Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Jate'Kara


Redd Redd ~ Wild Space ~ Hyperspace

"...and Jate'kara means something like a good path or a bright future, destiny. Sometimes warriors use the world when talking about a battle that is to come or when they're leavin' the clan to go do other stuff, they'll say they're on Jate'kara." Haastal had been spending a lot of time with Redd the past few weeks. She'd accompanied him while he was in Golbah City and even now she stood by his side to perform an errand for his clan.

For years there has been a distinct shortage of Beskar in the open galaxy. The Sith Occupation had made Beskar such a rare metal to find that it was virtually one of the most expensive things that could be found on all markets, legal or otherwise. This was a problem for any Mandalorian Clan that was not closely knit to the Sith Empire. Haastal had explained it to Redd in detail.

"Beskar comes from the Mandalorian homeworld, Mandalore. It's a special metal that few worlds hold, but Mandalore and Concord Dawn hold most of the galaxy's supply. The only problem is unless you're buddy buddy with the Sith, you ain't gettin' any." He told her. "It's one of the strongest metals in the galaxy and a blaster shot won't even scratch it." Haastal pulled a simple knife from a compartment under the pilot's console. He'd been wearing his Mandalorian Beskar'gam for the last hour or so, though he kept his helmet off. He grunted, slamming the knife down onto his armored thigh. Without even so much as a blemish to his thigh-plate the knife broke in half, falling to the ground with a soft clank. "See? Stuff's damn strong." He remarked.

"But it's more than that. Mandalorians believe that you always maintain your weapons and armor, it's part of our religion."

"Without Beskar Iron then we can't repair our wargear or weapons. It's just another thing to disconnect us from our home." He explained. Haastal tossed the handle of the knife he'd broken onto the console before exhaling and running his gauntleted hand over his shortly trimmed hair.

He leaned up to the console, tapping a few of the keys before it showed a hologram of a light freighter, transport class. It had the markings of the Black Sun organization but aside from that it had nothing to signify an allegiance. "Hitting the Sith is too high profile for my Clan. Even though we'd get a good yield, we couldn't take them in an all out fight, not without heavy losses. Armor doesn't mean shit if there's no one alive to wear it. So we started looking for alternative targets. We found one. This Black Sun transport ship is hauling almost a ton of Beskar. Heavily defending, tons of security, but it will be damned easier than hitting an Imperial Dreadnaught."


Jate’Kara...” She murmured under her breath as she committed it to memory. It was among one of the many words that she had been learning over the past few weeks. To be honest, she wasn’t sure that she had quite gotten all of them in their full context, but that was all in the process of learning. This particular word struck a chord within the wolf, as she had always wondered about her destiny and what her purpose in the world was. One could say that she felt a growing darkness of anger and revenge, but at the same time it had been tempered by her wolf half and a visit from her parent’s ghosts. The time on Ryloth when it was being invaded had been a strong turning point for her, as she had to face the past that she had long since ignored and kept buried.

One could almost say that it was Jate’Kara when she and Haastal had ran into each other down a random hallway in The Citadel on Geonosis. They could have easily missed each other, but the way she saw it, Jate’Kara had seen to it that they didn't. Whether or not that was true, could only be truly determined by those involved and Redd definitely felt like it was true for her. Whether he had known it or not, he had turned her life on an axis that she had never seen coming. A pack was family, but Haastal was more than pack and one day she’d tell him as to how she saw him. For now however, she was quite interested in what the male was informing her of.

A hand reached out to lightly rub at the male’s leg, to rub at the part of the armour where the knife had hit and she couldn’t quite believe that such armour even existed. If her pack had such armour, then would they have stood a chance against the invading Sith? The thought died in its tracks as Haastal explained that there was a catch. The Sith controlled the metal and she gritted her teeth against the boiling anger that she felt against them. Instead, she moved to pick up the broken blade from the floor and she flipped it over in her hands as she wondered why someone would make such a weak weapon. ”But if someone is wearing the Beskar armour, then wouldn't they be pretty much impervious to attacks? Unstoppable even. So what are the weaknesses? I’m assuming that there are some, otherwise there would be a lot more Mandalorians alive.” The woman perked a brow then as she smirked, "Unless you have been holding out on me, so then I wouldn't move on to the next Mandalorian."

