Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cypher Rage

War. War blooms across the galaxy as endless planets are conscripted into fighting wars for foreign governments. But have any of these goverments taken the time to actually get to know who and what exactly they were conquering. No, of course they did not. But one will. The Coparate Protectrate, fresh from it's agreement with the First Order has decided to make the significant planet of Bilbringi, it's Captial. Now to do this one must understand what exaxtly are the needs of these people. And one must ensure, one does not be rejected. Aboard the derelict ship CPV Prowess, Consul Ari Zanareth and Consul [member="Custani Valcho"] along with Lord [member="Savik Fel"] meet with the leadership of Bakura. On the new highly advanced Shield Class Star Destoyer CPV Allegient, Cypher Rage and [member="Nexus Krae"] design the ultimate plan for if things go wrong. Aboard the CPV Legislator [member="Denerian Sal"] and [member="Avery Regailis"] prepare to deploy hidden troop transports to the ground.

-------------CPV Allegient-----------

Cypher felt the lurch of the ship as it exited hyperspace along with a small portion of the Protactrate fleet. " Do not deploy fighters. Do not raise shields and do not charge weapons." He orderd. He felt powerful and power hungry. There was a defiant streak going through his body and it felt real good. There is always a time to play and always a time to shoot. And according to sensors this was a perfect chance to do both. Seeing ahead was two very ancient and very symbolic derelict ships. " Imperial Two class Star Destoyers. Most likely used during Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaigns against the Old New Republic" he said to the Spy Master that stood next to him. [member="Nexus Krae"] seemed uncomfortable on the bridge. Perhaps the Supreme Protecters private Sancturary would prove better to implant spies into the Bilbringi goverment. He wonderded what the man thought.

[member="Ari Zanareth"], [member="Custani Valcho"], [member="Avery Regailis"], [member="Nexus Krae"] @Members of the Protactrate
Nexus had always been a liar and manipulator, or rather, upon his first moments as a sith he was. His master and him were secretive, and Nexus's timing for when to destroy his master was all planned out in secret ahead of time, long before it's possibility was ever in place. Even to his own world, there were secrets, though mainly, that was comprised of his title as a sith. They all knew he was a powerful force user, and used emotion sometimes to enhance his abilities. They just didn't know the depths of his history, or his heart.

When the Corporate Protectorate was formed he was there, not to offer great numbers, but to offer specialists. Medical technology and excellent fighters were good and all. But the specialization of their shapeshifters, the Ven, and the use of medical alterations allowed them to extend their abilities so perfectly for infiltration. That was how he ended up as their spy master.

He didn't too much like the ship he was on, to be fair, he didn't like many ships. He preferred to have his feet on the ground, or be atop a beast or mountain. Ships were just...a necessity. He tapped his fingers together in thought as they looked at their target, the world seemed unimpressive. But that was fine, they would make it more. As for spies, that was merely a matter of experimentation. The first spies would be easy, experiments. Give them a week, at most a month, to ascertain general life. From there, things got easy, but complicated. The Ven were wonderful shapeshifters, but their Vo made them more detectible by Jedi. So they worked perfectly fine for being put in every day life or missions, but permanent spies, no. But that was fine, they had the technology to fully alter an individual. Twi'leks, humans, Trandoshans, whatever species they wanted to fit in, they'd have it.

These star destroyers however, they would be a problem. If they could get people on the inside, things could be much easier, he made a soft clicking sound with his tongue, and stepped so that only [member="Cypher Rage"] would hear him when he spoke, "Two months for a stable infiltration, get people in, preform a full memory scan on a governmental, military official or influence, replace them with one fo our own. Could do it in one if necessary but would be more risked."

The shapeshifter turned his eyes to Cypher waiting to see his opinion, it was not a matter of if he thought it'd work. More, what they planned on. It worked better for all of them to cooperate then argue over technicalities on such matters. Fight amongst one another, at present, could lean to little more then self destruction.
Denerain sat in a sliver and bronze command chair aboard the Destoyer CPV Legislator, staring at the young enforcer that stood before him. As member of the ever expanding Coparate Protectrate he had a responsibility to ensure that any other force users in the Protectorate did not pose a threat to anyone. " Reach out into the force. A speak your mind" he said [member="Avery Regailis"]


Active Member
Odd, Avery thought to himself. The man that before Avery was of regal stature and emotionless gaze, he was a sith. And not like the one he encountered before on Buraka. This one wasn't hiding it, in fact he flaunted it, like a designer jacket or new pair of shoes, not fearing what the repercussions might be. He was speaking to Avery, but his lips weren’t moving like they should be. “This was the Force!” Avery thought, but of course it was, he was a sith. But how did he know Avery couldn't speak? Did he sense it though the force? Was it obvious? And then Avery came to the most likely scenario. It was probably relayed to him via ship communications.

[SIZE=11pt]“...Avery…” is what our young enforcee managed to form in his thoughts, Avery then began to form a more coherent sentence. “Sent… Denerain… Assignment…” that was all Avery could manage before it was too much, his head began to pound like the mechanical feet of droids. He raised his hand to his head as some short relief.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He then looked back at the man as a sign that he wasn’t insane or hearing and a Response.[/SIZE]

[member="Denerian Sal"][member="Nexus Krae"][member="Cypher Rage"]

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