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Jaster Trade Spine

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Intent: To create a galactic spanning Hyperlane from Galactic East to West.
Image Credit: Self Made from Chaos Map created by Quietus
Canon: Route uses four major cannon routes such as the Shag Pobol, Nanth'ri Route, and the Commenor Run



Hyperlane Name: Jaster Trade Spine
Hexes Crossed: 30 Hexs
Start Coordinate: AG, 38
End Coordinate: J, 19
Route Points:

Use of Four Preexisting Trade Routes (from top to bottom)
Shag Pobol, Nanth'ri Route, Commenor Run, and parts of the Namadii Corridor

Speed: High
Accessibility: Specifically used by the UTC and protected by its Corporate Police Forces. It is now available to the general Public after its discovery by the Commenor Systems Alliance of the Kay Express Pipeline.
Route Hazards: The Route is heavily protected by constant UTC Patrols. Local agreements with Pirates and Criminal Syndicate in Hutt Territories protect most ships along the route. Yet the farther you get in Unknown Region, the more problems of pirating you get. The Routes were stable well traveled by the UTC for many years so problems are rare.
Rest Stops: The route has routine stops at Trade Conglomerate Trade Ports and Civilized Sectors so there are regular Gas Stations and Rest Stops. It's not till you get to the Unknown Region that it is Exclusively Corporate Owned Stations and Civilian Stations are hard to come by.

This Route has been in use by the United Trade Conglomerate for nearly 10 years since the break of the Clockwork Rebellion that crashed into the galaxy. It was at this time that the Viceroy of the Conglomerate, Jaster Awaud decided it was unsafe to use shared Hyperlanes and instead spend the needed funds to secure the Secrete Hyperlanes that were to be used by their Trade Fleet. This made their ships travel less known Routes through trading with smugglers or hiring their own scouts. It was over the years that a large amounts of small routes and better known Trade Lanes that the UTC created the High Speed Hyperlane that was now known as the Jaster Trade Spine named after their largest contribute within the Coalition.

It was not till the conquest of the core world of Coruscant and the fall of the One Sith was the future of Hyperlane cemented. Trade Agreements and Stations were constructed as fast as the funds were available. Even the conquest of the Planetary Home of the Conglomerate by the One Sith, the UTC pushed on with its development to the point where I nearly was bankrupt. The Agreements and renegotiation of the all their old allies along with the Viceroy centralizing the political board members of the Conglomerate becoming the only reason to its continuation. Pushed on through pure Dictatorial Rule and arranging of funds for the flow of Raw Goods to their Agreed Partners the last leg of the Trade Spine pushed through exploration and the route finally calculated and marked. However, the Coalition was now deep in debt and was now on the verge of building a much larger Trade Fleet along with a much larger Defense Fleet.

The completion of the Trade Spine was completed with the agreement between the UTC and the Free Worlds Coalition allowing the the Company easy access to the Commenor Run trade route. Along with the Free Trade Agreement agreed between the Commenor Alliance and the Company as well. With these two alliances, the two secrete trade lanes between the Hutt Territories and the Unknown Region were conjoined together at last and created the second galactic spanning Hyperlane though it is not as safe as the other Hydran. It still allows traders the quick and easy travel that spans the Galactic East and West.

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