Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Journey's Rest

Val Drutin

Val’s overly-friendly exterior was torn away like a veil. He might not know how he sounded to others, but he could definitely tell when he had offended someone. Worse, Cataline Holt 's overt suspicion revealed she thought he was trying to take advantage of her, something he would never dream of doing.

Shaking his head vigorously, he tried to make that crystal-clear. “I only wanted to be sure you weren’t even younger than you looked,” he replied. “I can’t take kids off-world, at least not without their parents’ permission… and you do fit the type for a runaway in search of something more.”

He gestured for emphasis, as he often did—and in a stroke of pure genius, accidentally knocked over her drink with his extended arm. The spilled soda foamed across the surface of the table, dripping down onto the floor. Val’s face turned bright red, his mouth hanging open in mortification. “...I… I’m so sorry!—”
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It seemed like she had been abandoned with the bug man. How cruel was the galaxy at times. She didn't think she had a chance to just talk to Cedric for quite a long time, business as usual made it rather difficult. Seems like this was still more of the same. She used the force to create a link between her mind and the mind of the verpine next to her. This would hopefully allow for mutual communication. She didn't know how he would react, force sensitives tend to have strange responses to their minds being probed if they are unaware. It wasn't like she could tell him anyway, the concepts were rather abstract and didn't translate well.

"Hello? Can you understand me? Sorry for the psychic intrusion but my options in this case are rather limited."

She wasn't an empath, this had a good chance of backfiring, hopefully the verpine was receptive.

[member="Chkhoz Pikeyy"]
The insectoid twitched a little bit as his initial response to the mental communication. He scratched his face and behind his antenna, blinking twice. He couldn't help but feel his head turn to the woman, his big eyes seemingly growing even wider. Whenever women who were strong in the force interacted with him, his hard-coded instincts were to acknowledge the feminine force user as something maternal, in his case, something like the Hive Mother, but not the Hive Mother, something special in its own right. Throughout his journey, be it before or after this particular occurrence, he continued to interact with female force users this way, and supposed this was a good enough outlook on women.

He slowly moved his head to hers, gazing at her until their skulls collided with a soft bump. He snapped back a little, likely embarrassed of what he had just done. She was, in fact, pretty powerful in the force.

He scratched himself again in the same manner that he had done before.

'You talking to me? What are you saying? Why are you in my head? Did I really bump a woman I just met?'

His actual response was a little on the nose, but it was however, him speaking in Verpine. Even so, the connection through the force made the message emotionally clear; enough so, that it indicated him being simply inquisitive of what was happening, without any negative feedback to be found anywhere in his mind.

|[member="Alyson Halle"] |​

Cataline Holt

Cataline could tell the moment that Val Drutin realized how he sounded. It was somewhat comforting to Cat, though - it meant he didn't mean it in the way she had initially assumed. She actually felt a ping of guilt for her assumptions. Really, she should've known better.

She waved her hand, "It's okay! It's fine, I'm sorry for assuming." Being in her field of work, sometimes you had to be prepared for those awkward moments. "I'm glad you'd get their permission," she hid back a smile. "Do you need help?" Assuming the good in people and knowing how easy it was to get involved in the worse of things, she was open to helping.

Her soda went down with a hand gesture, and she jumped off the stool and grabbed as much napkins from a nearby box. "It's okay, it's okay," she said quietly as she tried to clean it up. "I have two older brothers, I'm use to cleaning their messes," she joked playfully as she wiped it off, a droid coming by to clean it with a rag.

Val Drutin

Val Drutin

Joking about it didn’t change the fact that he’d made a mess and ruined her drink. Val considered offering to pay for another one, but he was too timid to take the risk.

Still stumbling over himself from embarrassment—his level of humiliation and shame was definitely abnormal and far above what one would expect in the aftermath of such an innocent accident—he blurted, “I have an older brother too. Well, half-brother… um.” He managed to stop himself from saying more, but the whole situation was in ruins. She’d already declined his offer anyway.

While the droid mopped up the spilled soda, Val’s eyes darted around the bar, vainly looking for a way out. He knew it would seem rude if he abandoned the girl now, but he wasn’t above running away in a pinch. “...You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who needed… to leave Coruscant, would you?” he said with a nervous gulp.

