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Character Jin Kyrel


Name: Jin Kyrel
Homeworld: Dathomir
Age: 31
Force Sensitive: Yes
Height: 5'7
Weight: 200 LBS
Sex: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Faction: Brotherhood of the Maw
Species: Human/Dathomirian Hybrid
Parents: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé & Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren


Jin Kyrel was born on the planet of Dathomir in the year 861 ABY born of a unique coupling between a Dathomirian Witch called Pom Stych Tive, and the likes of a Human Knight of Ren known only as Kyrel Ren. The union between the two created a powerful presence in the Force, it would later be found that the source was none other than the boy that would be named Jin. Kyrel ultimately had plans for the boy's future. Like that of his half-sister Varas Kyrel. He sought to mold the boy into another tool to carry on the dark legacy of himself, the Knights of Ren, and the shadow of Darth Vader. While both Pom and Kyrel were at odds in regard to the boy's future. They did recognize that they both had a responsibility to the boy. As his conception was foretold by the Nightsisters to bring about a new age to the world of Dathomir, at the time the world was under the rule of the Sith Empire by Darth Carnifex. With Kyrel's defection to the newly founded faction known as the New Imperial Order, he feared for the boy's future. Despite the dark plans he had for the boy, even going to lengths pass on his legacy and his teachings with a Holocron. He feared that the Sith would discover the boy, and use him as a weapon to everything Kyrel stood against for.

While Pom had made a deal with the Emperor that no harm would come to her world, her sisters and brothers if only to allow her rule to be what Kyrel thought of as a puppet regime under the control of Carnifex. While the encounter had caused a slight rift between the two unique Force Users. With having a similar vested interest in Jin. Kyrel was off to fight in the Third Imperial Civil War in known history, while the boy was looked after alone by Pom, her fellow Nightsisters, and even the Nightbrothers of the world. Jin never saw much of Kyrel due to his constant need to destroy the Sith Empire, and his mission to see his boy's future free from the clutches of what the Empire would do with the boy. One day, however, Kyrel did not return to the world. It was said that he had met his fate in a vicious battle, some say that he went into exile. Nothing was known of his final fate. Fearing that his death had come, despite protests of what Kyrel's wishes were for Jin. Making sure that what was left of his servants watched over the boy, instructing Pom to bring the youngling to the Netherworld portal. Kyrel did not have years of waiting for the boy to escape the Sith, so with that in mind despite heavy arguments from Pom, the servants came to see the boy was placed within the portal.

The portal on the planet had been a place of worship, and fear amongst the Dathomirians. Once inside the young boy experienced great visions, one that showed many paths. A man covered in nothing but white, wielding both a red and white blade, another a man covered in dark, blazing yellow eyes, and his skin pale as death. All the while a dark shadow hung over him, and mechanical breathing sounded, as his body began to age. The Force maturing his body until he was nothing but a young adult. Crawling out from the portal to a frightened and yet relieved Pom. Despite her immense sorrow of how his development was rushed so quickly, she reluctantly carried out the next part of Kyrel's final will. With a group of fellow Nightsisters, a ritual was conducted to bring more of Jin's abilities in the Force come to the surface, as well as create an unbreakable bond with not only the Force but the Magick the Nightsisters wielded. Creating a unique union between both the Force and Magick.

The boy was later slowly trained in much of his Mother's ways. Despite other Sisters wanting to take him as a prize, as unique breeding stock like the other Nightbrothers. Pom angrily would not let that happen to her offspring. She taught him everything she knew of Magick, and Dathomir itself. Even the Nightbrothers assisting in his training. He knew how to live off the red mist world, all the while avoiding the Sith's occupation of the world. In time Jin grew mentally, and soon learned mysteries of his Father such as bits and pieces of him from his servants, and what and who he was. Haunted by the increasing lure of the dark side, drawn to it as a Moth to a Flame. At night he experienced visions that were mixed through the Force. One that changed him, and yet strengthened his resolve for the world. Was a vision of his world burning, Beings with red blades cutting a swathe of destruction, with his mother and her people dead at the being's feet.