Gently, she placed the blade next to the broken hilt as she frowned and remembered that she was flying upon a ship. Her left hand reached out to lightly grip at the back of Haastal’s seat and if it were at all possible, she would have gone a shade of white. Except, she was already pale and the reason she held onto the back of the chair with a death grip, was because she had a fear of flying. If they were going to board another ship, then how would they possibly traverse the space between one ship to the next? She almost wished that she didn’t have to inform Haastal of such a fear, but it was going to be hard to disguise when it came to boarding the other ship. So far, she had managed to distract herself from the fact that the ship was moving, through learning about the Manda.

Until now that was.

”Haastal…This may be a bad time to admit this but...” The wolf paused as she looked down and away from the male. Even she had fears and she did not fly very well. Every time that they were flying, Redd had sufficient distractions… Until now. ”I actually have a fear of flying.” She growled softly, but it wasn’t because of him. It was mostly because of what she was about to tell him. ”Every time when I was in slavery and they moved, I was caged and in a dark place; so I never actually knew if I was moving or if it was just sensory deprivation. Before that, I was planet bound to one planet. So… Flying really isn’t my strong suit.”

"Beskar isn't like Phrik. Stuff like Phrik is indestructible without heavy weaponry. Beskar can stand up to a lightsaber for a while too, but eventually it will give. Usually takes years, but it will go sooner or later." He explained, before snorting at the woman's comment. Haastal reached out, running a hand over Redd's shoulder before speaking lowly. "As if you'd go anywhere." He said with a certain tone to his voice that was reserved for when the woman made him want her over all other things.

He caught sight of the woman placing her hand on the back of his seat, which only caused him to glance over at her. He could tell she was off-set by something he just didn't know what. At least, until she revealed her fear of flying. He'd noticed nearly the entire journey she'd been acting uncomfortable and a bit agitated. He'd thought maybe it was just that time of the month, but not he saw what was going on a bit more vividly. She spoke about her captivity and Haastal sighed before pulling at his gauntlet. In a smooth motion he pulled his hand from it and reached out to touch the woman's cheek. "Hey. I'm here ok? Nothin' gonna go bad." His eyes glanced over to the flashing terminal before flashing Redd an easy smile. "Come on, killin' to do."

The moment the freighter emerged from Hyperspace, they came into the view of a large transport ship. The Mandalorian chuckled before tapping into the console. "Stealth field is still up, gettin' ready to jam their comms, and....we're good. They're in the dark."

Haastal brought their ship in close to the much larger transport vessel. He exhaled, biting his lip as they moved closer and closer. The latch maneuver to bring them onto the side of the transport was a rough attach, but after a few moments of sitting still it didn't seem the large ship had noticed.

Ok, if the info I got is good we need to hit the main" He said, pointing a hand at a holoimage of the interior of the ship. "We'll insert here, in a service hatch that stores old junk droids and shit like that. From there we go down the main spine and it's an easy route to the main hold." He said, pulling a blaster pistol from his waist to check it. "Thing is. We need to make sure this thing stays put. So I need you to go sabotage the engine room here." He said, pointing towards the end of the ship. "I'll also organize a little distraction if I can." He said, before standing and making his way to the back of his ship. "Way I figure it, we got a few minutes at best before they spot us and start a hyperjump. You gotta take out those engines before that or we're screwed." He told her. Haastal led Redd over to a ship-insertion port on the bottom of his own ship's hull. He pulled his helmet on before looking to the woman. "Ready?" He asked.

Haastal tapped a button on the panel before the sound of laser's slicing cleanly through metal could be heard. A pressure latch connected his ship to the transport before the hatch opened to reveal a dimly lit cargo room. "Come on." He said, jumping down into the dark ship below.

