Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Academy

Connor Harrison

Hmmm. So what does this make the Silver Jedi, a splinter group so to speak?

Is the Jedi Academy a "faction" for all Jedi, or seen as a "place" for Jedi to go together?
[member="Connor Harrison"], One of the Jedi's qualities is that they understand the strength in numbers. They want to help each other. While we might not be with the Republic, every place they have under their control, is basically a place we control as well.

I say that because all jedi work together, and all Jedi respect each other even if they are in a different sect. Much like a Jedi Guardian respects a Jedi Healer, and vice versa.

We respect the Republic, and they do the same for us. Meaning if all of the Jedi, even in different sects, were to work together on some level, then all of the planets we own are under the same name of the Jedi, but under different different "houses"

Not sure if you understand that, but what I am getting across is that the Jedi Academy is a place for all jedi to work together and understand one another. That way when the time comes to take down the Sith, the Jedi can attack on all fronts, with only using little recourses on their end.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - Just plug this in here and call it a post. ;)

Connor Harrison

[member="Xander Carrick"]

Oh no I understand that, all I wondered (and probably mis-read) was if the SJ was going to be absorbed into a larger Jedi Order.

But as this is just an Academy to pool our knowledge, numbers, training and resources, it makes more sense as what it is.


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