now that the complicated numbers are gone. If I did something wrong, do tell. My bad if i've made any mistakes.

Who Can Use This: Whoever buys them

Ok I do want to question the weakness you bring up that it can barely fit a large human, yet has plenty of leg space as well as you describe it as well. It sounds a bit contradictory and while I appreciate the idea of trying to create a simple transport, there is such a thing as travel time and you would need some food and water to pass the days unless you were traveling for a few hours within a single system. I'd recommend increasing the size just a tad and adding in the ability to have at least a week's worth of food. Not to mention I hardly think there'd be much room with the cockpit, engines, and hull gap for much room a ship that size to comfortably enjoy an entertainment system as well, so bump it up and that'll be fine too. 10 meters instead of 6 for height and length sounds good, the 3 can you make at least a 4?

Lastly the production and description doesn't match what you say about who it is available to. With limited production and being built by Makkik from scratch it would likely only be available to a very select few customers who want it rather than anyone.

Aside from those nothing else really needs changing. For reference too there are several short ranged shuttles and transports for non-combat use in canon and on site, though I agree they are overlooked and few and far between.

Make the changes above and I'll stamp my approval if I think they're good.

^ w ^
I'll make it larger, because you're right it should be able to contain food and the like for comfort, even though you could just use food capsules. As for the game system, I was picturing a star wars xbox, with the screen connected to the control consoles. :p I'd like to keep it as a one-seat starfighter-sized thing, but i'll make the asked adjustions/ :)

The /original/ was made by Makkik. The way Makkik's thing with Suvian is, Makkik makes the prototype, he shows it to Suvian, they start cranking them out. Sorry for the misunderstanding. :p

Glad it's good- i was a bit nervous about making my first ship. :p

[member="Camellia Swift"]

Alright I like the looks of it now, thanks for making the changes and explaining the production to me! Nothing else looks like much of a problem!


Pending Second Approval
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