"Oya." He muttered.

Redd Redd


Haastal had an easy way of making her feel something, whatever it was, when his hand caressed her cheek, she suddenly didn’t feel like raiding a ship, but rather she wanted to sink her claws into the man instead. Call it lust, attraction or passion, but it was just a simple fact. It was these feelings that made her question her reactions and whether she should be feeling them; that perhaps she was just a mere wolf who should only feel bloodthirsty and should only want to kill. Which was exactly the second feeling that kicked in. Bloodthirst and a smirk curved her thoughts at the idea of killing. This man knew exactly what she liked and killing was definitely high on that list.

Her golden green eyes watched his hands fly over the console and watched as he brought the ship in close to attach to the freighter. It all seemed rather complicated for the wolf, but at least she would probably mostly learn through observation and repetition. Even as he began to explain the plan to her and show her the hologram, she was still fascinated by the tech. Some of the things he was saying didn’t at all register, but what she did know was that her job was to sabotage the engines and her brow frowned. How was she to kill something that wasn’t made out of flesh? Her gaze shifted over the man and then she looked at the broken blade for a moment, just before she was led to the insertion port.

Was she ready? The wolf didn’t feel ready as this was something that she hadn’t done before, but she was ready to go kill a few people. A curve of her lips was given then and she nodded her head. The woman had memorized the ship’s layout, all she had to do was get to the engine room. With that thought in mind, she jumped through the hatch into the dark room below and just as her bare feet landed within the dark room of the freighter, her hand lightly reached out to lightly touch Haastal’s arm before he left. ”Before you go, I need a dagger from you.” The woman said softly so then not to potentially raise any suspicion from any enemy nearby.

The moment that she felt the hilt of the dagger’s handle in her hand, she smirked at the male as she placed it upon the floor and she felt the shift overcome her. Plain black clothes that she had been wearing were quickly shredded as her skin grew fur, her hands and feet became paws, her face elongated and grew a muzzle. It didn’t take long for her to be standing in wolf form and she shook out her fur coat. If only there was a meadow to go rub my fur in, she thought to herself as she looked up at Haastal and pressed her thoughts into his mind through the force. ’I’ll be quicker this way, plus people get scared when they see a 150lb wolf barreling at them. The less I have to kill on my way, the quicker I’ll be.’ Redd paused long enough to grab the hilt of the dagger in her jaws and gave a final stretch. It felt good to be in wolf form, this much she knew for sure.

’Because I'm a badass wolf, I won't be too long. I'll get this done within the timeframe.’ With those final words, Redd rubbed her fur against the male, almost as if she was telling him to be careful and she nosed out of the room. Golden eyes looked left and right to make sure that the coast was clear and before she padded off down the corridor, she had one final word left for Haastal. 'Oya!' With that she exited the room and down the corridor that would take her to her destination the quickest.

The moment Haastal landed in the transport he kept his eyes peeled on what laid before him. The room they'd landed in was dark and covered in shadows. Something that had been reinforced by their good luck. Nobody was inside the hold and their infiltration didn't seem to draw any attention. Haastal's eyes flickered over his HUD. The dark overlay was quickly replaced by an azure light that brought illumination to the darkness before them. There was only a single entrance before them and before Haastal spoke a word, his blaster pistol's came from his waist and were aimed at the door. He waited until he felt the subtle tap of Redd's weight down on the ground behind him.

When she said she needed a dagger, the Mandalorian holstered one of his pistols to pull a medium-sized dagger from his thigh plate. He pressed the weapon into the palm of the woman's hand as he looked to her, his helmet hiding the expression he held. But it was one of adoration, all the same. "Stay safe." He told her, before watching as the woman shed her human form for the more comfortable, more savage, form of the wolf. The Lupine within her was bloodthirsty and gods did it turn the man on. He smirked from under his helmet while nodding at the woman. "Just don't take too long." He teased, before watching the Lupine brush her fur against him. He was just about to speak some words when his lips parted, but quickly closed instead.