Cataline Holt

Cataline Holt

Cataline ordered another drink once the droid finished cleaning up the mess that Val Drutin accidentally made. Cat was already over it, and besides the initial panic of getting her clothing wet with soda, she didn't really care that much. His intentions weren't bad, and that was what had her worried at first.

"That's nice," she commented with a smile as she returned to her booth. "Are you close?" She tried to make friendly conversation, but the man was much too embarrassed to really have a conversation now. Or she assumed, at least. And she did try to calm him down, but she understood what his mind generally was going through.

"It's alright," she said calmly once more. "I... Know plenty of people who would love to leave, but I'm not sure if they are the kind of people you would want to leave with."

Val Drutin

Val replied to her attempt at small talk with a tentative “...sort of.” He didn’t think she’d want to hear about his… complicated relationship with his half-brother. It wasn’t a very nice story, nor was it simple and easy to explain.

He tried to steer the conversation back to the subject of passengers. “I’m not worried about who or what I carry. I’ve had plenty of sick, disgusting people on my ship… Some of them have even stolen from me. But they lived to regret it.”

As he spoke, his voice became strangely toneless, and his gaze became vacant. In the span of a few moments, he went from being nervous but focused, to eerily emotionless and apathetic.

Val stood up abruptly, forgetting about what he was doing and why he was there. Without saying another word, he left Cataline Holt ’s table and walked out.
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"Sir, I am unsure how you have this old of a VIP card but I am telling you tha-"

"I am telling the truth that I am a VIP member...for many many years. Now let me through or I can talk to one of your many esteemed bosses to sort it of them being Kiala the Hutt? I am sure her entire clan still remembers who I am."

The Bouncer was about to argue up front yet there was a communicator beep as the person who looked angry, went close to passing out from fear as he motioned the Sullustan to enter. "T-The Miss would like to see you Sir...Sorry about this Sir!" The Sullustan would nod as he slowly entered the bar known as the Hangman's Folly. The place was almost packed with soldiers that probably came back from a recent fight most likely, markings he was not yet accustomed to looking at nor cared to. Passing by P Placeholder 0128 and a few others, he would slowly walk up a long winding staircase of old. Reaching the top, he would knock politely as the door would slide open, showing a rather large hutt with faint signs of make up...along with jewelry and others tending to her needs.

"Oh it has been so long Mr. Sesara! Come come, let me see if you aged now!"

Getting a bit close, the Hutt would grab onto Sesaras cheeks with her hands, a bit slimey and tug them just a little, giving an odd groan for a Hutt and letting go as the Sullustan gently wiped the slime off his cheeks.

"Such a shame...still not living out...why you can outlive just about anyone can't you?"

"Believe me, I have tried. Besides, for you Honorable Kiala, you are still beautiful as ever for any Hutt I ever seen."

There was an odd bellowing of a laugh, slapping the back of the Sullustans head as he literally was floored face forward. Giving a groan, he always had to endure this when going to his favorite bar on Coruscant. It generally was either a painful endevour of hearing her nag and nag or simply a hello if she was busy. Apparently today, she was not so busy. Getting up slowly, he would hear her speak, even if not really a feminine voice but whatever constitutes for one for such a Hutt.

"Oh you are always such a gentleman! Here on any official business I take it?"

"No...not really this time. Here to just get a few drinks and enjoy good memories here."

"Well then enjoy yourself...and go find yourself a woman! Force knows well enough you been long witho-"

"No! I refus-"

"You dare refuse what I say? Me, Kiala the Hutt?!"

Her tail would slap down onto the floor hard, as if to prove a point as her servants quickly whisked away, save for her two guards as they stare the Sullustan, unsure of what to do. They have heard stories about this man from Kiala all their time, having met Kiala when she was a huttling, growing up around her father till his "untimely" death occurred. The Sullustan never questioned it but had been a patron before her time and knew his history. There was a steely eyed stare as the Sullustan was kindly reminded of an old proverb. "Hell Hath No Fury, Like A Womans Fury." Sesara would slowly bow his head downwards towards Kiala the Hutt, speaking in proper tone as he hoped to defuse the situation.

"Honorable Lady of the Hutts, may you a favour for you in return of your forgiveness, to...appreciate you as I can with my services.

