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Approved Location Jerec's Apartment, Moon of Corellia

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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

  • Intent: Saw a nice piece of interior art, ran with it.
  • ​Image Credit: Yan Zhou
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Jerec Asyr

  • Structure Name: 343 Calric Tower, New Cateropolis
  • Classification: Apartment
  • Location: Nearest moon of Corellia
  • Affiliation: Jerec Asyr
  • Accessibility: Just an apartment.
  • Description: A relatively high-end, one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. Dim lighting, suitable for the comfort of Umbaran eyes.

  • High-end entertainment suite
  • Mini-fridge, well-stocked
  • Comfortable bed
  • Sabacc table

Rating: High, for a civilian apartment.

When it became clear that Gallofree Transports wanted him to spend much more time back home on Corellia, Jerec found it expedient to rent a place. After paying Outer Rim rent and making white-collar money, affording a decent little apartment on Corellia's nearest moon wasn't a problem. Jerec set up shop and promptly turned his apartment into the first proper home he'd had in years. That mostly meant a constant stream of interesting sapients and illicit data of one form or another, plus comfortable furniture. Being a rimrunner who grew up on the Corellian streets, he also outfitted the apartment with a variety of electronic countermeasures and safety precautions. Never know when you're going to find yourself in close quarters with someone untrustworthy, after all. He strongly considered concealing a small speeder bike inside a sofa, but opted against it for two reasons: there was hard vacuum right outside the window, and the sofa was more comfortable without the speeder bike inside.
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