Haastal followed out of the room, yet as he turned into the lit corridor he kept his blaster pistol's raised. The halls were wide and adequately lit, but the Mandalorian kept his HUD's overlay online. Moving forward, he wondered just how much longer they had before they were discovered. He made his way down the halls, turning from one hall to the next and for some time he didn't have any trouble.

It wasn't until he turned down the hall and two men were walking away from him that he pulled back behind the wall. The Mandalorian holstered one of the blaster pistol's before tapping a button on the edge of his gauntlet. The metallic glove seemed to give out a low whine before the palm's leather seemed to retract to reveal a flexible liquid crystal compound. Haastal turned the corner, calling out loudly. "Hey!" He yelled. The two men moving down the hall, which seemed to be Twi'leks by the long light-blue head taisl that flowed down their backs, turned with an aggressive demeanor. They raised the blasters in their hands, yet Haastal waved a hand to halt their fire. "Wait!"

"Blind em." He muttered into his helmet. On command a deafening explosion echoed out from Haastal's hand. Paired with the extremely bright light that flowed from his glove and filled the hall, it made for a staggering display. The two mercenaries dropped their weapon's, their hands fleeing to their ears as they tried to calm the ringing the sonic boom had caused. Haastal's visor had darkened, blacking out the light and deafening the sonic wave for the moment it lasted. When his HUD came back online he brought his blaster up, aiming for the two mercenaries. Haastal fired off a salvo of blaster rounds, slamming into the mercenaries bodies again and again until finally each of them fell to the ground, lifeless. Walking past the two corpses, the Mandalorian moved down the halls without looking back. Instead, he followed the path that his navicomputer had laid to the ship's hold.

It didn't take longer than a few minutes for the Mandalorian to find the main hold. He was hidden behind an intersection of a hall, his HUD scanning multiple contacts before him. More Twi'lek mercs. He exhaled before pulling himself back behind cover and checking his blaster pistols. "Looks like-"

Then the alarm suddenly began to rain down from the intercom.

Alert! Alert! Intruder on board! Alert! Alert!

Haastal snorted, speaking softly as he concussion grenade from his belt. "Think they mean us?" He muttered.

Redd Redd


Redd claws softly clicked upon the ship’s floor, but it was a sound that most wouldn’t really pay too much attention to and so as she made her way, she heard the sounds of heavy footfalls coming from the direction of the room that housed the engine room. The wolf withheld a growl as she paused only long enough to peek around the corner to see the door to the engine room, but there pacing in front of it, were two guards carrying blasters. She recognised their species, they were Twi’lek species and her head angled as she briefly wondered as to what she was going to do. Slowly, she drew her head back around the corner and took a couple of steps backwards just as she let the dagger fall from her jaws. The dagger clattered to the ground and she listened.

”What was that?” T1 asked and she listened as she heard the rustle of material that indicated a shrug. ”No idea, maybe I should go check it out while you wait here.” T2 said and she took a couple of steps back just as she heard the booted footfalls come closer to her position. Just as T2 rounded the bend, a snarl was issued as she leapt forwards and her front paws shoved him backwards while her jaws found the man’s unguarded throat. Teeth sank into the flesh and tore through his jugular while a gurgled, bloodied scream bubbled from his now blood coated lips. ”What the chit!” T1 exclaimed as she yanked her head back to pull the man’s throat out. It wasn’t the first time that her coat had been covered in blood and it wouldn’t be the last.

In any case, the wolf couldn’t exactly wait for T1 to recover from his shock and she lurched forwards. Paired with her lupine natural gift for speed and her elongated strides, she quickly closed the gap, just as the man brought up his weapon. Jaws closed snapped at his wrist, which caused another scream and the weapon he held, fell to the floor. His steps carried him backwards and she jumped. Her front paws shoved at his chest and he fell to the floor just as her teeth found his throat and more blood spurted out of the torn jugular.