This usually happens every time he comes around. The Sullustan would say something wrong, the Hutt would get angry and the Sullustan would offer his services, his deadly skills and abilities for Kiala the Hutt in appeasement. Kiala would lean her head up, mouth gaped open for a few brief moments as she thought of it before nodding, slithering slowly towards one of the nearby windows, pointing down towards a Trandoshan with a lady at each of his sides. There was drinks littered in front of him as the girls seemed rather...forced to be there as they looked generally unhappy with the Trandoshan yet he laughed a little, talking for something, probably more drinks.

"That Trandoshan, named T'shak is known for being rough with our employees. He likes to grab what he pleases, to feel what he wants. My bouncers seem to be...ineffective at getting him to learn. Can you my...Inquisitor, take care of our problem and teach him to mind?"

"My Honorable Lady, it will be my pleasure to teach someone proper manners."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Tag: P Placeholder 0128 , Val Drutin + open! }
~ ~
Seeing a familiar face, her first that day, washed over her like a cool wave of relief. Her medically-inclined coworkers, both practitioners and administrators, both of which she now was once again, and the troops she had conversed with so far seemed friendly or at least accommodation enough, but a known presence was a relaxing reward for successfully traversing her first day on this new job.

Prennis huffed through her nose - a playful scoff. "Wasn't planning to," she began. "Actually came to give a PSA on the dangers of smoking." She cracked a small but mischievous smile, giving away that doing so was not her true goal for the night at all. "Think I'd leave here with a shred of military support?" As she finished her joke, her eyes caught onto the movements of a young man, but flitted quickly back to Cedric. "I was able to get most of my intake paperwork squared away. I'll do the rest tomorrow if it's no problem for you; between it and staff meetings all day, I'm already in a love-hate relationship with my office chair."
Within the furthest corner Draven sat. One of his Westars just sitting on his table. He'd spin it every so often on the surface, bored out of his goddamn mind. But he definitely had that aura of a guy willing to do something, ANYTHING, for some compensation. That includes a taxi. As of right now... he was nothing. Not a bounty hunter. Not a Mandalorian. Just a guy, sitting at a table.
"I hope you brought a powerpoint. Some of us are visual learners," he snickered as Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara strode by. The Jedi gave the Sullustan a brief wave, though it seemed Jegy was a bit preoccupied at the moment. Shrugging, Cedric turned his attentions back to Prennis. "You might get a few of the drunks. Just takes a pretty girl talking to them to win their support, the content doesn't matter all that much."

He cast a brief look over his shoulder to the other interactions in the room. It seemed the young Cataline Holt had made herself a rather interesting friend, and Alyson Halle Alyson Halle had busied herself with the Verpine.

That worked for Cedric. "Not a problem at all. Today is a day for shirking our duties - I haven't had a single meeting all day. It almost feels like Coruscant's froze over," he gestured toward the bar. "You want a drink?"
"However Lady Kiala, before I go down there, tell my outfit still pressed?"

Five Minutes Later
Slowly, the Sullustan would exit from the top of the VIP room area, standing on top of the spiral staircase in a very unusual uniform. No longer wearing his robes that would denote him of a refugee or a potential Jedi, he was now wearing a pair of dark tan cargo pants with black combat boots. The belt was made for utility, holding two holsters on each side which the left one would hold a Scout Blaster in open view...if anyone can see it barely poking out of the holster due to it being so small. Beside it was a charging cord that was connected straight into the Scout Blaster to keep it charged with the back of his belt having a unique holster to hold a larger weapon which sadly, he no longer owned. Wearing also dark tan gloves, old leather hide from Tatooine, he would admire that they lasted this long.

Slowly walking down the spiral staircase, he would stop halfway down to look into a nearby reflection off a piece of metal. He wore an old desert command jacket, mainly black with red threading near the buttons and sleeves, the collar protruding out slightly was red also though one thing was distinct about his outfit. On his right shoulder was a red pauldron, a patch of clothing represented in red much like a piece of armor with a number stitched in in very faint black color around the top. One Nine One. Looking over it, he would slowly adjust it on his shoulder and tighten it up, wearing it like a badge of honor as he proceeded the rest of the way down the staircase and towards the Trandoshan.

