Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jora Vao

Jora Vao

Jora Vao

"I wear my robe so that I am warm; I carry my lightsaber that I am safe; and I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry. If the Force wants me to have more, it finds a way of letting me know."
-Jora reciting the words of Kagoro


Physical Description
| Species: Twi'lek |
| Gender: Male |
| Hair Colour: None |
| Eye Colour: Blue |
| Skin Colour: Blue |

Political Information
| Faction: Silver Jedi |

Early Life (33 BBY - 23 BBY)

"They said you will train me"
"And train you I will, young one"
- Jora Vao conversing with Jedi Master Veron Lovi


A young Jora Vao directs Republic
troops to slave masters on Ryloth.
- 33 BBY

When the Galactic Republic organised a military unit of twelve troopers accompanied by the Jedi Investigator, Knight Veron Lovi, they discovered Jora. Veron had located a ring of slavers on the home planet of the Twi'leks, tracking them down to the village of Syu-Palopom.
Prior to a firefight that would be engaged between Republic forces and those of hired goons, a young Jora informed the Republic troopers of the location of several local kingpins. Veron Lovi would go on to thank Jora Vao, simultaneously discovery his force-sensitivity. Jora was a previous slave and free'd by the Republic. Before the young Twi'lek was handed over to the planetary government, Veron Lovi offered him the chance to travel to Coruscant with him.

Travelling in hyperspace, Jora proved to be as curious as he was creative. The young Twi'lek barraged the Chadra-Fan Jedi Knight with a multitude of questions relating to the Jedi Order and the Force. Their arrival to Coruscant was met with a squadron of Jedi belonging to the Acquisition Division. They had assessed Jora extensively, finding that the Twi'lek fit the qualifications to begin training as a Jedi. He was placed before the Jedi Council and chosen to begin his lectures under the guidance of the recently promoted, Master Veron Lovi. The following years would be spent honing skills in lightsaber combat specialising in Ataru and Niman, and meditation in the force, as well as non-Force related abilities such as medicine and stealth techniques.

Jedi Purge (19 BBY)

"I reached out through the Force, but could not sense any other Jedi. A light had gone out in the galaxy and I was alone."
- Jora Vao, retelling his survival of Order 66


Jora defends his injured
Master during Order 66.
- 19 BBY

Jora Vao had accompanied his Master during the Republic's campaign in the Outer Rim Territories. Assigned to the 182nd, General Veron Lovi and Commander Jora Vao lost communications with the Republic.
Jora Vao, Veron Lovi and the 182nd were isolated and unheard of from over a month. They suffered flesh-eating bacteria, hostile Ackley's and hazardous terrain. The two Jedi had survived the destruction of the 182nd with only a handful of troopers to confirm the tales they told. For the coming weeks they would participate in combat alongside the 501st. It was unbeknownst to the two that a threat lurked before their very eyes.

Veron Lovi had heard it. Distant blaster fire and a disturbance in the force. Aayla Secura had died. Birds quickly fled from the plants they called home, taking flight far from the chaos that would soon erupt. Veron had kept his guard up when the clones turned on them, taking a glancing blaster bolt to his right shoulder. The Chadra-Fan cut down the troopers, ferrying Jora to safety. They were hunted like wild animals, and soon Veron began to fall ill with sickness. The two located a Separatist encampment, stealing themselves on board a Dreadnaught.

As the Separatist ship began to take flight, the Republic fleet shot the vessel before it could enter hyperspace. The hull was breached and soon the ship was cleaved into three portions. Airlocks maintained pressurised hallways and rooms, but much of the ship was exposed to the vacuum of space. A fireteam of Clones boarded the vessel and attempted locating the two Jedi, discovering them in the cryogenic medical bay. Jora managed to hold the Clones off long enough for Veron to take cover. The Padawan was forced to cut down the troopers. Before back-up could arrive, the Republic fleet was distracted by further Separatist ships leaving the system.

Jora Vao and Veron Lovi were forced to place themselves into cryogenic sleep, knowing that no help would come for them anytime soon. Veron's wounds were too grievous for them to take the chance of waiting. As their ship drifted through the vast expanse of space for the next eight-hundred years, Veron was unable to survive the cryogenic sleep. All the while, Jora Vao remained spiritually anchored to the Galaxy, his body having not yet given up. He drifted in a dream-induced limbo, alone.


Jora Vao is a calm and thoughtful Jedi, while at the same time very self-assured and confident. Often showing concern about his friends. Jora is very sure in his skills as a warrior, often brushing off taunts by his opponents and appearing to enjoy conflict. When in battle he is always calm and collected and never loses his head or turns to anger. Jora proves to be a empathic and highly intelligent Jedi but also impulsive and increasingly curious. He is a creative leader and a skilled tactician, and his quick thinking earned him the respect of many clone troopers during the Clone Wars prior to Order 66.

Powers and Abilities

Jora Vao is a Jedi Sentinel in training, leading him to focus equally on meditation with the Force, skill in Lightsaber combat and non-force related abilities. Jora is very skilled in stealth and infiltration, along with the handling of politics. He is considered to have the 'gift of the gab,' referring to his unique ability to talk people out of most conflicts or convince them to do what is considered best in the interest of peace.

The skills associated with tutaminis all relate to the idea that, through the Force, a Jedi could draw potentially harmful heat or electrical energy into their bodies and diffuse it or channel it away completely. Jora is capable of minor absorption, negation or dissipation of energy.

Ionize is a Force power developed during the Old Sith Wars that allowed a Jedi to overload and damage electronic systems, such as droids. While Ionize could affect and short-circuit droids and other electronic systems, it was utterly ineffective against organics. Jora is capable of minor applications of ionisation with basic droid and electronic constructs.

Plant Surge
Plant Surge is a light side Force power which allows the user to improve the plant's rate of growth and even affect the manner in which it grows. In battle, the ability to control a plant's growth with the Force could be used to cause plants to grow with incredible speed directly under the user's control, causing plant life to grow and twist around opponents, ensnaring anyone who wasn't quick enough to avoid it. Jora is capable of minor applications of this ability. He is able to ensnare singular targets with deep concentration.

Dopplegänger is a Force power that allows a user to create a perfect illusion of his or herself through the Force. The Force-user could perceive all of the dopplegänger's senses, and to those interacting with it, the dopplegänger seemed real. The user could even interact with the world using telekinesis to move objects, furthering the believability of the illusion. The dopplegänger could also be detected by all droid audio and video sensors. The dopplegänger would fade away if the Force-user was injured and ceased using the power. Jora is capable of minor applications of this ability, creating only a single illusion of himself.



Jora Vao's personal lightsaber.

Jora carries a very much non-traditional Jedi lightsaber. The hilt is wrapped of leather and a leather cord, with a yellow focusing crystal. A metal chain hangs from the bottom of the hilt with a rodent's skull attached at the end of the chain. The rodent skull formerly belonged to Veron Lovi who adorned it to his own lightsaber. Jora continues Veron's legacy by adorning his own lightsaber with the rodent skull.

Strengths and Weaknesses

[+] Sentinel - Neither good nor bad in the force or lightsaber combat.

[-] Passive - Twi'leks preferred to "ride the storm" rather than "defeat it," as a proverb goes, and avoided to take a stand on any issue.

[-] Fierce - Marked by extreme intensity of conviction, unwilling to waver in his cause.

The Stars Look Very Different Today [Act I]
It's a Nightmare! [Act II]
Exploring Ossus [Act III]
Legacy of Krayt [Act IV]

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