Quietly, she moved away from the bodies of her kills as she licked her muzzle and padded back to the dagger. The shift was quick and it didn’t take long for her to be standing upon two legs once more. Pale hands grabbed the dagger and turned to view the kills. The woman still wore their blood, blood which covered her mouth, throat and chest, but it hadn’t been the first time that she wore the blood of her enemies and she didn’t think that it would be the last. Quiet steps carried her over to the body to pick up a blaster in her free hand before she quickly moved over to the door to open it up and she slipped right in.

That was when the sound of the alarm jammed into her and both of the weapons fell from her hands as she knelt down in pain at the sound. A snarl was drawn forth as she drew in deep breaths to combat the pain, but it only took her fifteen seconds to recover from the initial shock of the sound. Gritting her teeth, her hands grabbed both dagger and blaster and she knew that she didn’t have long. If they knew they were there then they would be engaging the hyperjump to escape. Yet her golden green eyes fell upon the console for the engine and the actual engines itself. Her jaw dropped at the size and she couldn’t help but wonder just as to how she was supposed to disable the damn thing.

Her steps carried her over to the console and her fingers repeated what Haastal’s had done on his own ship, yet she couldn’t make heads or tails as to what each thing was meant to do. Another snarl was torn through her as she lifted the dagger and stabbed at it, but all it did was send sparks flying up at her. So, she left the dagger in the console and moved further into the engine room. How did someone kill a machine? That was the question as she pondered about her potential problem. She glanced at the blaster in her hands and she looked at it while trying to work out how to shoot it, instead, her frustration wore out and she tossed the weapon into the large turbine…

To say that the explosion afterwards was just as loud as the alarm, was an understatement and the initial blast sent her flying back into the wall. Her parted parted as the air rushed out of her lungs, but golden green eyes watched as the other turbines followed suit. One explosion made another turbine explode and the lupine pulled herself up and shook her head as she pulled in a breath into her lungs, because the initial knockback had forced the air out. The ship around them shook with the explosions and she had to close her eyes for a moment to get over the anxiety of potentially being sucked out to space. With the final explosion, the lights flickered and the ship’s lighting as well as the alarm system, went dark. Whatever had happened, seemed to work and she limped over to the destroyed console and pulled the dagger free of it. Well, at least she had done her part.

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Haastal stood in silence, watching as the mercenaries turned down a side hall, leaving the main cargo door's unguarded. The man stared at the empty hall for a spare moment before exhaling, setting the concussion grenade back onto his belt. Seems that they had either found the bodies in the hall or… He hoped they did not find Redd. Drawing his blaster pistol's the man urged himself towards the cargo door's. He kept his head low and his eyes fastened on the path before him. Maybe this could be quick. As the Mandalorian approached the cargo door, he took notice of the panel beside the metallic blast doors. "Breach." His eyes flash over the console and immediately the computer inside of his buy'ce initiated a remote hacking program. It was only a few seconds before massive metallic locks began to echo out in acknowledgement of the remote command the door had received.

The large bay door's began to slide open, revealing a massive hold before the man. Haastal stepped forward. The room was cloaked in darkness, so his helmet immediately activated the tac-light that rested on the edge of his buy'ce. With the light shining everywhere his eyes turned, Haastal inspected crate after crate. Durasteel. Phrik. Ultrachrome. Songsteel. There were hundreds of metals in the cargo hold, but none were the ones that he was looking for. It was not until he moved to the end of the hold that he found the smallest crate of them all. It was still larger than him in height, but only two feet wide. The markings on the crate were Mandalorian, yet the word in Basic that was printed across the title plate was clear.

Mandalorian Iron.

"Jackpot." He muttered. Haastal took a step forward, yet in the next moment he heard a massive explosion. The transport seemed to rock and away for a moment, causing Haastal to fall onto the shipment of Beskar. His metal arms braced himself against the crate as he looked back to the light spilling in from the entrance. "Damn girl...I said take out the engines not the whole damn ship." He chuckled out before holstering his blaster pistol's. Haastal looked back towards the entrance of the hold, realizing a fatal flaw in his plan. "How the fuck will I get this thing out of here?" He mused, glancing back to the narrow passageway he had moved through to reach the Beskar.