If one was to say anything, Jegy Sesara always wanted to be one step ahead in style. Now does he succeed in it often? No he does not, but he always went for intimidation and looking good. Going past one of the servers, he would swipe a glass of water when the person was not looking and carry it towards the Trandoshan. As he got closer, there was small bits of laughter from the Trandoshan, being rather rude as he tripped one of the nearby servers as the T'shak laughed with mischief. Stopping right in front of his table, the Sullustan would gently place the glass of water in front of the Trandoshan as the two females, one being a Rodian and the other being of Zeltron would look forward at the newcomer. Unknown to Jegy, he had passed Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé and Draven Cerris Draven Cerris on his way over, Pom possibly knowing who the Sullustan could be from before. The Sullustan would talk, speaking in Huttese as it was near perfect, having many decades to perfect the accent though always had a tinge of husk.

"I have been sent down by the Honorable Lady Kiala of this great establishment. I have been asked to teach you manners fitting for a gentleman. Ladies, can you excuse us."

The two ladies would try to leave though would feel the Trandoshans large arms hold them in place, somewhat trapping them as he responded in Dosh with a small cackle.

"Suppose I say no to a stick of a man such as yourself with three sets of jowls?"

"Then I will be forced to show you what manners are."

The Trandoshan went silent as the Sullustan before him responded in Dosh, even if it cracks a little, it was still Dosh, a difficult raspy language. Before he could even muster a response, the Sullustan would take the glass of water with his left hand and slowly sip on it, watching him for a response. T'shak did not disappoint as he slowly got up from the table, finally releasing the two ladies as they scurried off to the side as the Trandoshan lifted the table with both hands and tipped it over to the side, to get right in front of the Sullustan, sizing him up and being easily two and a half feet taller than him. How he lifted the table so easily was shown from his arms, cybernetically enhanced for increased strength and power. Speaking in Dosh again, the tone was slightly a bit more angry.

"I like to see you try fish boy."

Then it hit Jegy like a freight train filled with Bacta, a left hook right at his jaw as it sent him spiraling to the floor. There was a loud POP sound with it as the Sullustans jaw would dislocate as the right side of his jaw handed just slightly lower than the other one. The T'shak would give a small chuckle as he would gloat to a nearby patron on what strength looked like though as he did that, the Sullustan would get up very slowly. Putting both his hands on his jaw, a few of his fingers inside his own mouth, he would slowly open his mouth widely enough to manually reposition his jaw back into place, another loud POP being heard as he bit down for a brief moment on his own fingers. Thankfully not having any teeth, he would not feel to much pain from biting down as he walked right back up to the Trandoshan whom turned to see the Sullustan being relativity unharmed. Mouth slightly open, the Trandoshan would swing again with a left hook but this time, it did not work.

Sidestepping to the left, ducking under the hook, he would curl his left hand up in a strange way and jab forward like a punch directly at T'shaks throat. There was no pop though when it connected, the Trandoshan almost appeared to be choking. Before letting the Trandoshan do anything more to him, Jegy would kick hard as he could right onto the left knee of the Trandoshan as there would be a small CRACK noise, making T'shak kneel on the ground in pain, gasping for breath. Grabbing his arms when he knelt down, he would use the weight of his body and some exertion of his mechanical left arm to throw him head first directly into the tipped over table, hitting the metal underneath as there was a loud CLANG noise, almost sounding like a cartoon.

Trandoshan was almost a crumbled up heap over tipped over table, coughing as the Sullustan slowly walked his way over towards him, rubbing his own jaw briefly as it still was painful to feel. When he got over there, the Trandoshan tried to swing his large right arm over him though was easy to step back when it occurred, Jegy then forcing his left foot straight down onto the other kneecap for another sound though this time, was a POP as it become dislocated as the Trandoshans eyes went wide. It would try to make a painful sound though with its rasped breath, almost sounded like a wheeze as the Sullustan grabbed onto his left arm and extended it before giving a very hard kick onto the elbow, making the arm bend inverted, something no person should ever see as the Trandoshan almost stopped moving, in so much pain it was unbelievable with his breath being very shallow.

Very slowly, noticing at long last he would not fight anymore, the Jegy would lean down and whisper in Basic directly into his ear, almost the entire time he had been calm doing this though the strike to his throat could be interpreted as anger, a sense of the Dark Side that could still lurk inside him.