Since that night, he became a changed individual striking in the shadows for weeks, using nothing but his unique gifts with the Force, and the Magicks, he appeared as if the red mists. Attacking Sith Imperials when he got the chance, leading his Nightbrothers on raids. With only the goal of seeing his world liberated from what the Sith could do to his people. Soon the Nightbrothers said he was the vengeful spirit of Dathomir. Angered by the increased presence of Sith Imperials holding sway over the world.

It wasn't before long before one of the servants presented a gift to young Jin. Handing him the second Lightsaber of Kyrel Ren. Wielded by both Kyrel Ren and his daughter after him. Recovered mysteriously by the followers of Kyrel. Presented to the young man as his birthright. Wishing to walk along a different path, Jin deconstructed the hilt and attempted to change the crystal. Tempted by promises of power unlike anything he has ever known, almost hearing voices of a man and woman, tempting him with such gifts. Jin ultimately rejected the temptations. Purifying the crystal into white, although the struggle had damaged it, the servants presented one last gift to the boy. Schematics for unique saber thousands of years old. With the creation Jin fashioned a crude Crossguard Lightsaber, the crystal unstable but instead of the crimson blade, it had now produced a silver one.

Recognizing that the only way he would learn more of his Father, and the secrets to end the Sith. It lied far from the red mist of Dathomir and onto the stars, it is where Jin embarked off-world and towards a new life, one that would see to it that Dathomir freed, the Sith ended, and his own place in the galaxy realized. This is where the Legend of Jin Kyrel begins.

Over the course of a decade Jin Kyrel grew to be a tough Imperial Knight. Serving from the skies of Bastion to the acid rains of Vjun. Fighting alongside a nobleman known as Hans Rennigan. Over the course of the Third Imperial Civil War his dark shadow haunted him. The blood of his Father ever so present in his veins. During the battle of Vjun he succumbed to the temptations of the dark side. A Sith partially infecting the young Kyrel with his soul. Driven him fully. The Iron Wolf soon became a fallen knight. Consumed by darkness he fled New Imperial space, eventually confronting Rurik Fel and Hans Rennigan on Dantooine. In the duel Kyrel murdered his old friend, completing his journey as Sith, teaching himself in a path similar to his Father. He bled his lightsaber from the Crystal of his fallen friend. Now he serves the dark side and a being known as Darth Solipsis in the Brotherhood of the Maw, following the footsteps of Kyrel Ren.


Jin Kyrel is a young man standing at 5'7 with a healthy slim build at only 200 LBs. With slight muscular features, his skin is fair but has some distinctive features such as the mixed hair he has that resembles his Father and Dathomirian Mother. With a few scars on his chest, back and on his face from the ordeal of accelerated growth within the Netherworld of the Force. He has blue eyes, his mother's eyes. Following the corruption sustained by the Sith Spirit. Jin now wears a dark suit that functions to stave the spirit away from further spreading more corruption, enchanting the armor to keep enhancing his magic infused with the dark side.

Strengths And Weaknesses:

Unique Combination: Due to his upbringing Jin Kyrel is adept in both Force Powers, and the mysterious Magicks of the Dathomirian Nightsisters. Taught to wield both rather than one or the other makes Jin a unique Force Wielder

Survival Skills: With his early days spent on Dathomir, Jin knew how to hunt, and live off the land despite the eerie and unforgiving environment that Dathomir brought with it.

Accelerated Growth: Despite reaching a standard age of maturity, the method of doing such within the Netherworld had left mental scars in the young man. Often plagued with mysterious visions and episodes through the Force that even he could not explain.

Sins of the Father: With the dark shadow of both Kyrel Ren and his father's obsession Darth Vader cast a long and looming shadow over the young man. Making his path for the future uncertain in the grander scheme of Light and Dark

Ship: N/A


Bounties: N/A

Kills: N/A
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