When his eyes turned back to the Beskar, he could see the Ray shield emitters fastened at the edge of the ship. The Mandalorian paused, stepping towards the Ray shield emitters as he looked over the wall before him. No, not a wall, a shipping door.

Moving fast, Haastal turned to the crate, ordering his HUD to scan over the Beskar. Once he had the crate saved into his helmet's computer, he walked past it, to the main entrance of the hold. "Let's just get rid of…" he slammed a hand against the control panel, causing the shipping door at the other end of the room to slide open. The abrupt vacuum of space rolled through the room, causing the Mandalorian to have to brace himself against the edge of the hold's main entrance. Every last container of metal flew from the host, flying out into the open vacuum of space. After a few seconds the ray shield came alive, freeing the room of the vacuum of space. Haastal sighed, leaning against the wall before muttering. "Must be out of my mind…" he said.

He turned out of the room, making his way back into the main hall. This time he thought nothing of stealth and nothing of moving slowly. This time he was just concerned with making it back to the ship. He sprinted down the hall until he found the room where they had entered the ship from. Just as he turned into the room, a blaster bolt ricocheted off the back of his chest piece. "Fuck!" He exclaimed from the hard slam of the impact. Haastal growled lowly, pulling his blaster pistol's out and blindly firing back down the hall he'd come from. "Redd!" He yelled out. "Hurry up!"

Redd Redd


The wolf exited the engine room and walked over to her last kill, if only to inspect it for a brief moment. However, that was when she heard the footsteps that were making their way down the hallway and she backed up as they realised that they were coming fast. There was no time to shift and she looked at the dagger that she held, only to pick up the other blaster that the dead man had been about to shoot her with. This is going to be interesting, mused the wolf inside her head and she growled at it to shut it up. This was why she had been training with Haastal to begin with. Training which had turned into something more, but there was no time to think about that as they two mercenaries rounded the corner. ”She’s naked!” T3 expressed and she could smell their arousal from here as they aimed their weapons at her.

Redd growled as she threw the blaster gun that she had picked off of the dead guy and it hit T3 in the head, causing him to stumble and drop his own weapon in confusion. ”You dumb queen,” T4 said in disbelief as she ran towards him with the dagger in her hand. He fired, but it was too little too late, as she used her free hand to knock the weapon in his hand away from her. Her dagger hand then thrusted the blade into his throat and the man gurgled as he choked on his own blood. T3 soon recovered, but she grabbed T4’s weapon before he dropped to the ground and threw the weapon at T3 once again. ”Ch- He cursed, as it smacked into his face and gave her ample time to pull the dagger from T4’s throat, only to lurch forwards. Her free hand grabbed the man’s weapon as he fired, but the bullets were fired wildly and missed her due to the lupine’s close proximity. With that she shoved the dagger into T3’s throat as well and he too gurgled and choked on his own blood.

She paused and sniffed the air as she listened for any more people to come. Upon not hearing anything, the woman shifted back into her wolf form. She took only a moment for her jaws to close around the blade’s hilt and she pulled it free from her kill’s neck. Golden eyes looked at the dead man, but then turned and began to make her way back to their initial insertion point. That was until the wolf heard the wild gunfire and Haastal’s voice. Her mate! He was in trouble. A snarl was pulled from the animal as she sprinted down the hallway and she saw the man that was moving in on the door that they had snuck through. Her jaws let go of the dagger and it clattered to the floor which drew the man’s attention, but the wolf had the upper hand.

Jaws closed in on the man’s windpipe and a feral snarl was pulled from the wolf as her body slammed into her foe’s own. T5 was knocked back by her forward momentum, but it was the teeth that sunk into his neck, that sealed his fate. Redd shook her head from left to right as she savaged the man’s throat, only to pull her head back and parts of his throat ripped free of T5’s body. No one hunted her mate and got away with it. No one.