"You disgrace the Honorable Lady Kiala with your manners. You are to leave until you take from what you learned and come back as a to do so and I will personally show you how many bones can be displaced."

Grabbing onto the Trandoshans throat with his left hand, he would give an odd squeeze and pull as the Trandoshans eyes would almost pop out, coughing out as he could finally breath again. Sullustan would then very slowly stand up, overlooking the T'shak as he slowly tried to get up, almost limping as the person tried to almost waddle walk his way quickly out of the club, apparently getting the message. Watching for a few more seconds, the Sullustan would then slowly walk his way over to the bar, his right hand gently massaging the left side of his jaw as it was painful, even the Force with all of its power could not stop that much pain for long and nature must take its natural course. Getting over to the bars end, he would motion the bartender over as he could barely see P Placeholder 0128 from the corner of his eye.

" not the glass, the bottle. On my tab."
Pomsty is only recently coming away from being a Misandrist of the worst sort. She was for hire by women, to put to death their most egregious husbands and oppressors. How they got her back up! She stood for those who could not defend themselves. Typically the local authorities were of no benefit to those she assisted, and she would be called upon as their last hope.

Unaware of what was happening in the bar at first, she respectfully left the ordeal in the hands of those who addressed it directly. Sometimes her presence and her capabilities turn people off to future reception. The men she has met in her past seem offended by how thoroughly she deals with situations. She is direct and often overbearing to the point that she seems over the top with her aggression. However she has lived this long only due to such! Any Nightsister incapable of carrying herself is already dead or currently dying somewhere.

After the whole ordeal with Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara played out, Pomsty silently drew a potion vial out of her vest bandolier, from where she sat in the far dark corner of the establishment. She sent the pale blue glowing tincture floating through the air by her use of the Force. She set it gently down upon the bar before the Sullustan. No strings attached these days, for she hasn't want for credits.
When the Sullustan walked past Draven, he thought little of it. He didn't show any recognition of his existence. He just sat there, twirling his pistol on the tables surface.
Sitting at the bar, he would watch as a large bottle of Tihar would be presented to him. With a weak yet goofy grin, he smiled though he winced in a little bit of pain. Nothing like a burn of what is considered durasteel cleaner to knock the pain out of his mouth! Popping open the bottle with his left hand, he would give a quick sip though the corner of his eye, he would notice a pale blue tinge of...liquid being presented before him. Putting down his Tihar, he would actually pick up the vial very slowly and examine it in the light before glancing to where he saw it possibly floated from which at that point, locked eyes with her. Like the first time, the Sullustan could not find words to speak to the lady before him in the corner, he could only watch her as memories flooded into his mind, this time not interrupted by events around him, his left hand gently grasping at something in his pouch on the outside.

"You been at my bedside since we lifted off hours ago, even after you finished running tests...why are you so interested in me?"
"You are an unusual it being a caretaker, I want to make sure you are alright."
"Right...lean over for a moment will you?"
"Why, is something wro-"

The memory to him felt like half an hour though in reality, it only lasted for a few seconds. A smile would slowly come from the corners of his mouth, it was a warm smile, a happy smile as he felt for the first time in months, a good memory of a woman that he cared for so much. Giving a small nod towards Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé , he would take the potion that was given to him by the Dathomir Witch, knowing full well the energy and the mannerism from so long ago. Was he accustomed to it? No, he was not after all these years though he knew the Force around them, what he felt was their energy...and feeling it even in the Force, was a comfort.

Uncorking the tincture before him, he would gently tilt it over very carefully to apply just a dab of it onto his index finger and slowly put it on his cheek bone, swirling it on his skin to ease the pain hopefully. Then he would repeat inside his cheek, hitting right where the bone was which hopefully, it would ease the pain he had felt from earlier. Afterwards, he would cork it back up carefully, holding it in a way that would signify someone of the medical profession. Opening his medical pouch, he would slip the tincture in and close it, leaning a bit forward onto the bar to gently rest his mind and keep his good thoughts rolling, closing his eyes as he remembered days gone past.

To think meet another Nightsister after all these years. A Nightsister...and with that, the thoughts of the Sullustan would drift, almost unable to be read as his mind would be a swirl of old emotions. He would now enjoy his memories...for good...and bad.


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