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Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor

* Intent: to create a world swarmed in the darkside that will be involved in future stores of The Jen'ari Empire

* Image Credit:
* Ancient Sith Temple
* Ritual Chamber
* Sith Citadel
* Header, and planet image custom made by me.

* Canon: N/A

* Links: N/A

* Planet Name: Jivani

* Demonym: Jivanians

* Region: Outer Rim

* System Name: Rykste System

* System Features: The Rykste system is considered a plague of a system. 5 planets in the system, each one very difficult to sustain life. The system has 1 sun.

* Coordinates: AI-44
* See pic for EXACT location

* Major Imports:
* Building Materials
* Duraplast
* Durasteel
* Meats
* Drinks
* Fruits and vegetables

* Major Exports:
* Force Crystals
* Various metals ores

* Unexploited Resources: obsidian

* Gravity: standard

* Climate: Electrified, Storm covered, cold, acidic rain.

* Primary Terrain: Rocky/Jagged mountains, canyons, cracked valleys.

* Atmosphere: Type I

* Capital City: N/A

* Planetary Features: The planet is severely cracked and split from constant earthquakes. Many mountains hold caves that contain various metal ores and for those brave enough, it's rumoured obsidian is down in the canyons and cracks of the planet.

* Major Locations:
✥ Ancient Sith Temple ✥
The Ancient Sith Temple built out of pure Duraplast dates back to 6,900 BBY, an exact date is unknown though. The temple is made in the shape of a pyramid with a red gem some think to be a Sith amulet on top. Inside is various ritual chambers and labs containing alchemy experiments.


✥ The Ritual Chamber ✥
The source of the Dark nexus and the planets current state. The Ritual chamber is where various rituals were conducted cracking the atmosphere causing electrical storms and starting to form the Dark Nexus that would eventually consume the whole planet.


✥ The Sith Citadel ✥
The Sith Citadel built a several millennia BBY, it was designed identical to the Trayus Academy on Malachor V making it seem like the same Sith that built the Trayus Academy built the citadel. The Citadel was refurbished but keeping it's design, the new interior featured training rooms, barracks, ritual and meditation chambers, a Dark Council Chambers, a Throne Room, a library, and an armory.


* Force Nexus (Optional): Dark

* Intent: to create a connection to the darkside of the force that ties deep into the planet.

* Strength: Strong

* Effects: The Dark Nexus would make most feel uneasy, swarmed in the darkside, some have even said the dark aura from the planet has driven them mad turning them to the Darkside.

* Native Species:
* Storm Beast
* Vornskr

* Immigrated Species:
* Sith
* Humans
* Zabrak
* Twi'lek
* Shi'ido

* Population: Insignificant

* Demographics: The planets population is mostly filled with members of The Jen'ari Empire amd the Pureblood Consortium.

* Primary Languages:
* Galactic Standard Basic (Primary)
* Ancient Sith (2ndary)
* High Sith

* Culture: The majority of the culture is Sith performing rituals, alchemy, experiments and training as that's the use of the planet to the Empire.

* Government: Magocratic/Theocratic Empire

* Affiliation: The Jen'ari Empire

* Wealth: Poor - The planet does nothing to generate an income, it's mainly used for alchemy, rituals and dark magic.

* Stability: Stability: High - The only inhabitants are The Jen'ari Empire so the planets stability would be high.

* Freedom & Oppression: The planet is restricted to anyone outside The Jen'ari Empire. Those caught are to be imprisoned, if resistance is met, lethal force is authorized.

* Military: Sith Imperial Troopers
* The Nyeklas Squad
* The Jen'ari Sith Marauders
* The Dusuah Sorcerers
* Kissai Priests
* The Massassi warriors
* The planet is militarized by various sources of the Jen'ari Empire. All have their own commanders, they help defend and protect the planet in their own way with each of their unique abilities. Outfitted with the correct weapons and armor needed for what they are designed for make them a fatal force.

* Technology: The only technology on the planet is what the Empire brings to it.

Jivani is an ancient planet dating back to TOR. The planet was a mountain planet of beauty. But Sith came and built a massive temple with a massive Kyber crystal on top of it. The Sith did rituals that crackled the atmosphere causing electrical storms. The Jedi chased the Sith to the planet and war broke out. The most powerful Sith met in the ritual chambers and together performed a ritual that killed everyone on the planet, cracked the planets surface causing constant earthquakes that has formed cracked grounds, canyons, and has even tainted the sky to a green hue. The Ritual even caused the rain to become acidic.

The planet has remained a corrupted cracked planet, the planet destructive Ritual left a darkside nexus all over the planet. For the rest of time the planet lie abandoned even during the 400 year darkness caused by the Gulag plague.

In 845 ABY The Jen'ari Empire travelled to the planet and refurbished the Sith Citadel but keeping the design of the original way it's built and the interior designed with the Empire in mind. Today The Jen'ari Empire uses the planet for Experiments, Rituals, Sith Training, and Sith Alchemy.
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