Golden eyes looked to the room then as she spat out the sections of throat that were still clasped in her jaws and she padded over to the discarded dagger. Quietly she picked it back up and paws carried her back over to the room. As she entered, her ears perked towards Haastal and she lifted her nose, but couldn't smell anything that indicated that his blood had been drawn. He had never seen her wolf self covered in blood before, it would be the first. However, she wasn’t at all worried about his reaction, for he knew what kind of wolf she was. Taking a moment, she let go of the dagger and shifted, only to stand naked before him covered in blood from her face downwards. ”I killed the engine, but…” Redd’s words were halted then as she heard more footsteps and shouted words that were carried along the corridors, so she moved to pick up the bloodied dagger. ”We need to go, there are more coming.”

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When Haastal turned the corner, he glanced back behind him. The blaster bolt had not actually harmed him, it didn't even blemish his armor. Yet the kinetic force slamming into him had been a queen to take. He exhaled before his ears filled with something...unexpected. Savage growls, screams of terror that were quickly washed away by the gurgling of blood and death. Haastal leaned out the room to see Redd. Her wolf form was vicious as it was, yet to see her teeth sink into the man's throat. It caused his eyes to quirk beneath his helmet. "God damn…" he muttered, though his lips were curling into a rather aroused smirk.

Haastal stepped back into the room, holstering his weapons as he glanced back up to the tunnel above them. When Redd padded into the room, he waited for her to shift before tapping into his gauntlet. "Come on." Was all he said, wrapping an arm around his woman and pulling her in close to him. "Let's go." He blinked twice, his eye lingering over the activation indicator on his HUD. The jetpack on his back exploded out, sending the two of them flying up into the insertion tunnel. They leaped into Haastal's ship, his jets cutting just as the tunnel below sealed close. "Hell yea! That is how you steal Beskar!" Haastal raced past Redd, pulling his helmet off and running down the main hall of the ship. He flew into the cockpit, immediately activating the ship's systems. "Come on, come on, come on." He said hurriedly, before slapping the console in agitation. "Come on!" He yelled. The ship finally powered up, causing the Mandalorian to take a seat in the pilot's chair.

He deactivated the magnetic clamps that attached the freighter to the transport ship. As they drifted off the side of the ship, Haastal smirked at what he saw. Several cases of metal floating in the air beside the smoking engines of the transport ship. "Damn baby, you did good work." Haastal called out to Redd, allowing their ship to drift closer to the shipment. As they flew over the Beskar, Haastal activated his ship's tractor beam. The case of Beskar slowly drifted into the light freighters hull while Haastal worked the Hyperdrive system. "Let's get the hell outta here." Haastal muttered, watching as the stars and planets in the far scenery of the galaxy sped past them at light speed.

While the planets and stars raced by, Haastal leaned back into the chair, chuckling happily to himself. "Oh shit. That was fun." He muttered, before standing up and turning back to Redd. "Damn, you did wonderful." Haastal approached Redd, his hands rolling over her crimson stained cheeks before he kissed her passionately. His lips met hers hungrily as he smiled into their kiss. "Come on, lets go check out the shipment." He said, leading the way back to the cargo hold.

Redd Redd


To say that Haastal’s excitement once they were settled back into his ship with the tunnel below them sealed was contagious, would be the statement of the century. A smile lit up upon her face even though she was mildly confused. Where was the crate of Beskar that they had supposedly stolen? Slowly, she began to follow the male’s voice down the hallway of the ship and although she didn’t like flying, the wolf was still running on the adrenaline from the kills that she had just done. A smile curved her lips as she moved to poke her head into the cockpit just as she saw the smoking engines and floating crates. ”I just stabbed the computer and threw a gun at the engines.” Redd said as she watched him drift closer to the shipment.

Redd could feel the excitement that radiated from Haastal and she was quietly happy for the man as he seemed to mutter about getting out of there. Her hand braced her form as he engaged the hyperdrive and she was reminded once again that they were flying at incredibly high speeds. So, the wolf leaned against the doorframe as she watched him happily chuckle to himself and a smile curved her lips. At least he was happy. Alive and well so it seemed, which was all that she could have asked for. If anything were to happen to Haastal, she knew that she would tear shreds off of anyone that dared to travel close to her. If he was still alive but gravely injured, then she would be extremely pushy and demanding that they save his life at all cost. Otherwise, she would rip their throats out.

Such was the way of a protective wolf and she was fast becoming rooted in the life that she was building with Haastal.

While buried within her thoughts, the man managed to sneak up on her and she felt his warm hands upon her cheeks. Her golden eyes peered up at the male as she smirked then and her head tilted back slightly so then her own lips could meet his demanding ones. Oh she wanted nothing more than to rip his clothes off and drown in his scent. Her hands pressed against his armored chest and her nails curled inwards to lightly scrape at the chest piece. However, when he pulled away a growl was quick to her lips, because she wasn’t quite done with kissing the man yet. Although admittedly, she still tasted the blood of her last kills upon her lips and it took her a moment that Haastal himself would have tasted the blood.

It occurred to her that perhaps, it would have been strange for someone who didn’t kill with their teeth, would be willing to taste the blood of others, but the thought was quickly pushed aside as he mentioned taking a look at their cargo. Quietly, her naked form followed him down the hall and she took in the case of Beskar. Her bloodied hand reached out to lightly travel over the crate in quiet thought before she spoke. ”This is what we stole? It doesn’t seem like we stole much of it.” The wolf said as a frown descended upon her brow and she turned towards Haastal, while her gaze slowly moved over him once again to make sure that he wasn’t at all wounded.

”Haastal, I want to do more. I had fun. I also got to kill, but I think… I should have a shower.” The woman said as she indicated to the blood that appeared to be the only thing that she wore. ”I also may need to look at getting something that won’t get destroyed when I shift, some men got a little... “ Redd paused as she angled her head to the left and continued to watch her mate. ”Aroused, before I killed them. I couldn’t shift in time before they turned the corner.” She said in a matter of fact tone.

When they moved into the cargo hold, Haastal laughed again at the sight of the Beskar before him. He looked to Redd and shook his head at her words. "Nah, this is plenty. You could probably craft at least fifty full sets of Beskar'gam from this. At least." He said, walking around the woman as she ran a bloodied hand over the crate. Haastal walked up, tapping into the crate, causing one of the drawers to open, producing hundreds of metallic slabs of Beskar, each one was about eight inches long and three inches thick, yet they were incredibly heavy. He pulled one of the metal slabs from the drawer on the crate and looked it over before handing it over to Redd.

"Usually they refine the Iron with other metals to stretch it and lighten it up, especially these days where it's so rare. Man this shit is worth thousands." He said, before taking a piece and tossing it to the side of the cargo hold. "One...two...three…" he kept throwing the slabs until seven in total were piled up in the edge of the freighter's cargo hold.

When Redd spoke of a shower, Haastal turned towards her and jerked his thumb towards the Beskar crate. "Let me count these up and I'll jump in the shower with you, ok?" He told her, before listening to the woman speak. When Redd spoke about her clothing he stepped back, letting his eyes wash over her wantingly before he shrugged in a playful manner. "I don't know...I like what you're wearing right now." He said jokingly before hearing about the men getting aroused. Haastal snorted, shaking his head at her words. "Glad they're dead." He muttered before bringing his hands up to rub Redd's blood stained shoulders. "Look, let me handle that, ok? We'll get you something new to wear real soon." He promised her. He turned Redd around, pressing lightly on her shoulders before offering her a playful slap on the butt. "Look, go jump in the shower, I'm right behind you." He said, before chuckling. "And brush your teeth. You smell like bloody Twi'lek."

The Mandalorian turned back to the Beskar, counting up the rest of the metal slabs. When it was all accounted for Haastal knew they would have enough for what he had in mind. His lips curled into a smile before he began to pull his armored chestpiece off.

Redd Redd

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